Canadian Moms & Moms to be!

I sort of got to sleep in! Andrew was up at 5:30, but Shawn took him down to his office to watch Lion King while he prepared for his trip (he leaves in a couple hours and isn't back til early Thur morning :cry:). The twins didn't wake up till 7:30 (that's 12.5 hrs for Clara and almost 12 hrs for Ainslie :thumbup:). So I didn't have to wake up until then.

We went to Toysrus to get a second Space Saver highchair and I'm so excited I got a floor model for $20 off! I love the one we have and have already started using it (as a reclined seat, not for feeding) but both babies like it and we're always having to take turns. Now I've got two!
Awww I am jealous of the penguins Sarah! They sound so cute.

We've just been enjoying a weekend of no showings. I wish this Place would just sell though, I am having big doubts now though. We will only be able to keep it listed for a month or 2 max because of the baby and we also need to put a new roof on the house, the storms we've had have blown a lot of the back shingles off so we could get leaks.

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate this house? It's like we can't get rid of it and it's a money pit.
Hey, popping it to say hello! One very tired momma here, thankfully I just have a meeting tomorrow.
:hugs: Maggs

Your girls are great sleepers Amanda!! :happydance: I hope Rhys takes some lessons from them :rofl:

Good luck with the showings tomorrow Joss.

:hi: Lisa

Sorry you had to get up early Sarah but it sounds like it was more than worth it :D

we've had a really busy weekend and tomorrow will be pretty busy as well. I need to put a few things away and clean up a whole lot of stuff :rofl: Hopefully I'll sleep tonight so I can get it done. Hannah's has a dance "recital" tomorrow evening (I don't think it will be much but them showing us what they've learned) and we're going to take her out to eat afterward. Really looking forward to it :)
Sarah---Snow! You can bloody well keep it there then! Saying that, it could turn around and snow here anytime too. Better check the weather for the week to see what days we're stranded in the house for the rain. And yes, still jealous of the penguins ;)

Amanda--Am with Vickie, very jealous that your girls sleep so well! I'll knock on wood for you just in case. Jack slept till 10 to 6 this morning, had a good feed then back till just after 8. Definitely liking this routine better than the 4am/6am routine 2 weeks ago. I think that was him just trying to gain back the weight he lost when he was ill.

Vickie--Is Rhys the name you've picked for your little boy? Lovely name! I know a few boys called Rhys.

Joss--I hope you get some interested people soon! I hate waiting for things like that. Have you got any idea on what flavour the little baby will be or any names picked yet?
I hate waiting too, our house has been for sale for 6 months now and I'm sick of cleaning for showings. I have to clean this morning and then go do barn chores with 2 tired and cranky kids because the 2 showings we have today are between 11-1
Oh I forgot to post this earlier...yesterday morning I went to tidy up Molly's litterbox (as I do every morning) and there was blood in her urine. So took her to the vets and she's got a bad bout of Cystitis. 2 shots and a week of anbitiocs later and we're home. She already seems to be on the mend but still quite quiet. Just wondering if anyone else have a cat with this before? The vet told us it could be down to stress and it makes me wonder if she's peeing blood, how often could she have had the infection without us knowing! I feel so bad thinking she might have had it for a couple of weeks. Another thing too was Saturday night, DH was out back smoking and she snuck out and he couldn't get her in so she was stuck out all night. Granted she's got a couple of sheds out back she can go into and she has a thick coat of fur on but it was cold enough to be a bit frosty the next morning. Poor wee thing!
Yeah I'm worried their good sleeping is too good to last. Andrew was a good sleeper at this age too, but regressed at 4 months. However I always rocked/nursed him to sleep and the girls fall asleep in the crib, so I hope that will help us avoid a regression. Fingers crossed.
Maggs, I hope your cat feels better soon. It's so hard to tell with them since they can't necessarily tell us :hugs:

I hope the girls keep sleeping well for you Amanda.

Have fun at the recital Vickie.

I second you keeping the snow Sarah, it's 20 degrees here today and beautiful, and my meeting was cancelled so I can enjoy it.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that there's no major regression for you Amanda if you send some of that sleep dust my way ;)

Maggs is that like a bladder infection? We once had a cat (when I was a kid) who got one of those and peed blood out. He was fine after the round of meds :)
I hope your cat feels better soon, maggs! One of our male cats used to get bladder infections alot. But I dont know about cystitis?
Hope your cat feels better Maggs.

Joss you could reduce the price. We really needed to sell 2 years ago and we figure we weren't going to get what we were asking and caved in. Our house sold 2 days after the reduction and really we didn't lose that much in the grand scheme of things.
We could reduce it a couple k.... but it is already priced really low, we had reduced already. And if we don't get a certain amount we can't sell it, we actually had gotten an offer awhile ago that was really low but we had to decline it because we wouldn't have had enough to buy a new house.. We're kinda screwed because we need a certain amount for a downpayment plus all the other realator fee;s etc.

