Canadian Moms & Moms to be!

Met up with Wendy at the science centre yesterday! :)
We spent the morning together and actually managed to have a conversation while dashing after Helena, Simon and Tobe! :)

And I got some antibiotics for this stupid cold (that I have now had for a month) and woke up feeling so much healthier this morning! Yay!
Glad you two had a nice meet up! Sounds fun :)
And Sarah I can't believe how blonde your boys are!
Glad you had a good time!! I wish I could meet you and Wendy!!!
congrats to your friend Maggs :)

glad you had a good meet up Sarah! :)
yay for meet ups!! Glad you feel better Sarah.

Very busy still - work, being a mom and trying to have my own life is difficult LOL.

I think j is starting to teeth her 2 year molars :wacko: she has all her other teeth (has had for about a month) and 2 days ago the drool started, and the hands in the mouth... and now the coughing at night.
Hi everyone!

Home from Calgary :)

Having a mini bnb meetup on Tuesday at my house with STIINA!! and Jess (I dont think they know who eachother is haha) and Jaylene and I wish Terri, but Justine said she works? :(

Can everyone please just post in this thread :haha: I cannot keep up with journals AT ALL. :( I miss talking to everyone!

Elliot is almost 10 months old! He started walking around furniture so I think he will def walk before his first birthday. Still nursing and everything is going great :)
I am the world's worst journal reader too and it makes me feel like such a shit! I always have good intentions.. and then I get pulled away or something :(

SO jealous of the meet ups! I was in Peterborough this weekend getting too much sun lol. Saw Snow White and the Huntsman though... :thumbup: Back to the grind though... work/physio/OT/GP this week :dohh: Plus soccer, swimming, ballet (I actually have to miss Elyse's recital because of stupid work, but I'm a little fresh there to ask for time off :()
have fun at your meet up wendy!!

im so excited True Blood is on in an HOUR!! LOL
So glad you guys got to meet up Wendy! And super jealous of your meet up on Tuesday!! Have lots and lots of fun girls! :hugs:

Doing well here. Had Claire's first official "accident" today since we started potty training two weeks ago. We were at my parents and she was too afraid to go on their toilet (its really tall and they didn't have a stool, we forgot ours). So she asked to go on the potty twice, but when I brought her in she freaked out and refused to use it.

Then she peed all in her pants and whatnot. She was VERY upset about it, but we kept calm and explained that that is why we use the potty, not pee in our pants. :rofl:

I had to force her to sit on the potty the next time, she kicked and screeched (while peeing, got it EVERYWHERE :sick:) but after that calmed down and pooped and peed on it without any fuss. :thumbup:

Whew! :rofl:
Glad you had fun Wendy! I'm jealous I'd love to meet jay, Jess and Sarah!!

Tasha how did you like snow white? I really want to see it but I can't convince Tom to go lol
:rofl: Oh no Tiff!

Glad you had a good mini-vacay Wendy!

Hope your sunburn heals soon Tasha!

It was gorgeous here today!
I will try to post in here more Wendy :flower:

My update:

Andrew is doing awesome with the potty lately except poops. I hate toddler poops...nasty. I also hate those liquidy baby poops that go up the back. With three in diapers I deal with a lot of shit :wacko: Shawn s teaching Andrew some French and I'm blown away by how quick my kid is catching on. He can't count to 5 consistently, but he can pick up a second language :haha:

Clara is much happier now than her first three months, but is the mst distracted nurser ever. Drives me nuts. All she wants to do is coo and squeal at me. I've even tried breastmilk in a bottle a couple times, but she gets distracted with that too. She's also been waking once or twice at night after weeks of sleeping through. She does go immediately back to sleep though, so it coud be worse. I've contemplated sleep training, but somehow knowing she (and Ainslie) are my last babies makes me a little extra sappy when it comes to things like this.

Ainsle used to be my chill angel baby, but she has recently found her voice and I swear she's trying to crawl (lord help me!). She rolls on her tummy every chance she gets, which is funny because Clara hates tummy time and rolls back on her back as quick as she can.

Me? I'm gradually getting used to being at home more. We try to venture out in the morning two weekdays and the other days we stay at home and sometimes host a play date. I've recently been enjoying baking which has been great for my boredom, but not so great for my diet. I'm thrilled I've lost 46 of the 63lbs I gained, but the last bit is taking a while. Breastfeeding twins burns calories like crazy (about 1000 calories/day), but it also makes me super hungry. I only need to stay under 2700 calories to lose 1-2lbs/week, but it's embarrassing how often I go above that :blush:
I'm finding it hard to lose that last bit of weight too Amanda....way harder than with Alia. I think I just comfort myself with food after a long stressful day with the girls.

Wendy have fun at your meet up!!! I'm jealous too, I want to meet YOU! Come to Ontario?
I'll try and post in here more often too, but I'm pretty good with the journals :haha:

Tasha are you back at McD's now?

Joss I'll go see snow white with you!!!

Okay mini update on my family:
Alia - still a little spark plug...does not stop talking. Ever. She's stringing together 10-12 word sentences, even using all the correct conjunction words, and even uses "because, maybe, while", etc. properly. She can count to twelve and then starts randomly saying a bunch of numbers with "teen" behind them, and then proudly yells "TWENTY!!!" :haha: She absolutely adores her little sister and is always showering her with hugs and kisses. She loves bringing her toys and always wants Joni to be included in our activities. She's starting to really use her imagination and will make all her animals talk to's pretty freaking adorable.

