Delightful. Went to buy less than $30 of groceries today and had my debit card declined. No way that should have happened so I went straight home and opened my account online only to discover multiple withdrawals from a "foreign banking system".
Awesome. I just got robbed of over $700.
Thankfully, the thieves didn't explore the possibilities on the card info. We had our LOC linked up to that card for convenience's sake over a few larger purchases last year. That could have been thousands of dollars in damage. I have to wait for the fraud department from my bank to verify everything, then I should be reimbursed.
Not feeling particularly stressed - more just annoyed at the extra hassle, and really really grateful to the powers that be that the damage was relatively minimal.
And I am anal about covering my hand while puttin in my pin, etc. So the most likely scenario is that I was the victim of one of those card reader devices that get slipped into certain debit machines. The online bank lady said to never pay at the pump. That is the most common place that the card reading occurs. I was like, um, most places don't even give you the option NOT to pay at the pump anymore, but thanks for the advice?
Anyway, what a weird day. The laryngitis has me sounding like one of the walking dead, something really shitty and violating happened and i was strangely unstressed about it all, and I spent most of the time having a really nice visit with my parents. What an odd day.