Canadian Moms & Moms to be!

I only got one that early with my first pregnancy, because I asked to be put on a cancellation list and they called me early :hugs:
Hi Kat!
I'm in Alberta (Calgary) and with my prenatal care, they sort of assumed I would get the u/s & bloodwork testing done at 12 weeks. You had to opt out of it.
I think it depends on your clinic, but the 12-week screening is pretty routine, I think.
Congrats on your pregnancy!
Long, tired day for me. Tobe is much much better today. His breathing is much easier and he's full of (cranky) energy. Way less coughing, too. Hopefully he kicks this quickly. I feel so tired today. No idea why. Except for, you know, two kids and a three year sleep deficit? :)
But now I'm paranoid that the fatigue is the precursor to me getting the gross and nasty cold.
Lots of packing and cleaning to do over the next few days. Just thinking about it makes me want to hibernate. :xmas15:
Im glad Tobe is doing better! :)

Not much going on here - finished the last of my wrapping and now I can relax until Christmas! Which I cannot believe is in just over 6 days! :shock:
Oh man - forgot to share this and kicking myself for not taking a picture.
I told Simon to pick out some good playclothes this morning and that I would come in to help him dress. He scampers in to his room and tells me that he can do it himself. About five minutes later, he emerges wearing a turtleneck with the neck around his waist and his leg through one of the arms. It looked like a weird high-waisted kilt with one leg in a skinny legging! And he had a shirt on, as well. A bit tangled up, but one arm and the head was through.
Not bad, Simon. Not bad at all.
He was mad when I took off the turtleneck - he called them his "cozy and comfy pants"...:rofl:
cozy comfy pants :rofl: such a funny kiddo.

i had a rough day here, but j went to bed very easily - first easy thing to happen for me today. im fully expecting AF to show up in a few days and i think its mucking with my hormones. been a teary day over nothing.
Sara, I am suspecting that my cycle might be returning, too. I swear I ovulated last week and I have been a huge moodwagon these past few days.
ugh ya, whenever I get my period it makes me tired and cranky for a few days before!

I hope you feel better sarah!
Glad Tobe is better but hope he isn't so cranky today, Sarah!!

Been a few, thanks for the insight into dog breeds (and the link Rach, that's awesome). I don't feel like I am any closer to knowing what I want, lol.

Elyse took the cord portion of my phone charger and was calling it a jumping rope yesterday. Of course I took it away from her, and now I can't find it & my phone is dead. Yay me.
And regarding ultrasounds. I had one around 5 weeks, 11 weeks, 19 weeks, and 25 weeks (plus one when I was in the hospital to get induced). 5 weeks was basically to find out how far along I was... 11 weeks was prenatal screening.. 19 weeks was the only 'for sure' ultrasound here... 25 weeks I paid about $130 for a 3D/4D ultrasound (money very well spent IMO, it was one of the best experiences of my life)
you definately should look into breeds which have less health related issues... Boxers are known for health problems due to their poor conformation and breeding. So you need to shop around. I like small dogs too but they tend to be noisier and some arn't as good with children.
Definitely! We're lucky that Giz is good with Claire but I've know other Shih Tzu's that are snappish. My friends have Chihuahuas and I'm terrified to let Claire near them. :blush:

Although Miss Jess has 2 Chihuahuas doesn't she? Josh is good with them. :shrug: I dunno, its hard to say really... you never know what kind of temperament you're going to get!
I bet N would give anything for normal AF bitchiness from me right now :haha:
My bitchiness level has been increasing steadily as I near my due date.
I keep watching the dog whisperer and I think it's called puppy 911 or during the day, and hearing over and over that yes, while dogs generally all have natural tendencies depending on their breed, that most behavioural problems with dogs ie: jumping up on people, barking, nipping, etc are mostly down to dogs not knowing their order in 'the pack'... as dog owners do you guys agree/disagree? I'm trying to decide if I am going to try to keep convincing Andrew to go for a small dog, lol. My favourite dogs are big dogs too but I do like small dogs as well and want to be reasonable.
I think there is some truth to that tash, but the different breed tendancies of purebreds are instincts that have been bred for years to do certain jobs etc. I love german shepards, growing up we had a lot of them throughout the years, they are a dog who needs to be outside a lot and they naturally just arnt as patient.

Our lab on the otherhand spent the first year as a kennel show dog, and several years alone with tom. Yet despite being older when jasmine was born, he has been the most patient, lovable dog ever, the kids can seriously do anything to him he he has never once growled or shown any aggression. Becausew labs are naturally bred to be patient and calm.

Since my mil breeds high quality labs I've seen tonnes of kennel and breeding dogs who all show the same personality. We've seen labs come back from neglectful homes, labs who've been kennel dogs for years etc and they are all super amazing dogs.

Some breeds just arnt as patient or calm no matter how they are brought up.
Like Beagles? :haha: This poor beagle who lived in the row of condos behind us kept baying every time someone came around. Their owners would open the sliding glass door and yell "ENID!!! SHUT UP!!!!" :( Poor dog. Its her natural tendency to bay, they were bred for that.
The only dog I know I will never own is a German Shepard. Man, my friend had the CRABBIEST one. Hated that dog.

Taking Elliot to see the family doc today. Hopefully he actually looks at his tongue and listens to me. *sigh*
Good luck Wendy :hugs: I hope your doctor listens to you!!

Sorry no help on the dog front, but you already know that :lol:

We did have a small dog growing up, a fox terrier, and she was great with us kids. She was extremely protective of my brother and I though. I remember one time one of my niece's (she was much bigger than me even though younger :rofl:) had pinned me down and Angel (our dog) growled at her (which was extremely out of character for her!) That was really the only dog that I have ever had though, we had her for most of my childhood and she had to be put down (cancer :() when I was in my first year of university).

It's been craaaaaaaaaazy here today. And I'm grumpy as well :blush: Poor Stan. I think I'm just exhausted from our crazy weekend and I still see so much that needs to get done/that I want to get done before Christmas that it's stressing me out. I did get a lot done this morning though and after I've rested a bit I'm going to go through H's stuff to see if any of it will work for Amanda and pull it out/take pics etc. After that Stan can email one of his friends and see if he wants anything, otherwise I think the rest is off to charity :)

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