hate to break it to you guys:
this is a washer dryer all in one.... im not sure however if it automatically switches to dry after its completed the wash cycle LOL
I was drinking only green tea for a while... but i was drinking like 5 cups a day so i switched to decaf green tea even. i now drink 3-4 a day and i always order decaf from starbucks... i did it to see if it helped with J's sleep (it did not) and now thats its out of my system seems silly to go back...
Tim gets $$ back because of claiming J as a dependent and he contributes to an RRSP that is not part of his paycheck, so the money goes in after he's paid taxes on the full pop, and his work is good about deducting the right amount (especially when he works a crap load of OT). I contribute to my rrsp through my work, although when my work paid me my bonus (i didn't think they would as i only worked for 2 months)i requested the put it in my rrsp so that i would get a little break on my taxes. but essentially Tim will get back around $900 but i have to pay $60. I have to pay EVERY YEAR

but we set up a small rrsp at the bank for tim its only $50 every two weeks and it really makes a difference at tax time for us.
Mat leave has killed us financially. We have blown through any little bit we had saved (which wasn't much, not even a month of expenses), we are living in the deep end of our overdraft, we have put $1000's on our line of credit just and its because i am NOT SAHM material. I get too bored so i would go out and spend all sorts of $$ and now we are paying for it big time. The one advantage i have to being so busy/tired with working all week is i have zero desire to leave the house after work and therefore not spending. But we will eat out both saturday and sunday night and probably order takeout one night a week so i get a break... and thats gotta stop. i guess i just need to find the swing of things now.
There is my novel LOL i best get back to work.