
That's nuts! I hope it's just a very bad joke, too. And that they catch whoever issued it. Disgusting.

I will also be working 2 out of 3 days of the long weekend. At the Zoo, so it should be crazy busy but fun.
I am trying to get a sense of my work schedule for the fall. Juggling two on-call jobs really kind of sucks sometimes - it is just such a crazymaking task to try to get hours and then any childcare I need. I like both jobs and both places a lot, but I sure wish I could get an hours commitment for a guaranteed number of hours a week. Sort of like I need to be part-time, rather than on-call, maybe? Not a lot out there like that, though. Blergh.
Otherwise, life is pretty great. We went down to Waterton National Park for Mon-Tue to hook up with my parents, so got some camping and hiking in (saw a black bear and cub

), then came back here to do all sorts of stuff for Parks on Wed, then had parents overnight last night. The boys got some nice visiting time with the grandparents and Mum got to see our new place.
We are having some friends over for a tea party this afternoon, so I am cleaning, tidying, baking, etc right now. Am contemplating putting up some artwork today. That is the only thing that has not been unpacked yet.
Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!