Ok, well here is whats going on with me. Did all the blood work from the fertility clinic, then went for my ultrasound, long story short, they were not able to do it. I have too much scar tissue and my cervix and uterus are in a weird postion. No one can seem to tell me what exactly weird is, its not really facing backward but it really isnt where it is supposed to be. The u/s tech said she had never seen one so bent/twisted before, I asked a million questions and I know she isnt allowed to tell me anything but she was awesome, she said thats probably exactly why I cant get pregnant. Which all makes sense now, she also said they would prolly never be able to do the HSG one either. There is no way anything can enter my cervix, thats awesome birth control, lol. So, I have another appt at the fertility clinic on Thursday morning, I have a feeling she is going to recommend IVF or something, but I am going to ask for surgery. I want this all fixed, sex is sometimes painful (I can never go on top) and my paps usually have me in tears. So, we shall see. Damn hurry up and wait is killing me, I am too focused on my age I think, but I know I dont want to be 40 something and having 2-3 babies, I am 36 and need to start NOW....however, if surgery is an option, I am sure it will take months before I can get it, grrrrrrrrrrrr. This whole journey has been such a heartache. I had a dream the other night, I was holding this chubby, babygirl and the love I felt, I knew she was mine. She smelled so beautiful, does that make sense? Its been 15yrs since I have had a baby and I miss the smells, the innocent smiles, yes even the gas and poopy bums!
I will let you all know what happens on Thursday and I am sorry I been away so long, it just been kind of hard for me right now.
Thanks for listening, hugs to all!