Claire pulled the same stunt today too. Uuuuuuugh. Although she hasn't been sleeping well, thanks to the guy who lives above us. He stomps around like he's wearing lead shoes... we can hear him 3 floors down on our main floor!
I wouldn't even care if we were in a small, tiny house. The thought of not having people living above us (therefore waking Claire up every morning and night) is AMAZING. Of course, MIL was there and didn't overly help, but oh well. It wasn't like she wasn't trying to help, but she kept trying to talk over me then proceed to tell me how Claire isn't "like that" with her.
Well no kidding! She's not the Momma! I politely told her as such too, that Claire is different for everybody else than with her parents. Surely she must remember that eh?
Amanda, it's a phase and we have all gone through it/or are still going through it. Hannah had an incident at the playground today and I had to pull her away to talk to her and go make her apologize. Completely normal and does not reflect you or your mothering/parenting skills in any way whatsoever
I know Melissa! I thought I was going to be sick. It didn't help I had Hannah on my lap and she was leaning against me. I asked her nicely to move forward and she said "but I'm comfortable" so I told her if she didn't move there was a good chance I was going to throw up on her and she moved forward pretty quick
It is so nice out again today! Stan and the kiddo are out back grilling
Oh the tantrums! I think Colin is hitting the terrible 2's early! Tonight we brought him in after playing outside because it was 20 degrees out and beautiful he had a meltdown. He threw himself back onto the floor and proceeded to scream the house down for a good 5 minutes.
haha ya peyton has been freaking out when we have to come inside as well... He seriously was at the door trying to get our as soon as breakfast was over.
Terrible Two's are WONDERFUL compared to three. We haven't hit three with Zoe yet, although she'll be 5 on Sunday but Isaiah....OMG!!!! I can't WAIT until December when he turns 4, and then I have to do it all over again in about two years and two months. Anberlin's an angel baby, the kind every parent dreams of, so maybe I'll avoid it with her.
How is everyone today? I could ! Been up since 4 am this morning with Colin, not sure why he wouldn't go back to sleep. Think it may have been his teeth coming in. Think it's a coffee morning for me.
Ouch, sorry to hear that Meldmac Hope you get some rest soon!
Not up to much here. Its going to be a high of 29c today (!!!!!) so going to get out and enjoy this ridiculously warm weather before it goes back to seasonal temps on the weekend.
beautiful day out... im going for a walk on my lunch break
Can i get a toothbrush recommendation for J from you ladies?? I have one of those finger ones... but J will bite my finger off i want to know what you all use. She just popped tooth #10 her 2nd lower molar
How is everyone today? I could ! Been up since 4 am this morning with Colin, not sure why he wouldn't go back to sleep. Think it may have been his teeth coming in. Think it's a coffee morning for me.
Ditto! Well Jack happily sleeping away, I on the other hand wasn't! Went to the pharmacy today and got some eyedrops as I have conjunctivis now on top of everything else. Just desperately want to get better and get some sleep!!
We walked to baby group today, Jack had a little sleep on the way home but barely any today so will be early to bed for us I think!
It is gorgeous out today! Hannah looks tired though so I'm going to do an earlier quiet time in case she decides to nap and go out afterward I don't need a 4 p.m. nap.
We did go out for a while this morning but we had to keep coming back in so she could try to go to the bathroom
oh yeah we just bought a toddler toothbrush at Wal-mart for the kiddo. I think it was by Oragel to, but I can't remember for sure. Right now she's using one that the dentist gave her......
Morning! Sun is shining here and have the bedding in the wash already to hang on the line. Feeling marginally better. My eyes are slightly less stuck together and Jack's up smiling after a better night. I hope it lasts at least a week before he changes it again! LOL Plans for the day will be a nice walk in the sun I think. Also waiting patiently for baby news (no, not mine!), my 1st cousin back home. She's 18 and went in to be induced yesterday at the IWK/Grace in Halifax so just desperately awaiting some good news about a healthy baby and Mom. No idea on the flavour yet, I think she's hoping for a boy but I have a feeling it's a girl. So that will make my Mom a Nana and a Great Aunt all in 6 months! LOL
Hi everyone...just wanted to direct you to a thread in baby club. As fellow Canadian Moms, I thought you might like to take the time to think about another member on here that's fighting for her life at a hospital in Toronto with bacterial meningitis. I don't know her personally but have seen her post several times. Her husband has been updating on Facebook I assume and in turn, some friends of hers on here have been relaying the info to us. She has 2 young children at home. Please send thoughts and prayers to this family. It hits so close to home when you're a Mom...can't imagine how hard it must be to think she could leave a young baby girl and a little boy without a Mom!
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