We usually take the boys down to Prince's Island Park for the big City-sponsored Canada Day festival, but pretty sure that's cancelled as Prince's Island Park is riverside and one of the worst hit by the flood. Blergh!!
I know that my famliy has been super lucky: lots of people lost all their possessions and have massive damage to their homes. I am bummed by my job sites being down and feeling somewhat trapped at home. Boohoo, right? I get it. I'm not really complaining, per se. More just trying to figure out what to do...
My kids have cabin fever and I'm not sure where to go. They need to play outside, but all of our usual places are no-go zones - even the mountains!

Why? Well, even the places that are now accessible again are questionable. Want to hear super-nasty? All the flood crud is drying up into a delightful, toxic, airborne dust - basically an aerosolized form of e.coli/etc from the dried-up flood waters.
Am seriously contemplating moving myself and the boys down to my parents in BC wthin the next week. I was heading over there anyway on the 17th. The only problem is that I would be on my own. And would I go crazy FOR SURE if I had to try to wrangle those two with no break for several weeks.
Hence the dilema: what to do...? Am trying to figure this out over the next few days.