I had a GREAT day leading birdwatching tours at the bird sanctuary!

Then I came home and we ordered take-out from my favourite Japanese restaurant, followed by a positively divine cake (lemon and coconut) and a very nice bottle of wine!
And today, I got to go pick out my present: a new wallet! I have used a very beat-up old canvas travel wallet for almost a decade and I recently discovered these really fun wallets and picked out this one:
So, I felt very spoiled and pleased and have been having lots of fun trying to fit my kajillion cards and crap in it!
So, I had the weirdest thing happen today. I had to clean up our garage a bit as we are storing some things for my brother for awhile. I started on it just after four and got really focused on sorting and cleaning. The sun was out, the boys were playing in the back yard so I kept chatting to them as I worked, and after what I figured was about an hour and a bit, I thought I should go in and toss dinner in the oven.
I walked into the kitchen and the clock said 7:30. I checked all the other clocks, thinking that this could not be right, but it was. I somehow entered a worm hole in the time space continuum. I swear up and down that I could not have been out in that garage more than an hour, but apparently I had unwittingly put in 3.5 hours. I actually felt quite guilty. Poor husband had been frantically trying to call me for two hours, as he had a late call and knew I needed to go pick up my brother and his stuff at 7:30. He was starting to get really freaked out that I wasn't answering the phone. And the boys got dinner at their usual bedtime.

Maybe I should have asked for a watch for Mother's Day...