Sarah - none of the stuff he does at home is for income purposes LOL its all him mucking around with his own projects. So nope nothing to declare there.
I managed to do my portion of the taxes and input Jadyn as our dependent... if i was a single mom i'd get $2600 back LOL but when input Tims stuff he will get to claim her and i don't know what the outcome will be.
Just a side note for anyone who gets big returns - ask your employer to deduct a little less! keep the money in your pocket!! sure its kinda nice to get a few buck back in April, but that is YOUR money our gov't has been hanging on to for you all year... and they aren't going to pay any interest on it thats for sure LOL!
J woke up in a better mood. I neglected her for a few minutes while i did my taxes and when i looked up at her (she was playing nicely in the living room 5 feet from me) her face and hands were covered in snot, and had had a poopsplosion! so in the bath she went LOL Geeze you don't pay attention for 10 minutes and it all goes to shit LOL