Hi sweetpeas!

Am almost halfway unpacked! Woohoo!
We've been stay-cationing it up as well, as husband had holidays over the last week, so Stampede shenanigans, AMAZING mountain days (we saw a grizzly and cub!!!!!

), and just chilled out picnics at the wading pool park.... bliss!
I feel like I am finally unwinding after weeks of insanity!
The new house is lovely. The old place is all clean and signed off on - not my problem anymore! Both Zoo and Parks jobs are calming down to a nice pace.
Life is very very good.
So, I have skimmed more than read over the last few days. Sorry!

From what my swiss cheese brain remembers:
Quick hi to Jasmak! I second Vickie:

that it took you you so long! But a huge welcome, nonetheless!
Butterfly - tough situation. I wish I had more suggestions, but I'm in Alberta.

Wishing you all the best and welcome to you, as well!