I'm ready to go back to bed myself.

Claire was up SCREAMING (and I mean screaming!) at about 3am.
Went in to try and settle her, which is a recipe for disaster because its always better if P deals with the nighttime stuff. However, P woke up and was like "What was that???" and I mentioned it was Claire, screaming and crying for us. He's like "Okay". And flops back under the covers. I waited a moment, then said "sooo I guess I'm dealing with it then, lol?"
And he goes "What do you want me to do??" and I said "Go in there!!!" to which he said "BUT WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???"

So I was all whatever by this point and went to try and calm her down.
She said something in her room scared her, but wouldn't tell me what.

So it took me almost an hour and a half to calm her down. Finally she did but then freaked out when I went to leave. Gave up at about 5am and went back into our room, P was like "So I guess its my turn?".
Then gave me crap for not talking to him about it and just going in myself.

So I told him our whole convo about it then he said he must've been asleep.
Omg I neeed coffee. I fell asleep last night on the couch from about 6-9pm then because of that I was up until almost midnight. I'm actually falling asleep sitting up at the computer!
But we've got errands that have to be done today as I have a baby shower tomorrow so having a nap atm isn't a possibility. Boo.