Plus my MIL is still on us for some money Tom owes her which she is demanding we pay back once the house sells. We won't be able to though. I will likely have to ask my mom for some money if we can't sell it for what we need.

We're really in a shitty position lol... we have no savings because this dump has cost us so much and still needs work. But it is being a real pain to sell.
Oh man that blows Joss. I hope you find a buyer soon. I hate selling its so emotionally draining.
Hi guys!
Woke up with a sinus cold, so kind of glad that I didn't have to hustle two tired toddlers out the door and get myself to work for an 8am start this morning! I would really like to start this week, though, so hoping the security clearance gets processed by tomorrow! A Wed start would be ideal!
It's still chilly here but the sun was out, so we played in the backyard all afternoon. Result? Two very filthy, happy little boys who came in and inhaled their dinner. The bathwater was grey by the time I got them even semi-clean. The dirt is worth it, though. Simon was running around the garden, digging and poking in the soil, and yelling, "Wake up, worms!!!!!" Tobe just did that duck-bum waddle-run of the Under-Twos right alongside him and yelled very seriously whenever his older brother did. Ah, my heart. Those boys. :cloud9:

Maggs ~ :( Awful about your friend. How absolutely horrendous for her whole family, but I agree, the thought of that little boy is just heartbreaking. :cry:

Vickie - I'd pay good money to Miss H in a dance recital! :) Bet it was crazy cute!

Joss - is staying put and doing renos a possibility? You and Tom are both pretty good at DIY, right? Maybe it would be easier to modify the house so that it works for your family? That might take the pressure off having to sell? It's so stressful. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time of it. :hugs:
Maggs- I'm trying to remember, but there might be some good preventative foods for cystitis. I'll have to look it up and see if it the same condition I am thinking of! :)
Well that might be our only option sarah... But we have been in thie house doing reno's for the past 5 years and im sick of it. No matter what you do to this house it is always going to be small and unsuitable and ugly. There really is no possibility of it ever working for our family.

We have to start looking at roofing because the wind storms have ruined our roof.... it also needs a new furnace and it also needs to be re-sided.

We have lived here with no savings or money all this time because all we've been doing is pouring money into it. I hate this house. We don't get to go anywhere or do anything because we have been working on reno's for so long long. I just want a house we can enjoy and live in comfortably. Tom will have to go on midnights when Jasmine is in school so he can see her and the set up is going to make it hell for him to have to sleep during the day.

I just hate it... I can't stand this place and I want it gone.I feel like im trapped in the house from hell and it is so stressful on us all... I am going to hate this stupid place even more ina couple months when we take it off the market and will have wasted 8+ months having numerous showings each week. I can't even have people over because its so small that there is nowhere for tom to go and hang out alone while I have playdates or anything.


I hope your cold goes away soon sarah! And I hope you clearance goes through so you can start work.
:hugs: joss i hope your place sells real soon!

Hope the background stuff gets cleared up quick sarah!!,

Maggs im gonna appologize cause i feel like i always ignore your comments... i do read i just sometimes am on my phone or tablet (like now) and typing is a pita and by the time im in my laptop i forget :hugs: i hope your kitty feels better soon.

On night #2 of operation get some effin sleep. J is sleeping now in her criband has been since 8 :15 but who knows how bad its gonna get tonight... last night was pretty bad :(
Sarah your boys are too cute!!!

Maggs I hope your cat feels better :hugs:

Joss sorry you hate your house, it must be so stressful trying to sell. I did feel bad for Tom he looked sleepy when we were there. It'll be better when it's warmer and we can go outside.

Sara hope you get some sleep tonight!

Tonight is going to be Joni's first night in her crib... Hope it goes well! I'm excited to have our bedroom back to ourselves :)
Vickie--Hope Hannah has fun at her recital. She soulds like a right bundle of energy and personality :D

Joss--:hugs: you sound so unhappy there! I really hope something comes through soon. Are you planninh to stay in the area or are you relocating away?

Sarah--glad you had fun with your boys. I'd think by your stories and Vickie's...your kids would cause some chaos together LOL

Sara--I hope you had a better night!

Melissa--good luck moving Joni into her crib...I hope it went well!!

We had a bit of an off day here at times yesterday and a horrid night too. Think teething + growth spurt. Still amazed at the amount of food Jack ate yesterday! And he's only a tiny boy...that's what shocks me the most. Then he kept waking sort of every 30-45 mins from 8pm-12:30am, so finally gave him some tylenol and brought him through and fed him. Then he was awake again at 4:45 and up for the day before 7. *yawn!!* He cut his first tooth over the weekend, think the 2nd is due any day now. Molly seems on the mend for now, still sleeping loads though. The woman I've mentioned...her obit is in the paper back home today :( In lieu of flowers, she's asked for donations for an education fund for her little boy. Could cry every time I think of it. Our kids might drive us nuts sometimes, but things could be so much worse! Treasure all your babies today everyone xx

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