Hi guys!
Well, after frantically managing to line up childcare for my first four weeks of my new job, I got a call today to tell me that I can't start Monday because the city police have still not processed my security clearance.

So, trying to look on the bright side: that's an extra week for packing, purging the clutter, and not having to pay childcare?

I'm keen to get going and learn the new programs, so I'm a bit disappointed and frustrated. I took it out on my bookshelves, however! I've got 10+ boxes packed and labelled, a big box for the used bookstore, and am keen to tackle the rest over the next few days. So there! All the crazy energy got put to good use!
Joss - I can't remember if I got grinding, but I sure had stupid amounts of pain. Do you have a pelvic support belt? Those are supposed to be worth a try.

to all those feeling loss right now. I agree, fuck cancer. I HATE hearing stories like the ones I just did. I know it's life and it happens, but it just sucks. It is so heartbreaking to lose people that way.
Vickie - I got insomnia the other night and it reminded me of how much that pregnancy insomnia sucked. So frustrating and horrible! Hope you feel better tonight and your body lets you sleep!
Okay, back to packing for me!