Joni - Rolling both ways but seems to prefer being on her tummy most of the time. She's starting to army crawl and can move herself in a circle around the play mat. She can also log roll across our playroom :lol: She's still using her first two fingers on her left hand as a soother and I could not be happier about that! She's getting up once or twice every night to nurse but overall is a pretty good napper/sleeper. She loves watching Alia play and run around and just smiles all the time at her. Currently breastfeeding but I have introduced solids, she gets one meal a day and she's been having a little trouble with digestion, despite me giving her prune juice daily :dohh:

Me - I'm playing soccer again once or twice a week and it feels great! DH is just entering his busy busy time on the farm so I don't get much time to myself anymore. I'm still loving being a SAHM....exhausting but rewarding :cloud9: As previously mentioned I have about 7 lbs still lingering from cooking little miss Joni. Someday I'll lose it haha.
Tiff- poor C... it happens though! Elyse has pooped on the seat SEVERAL times :wacko: She sounds like she's doing great though!!

Amanda- you look amazing in your pics, seriously so impressive for having 3 VERY young kids! I can't believe the girls are 4 months already & way to go with French Andrew!!

Melissa- the girls sound great :) Glad you're back at soccer & having fun too.. you deserve it!

Joss- Snow White was good, surprised I didn't want to kill Kristen Stewart- she wasn't bad in it. Wanted more romance but was worth seeing :) Chris Hemsworth? Or whoever plays the Huntsman is soooo attractive too :cloud9:

Back @ McDs, was transferred (long, irritating story) and I'm a lot happier where I am. Different capacity in ways too... anyways modified duties/reduced hours, but I am getting my lost wages replaced pay by pay... it's frustrating and tiring but it is what it is basically.

I really want to be back in school FT in 2013... wanted to do massage but pretty sure this weekend my arm proved it's a hideously awful idea in terms of pain. Thinking of RPN, but I also worry because of my hand... and I'm angry about being limited by it, but I start counselling this week and I'm working with an occupational therapist too
I'm jealous of all your meet ups too but glad you're all having a nice time!

Melissa--Thanks for the update on your girls, they're just coming on in leaps and bounds now aren't they! Is Alia good with Joni?

Amanda--I read your journal last night but I'll post here anyway. Well done on Andrew for doing so well with potty training! And I'm glad the girls are doing well too. Funny how they're completely changing their personalities now. I can't believe how well they're doing with finger foods...Jack didn't master that skill until just a few weeks ago. Now he loves his cheerios and other things tossed on his tray :)

Our big update this weekend is (drumroll please) We have a baby on the move!! Jack started full on crawling this weekend. Look out!! LOL He's been army crawling for a bit and now is up on his hands & knees and off like a rocket. He's got a runny noise too at the moment and I think he's cutting his top 2 teeth. Thank goodness for my teething anklet I have for him, so far he's taking it all in stride. Last week of my maternity leave begins now...back to work on Saturday *sigh* Slightly optimistic about it but still sad nonetheless. Think it will really hit when I'm gone for hours at a time. The thing I'm most concerned about is the lack of money...gonna be a rough few months possibly.
Haha ya after a long day with the kids all I want to do is snack and eat! Not a good evening habit lol

Melissa, you look great and I'm sure you do too Amanda! Glad the potty training is going well though!

Oh ya Melissa I would love to go see it! Just let me know when, I wonder how long it's going to be playing for....

Maggs- congrats on Mobil jack!!! The fun is starting!!!
:wave: Yay for Jack crawling! That's the same age Andrew started too.

This morning all the kiddos slept in till 8! :happydance: Well I mean Clara woke at 6, but went right back to sleep. I've got zucchini cranberry pumpkin seed muffins in the over and my brother and sister (the twins) are coming to spend the day. I love visiting with them and I also love having three adults to three kids. :thumbup:
Have a fun visit Amanda!! I love it when I have an even number of adults to kids too :lol:

Yay for Jack crawling!! :happydance: It's a whole new ball game once they're on the move eh? Joni is getting dangerously close to crawling haha...Alia crawled at 6 months and Joni seems like she's going to follow suit.

Joss tomorrow night is cheap night and it plays at 5:10 and 8:10...would you want to go then or is that too little notice?

Just got back from play group and Alia didn't want to get out of the car haha. I unbuckled her and she was frantically trying to do the buckle back up, she wanted to keep reading books in her car seat :lol:
Brian has been off work for a looong time because he was on vacastion, and then he was on strike and thnen with engineer training he has been home a lot, so I am used to having him do everything and going out lots, so its gonna suck after tomorrow because I will be stuck at home a lot too. I bake and get fat and don't play soccer haha.

Sounds like all kids are doing awesome. Man, Alia is a genius! I was looking at old baby videos of H and she was unbelievable too. I didn't know it until I had Elliot (who is super clever too!) But I had no idea H was so smart. (That sounds bad)

Tiff _ Helena still pees her ponce in awhile and it sucks. Its good that Claire felt uncomfy! Hopefully that sticks in her head eh!
:shock: Was gonna say, holy hell Alia!!! That's amazing!!! :wohoo: Well done kiddo!!! :cloud9:

Yes, I remember H being super-kiddo as well Wendy. :hugs: Well not that she isn't now, but I think you were the first of us to move H to a bed because she figured out how to climb out of her crib crazy early, right? :haha:

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