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Can't admit to anyone else...

Ok so I have been reading up on the moot test my doctor wants to do at like 10 weeks when I go in February. I thought is was a car test at first but thankfully I was wrong. Anyway, noir testing the results come in 7 to 10 days after the blood test and it even tells you the gender! So I might not have to wait until 20 week scan! Omg I am so excited!!! I need that pink bump! Feb 10 can't come soon enough!!
Ah is that one of the tests for chromosomal abnormalities MrsH..?
That's great for you if you don't have to wait so long!

Cant believe you other ladies scans are only days away now, how exciting (nerve-racking..!).
Yes memmaJ the doctor wants me to do that because I turn 40 in July and baby is due in September. I am so scared it is a boy. Knowing they are doing the test in feb and I will be able to find out my mind is saying "do t get excited, it's another boy" hoping this thread is lucky for me too.

I am so glad we have this thread to keep me occupied. I cannot believe how big the thread is now! Some great friends! Thank you ladies!!

Ok who's next CMC right?
Mrs. H, I'm the next one. My scan is on Saturday so 3 days away. I'm getting so nervous! CMC is after me by 9 days I think. That's awesome you get to find out earlier than expected! Everything crossed for you. I'll be sure to stay on here and keep following everyone even after I get my results.
Eeeeeeek, I can't wait to find out what everyone's having!!!
Hello lovelies

Congrats Meep I am so happy for you!

SIL I am counting down with you! I know how nervous you must be feeling but at least you will finally know. And I am sure that is a big part of the anxiety -the not knowing. Once we can process boy or girl it does help put you on a definite path. I also had those exact same feelings of worry over the health and viability of my baby. I think it was a subconscious reaction of guilt to my obsessing over the gender. But how can we not! Will be thinking of you on Saturday.

MrsH hooray! What a fantastic thing that you can find out so so soon. The little weekly goals I set would be lunch dates with friends, shopping sprees with my mom for clothes for ME, gym workouts (gross but very distracting) and outings with the kids. I don't know how but the time really did fly. Even with all the morning sickness which felt interminable.

With my anterior placenta I am getting loads and loads of kicks. Started at 17 weeks with a few prods but now she moves around all the time. So I guess it depends where it is situated. In the 4D scan you could see her lying with her head against my placenta like a pillow!
With my last son my placenta was anterior and low (almost covering my cervix!) so I think it was 'out the way' enough for me to feel kicks higher up from 15 weeks.
This time it's anterior and high so I'm just not feeling anything. Occasionally (when I'm laying flat) I think I might have felt something, but it's so faint that I just couldn't say for definite.
17 weeks tomorrow so maybe it'll come soon, I really hope so :-(
Seeing my midwife tomorrow so at least I'll get to hear the heartbeat for the first time and might be able to stop worrying about it (temporarily, haha!).
At 17 weeks it's still hit and miss from my experience whether what you feel is definite baby or just other body processes! But in a few weeks for sure the movements will start getting stronger and more rythmic with this whole anterior placenta business.

But yes luckily you can hear the heartbeat and be put at ease, which I am finding I have needed all the way through until I could feel (and now see!) the movements from the outside :)
Jeez I am stupidly nervous today. I'm really regretting not asking OH to come. He's at work now so it's too late :-(
I can't wait to hear about your experience hearing the heartbeat! So exciting! You will do great!
Good luck Sil & Mem. Can I join? My 20 week scan is on 30 January and I'll be asking the sex if they can get a good shot :)

Sil, I think I guessed girl for you. Be sure to update your gender prediction thread xx
Of course wish :) Mem got her girl! Right now there are a few of us here (me hoping for girl, cmc hoping for boy, and mrs. h hoping for girl - am I missing anyone?). All the ladies who got their gender confirmations stick around too so it's really a lovely place to be for support. What are you hoping for?

Ladies my scan is TOMORROW! Oh my gosh...I'm so nervous. I can't believe it's finally almost here. The anxiety is driving me up a wall. I can't wait to find out.

Mem, how did the heartbeat appointment go?
Thanks Sil! Can't wait for your update. I have a slight preference for a boy but OH wants a girl so either one really. Wishing everyone the best of luck!
I heard the heartbeat *phew*..! Still stressing over no movements though, I can't help myself even though I know I'm being totally illogicle.

Aaaaahh can't believe it's tomorrow! Sorry for being thick but this thread is so long no that I can't keep up; have we seen any Nub shots from your 12/13 week scan..?
It's classic pregnancy paranoia I think ... I'm doing it to myself too ... I'm feeling plenty of movements, yet on both my scans, she hardly moved at all and I've now managed to convince myself she's either got poor muscle tone/is partially paralysed, or has got herself stuck in the position she was in at the 20 week scan (legs out straight and feet over her head, as seen in the pictures)!

I know I'm being an idiot, but somehow, I just can't help it and keep Googling for similar stories lol. And telling myself that all the movements I am feeling are just her arms waving about, even though I know she probably doesn't have the strength yet to punch with the force I am feeling (I can feel her from the outside), and that it is much more likely to be her legs. I'm paranoid she's going to be frank breech and have no leg muscles and come out with her feet over her head and stay stuck like that for ages after she is born and have hip problems. :( Aaaagh.

Glad you got to hear the heartbeat. I am sure everything is fine!


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Wow that is one flexible baby..! Haha! I'm sure once she gets bigger she'll get herself into a different position (if she hasn't already - and I'm sure you do know that really!).
You're right though, we do torture ourselves and usually for absolutely nothing..!
Welcome wish! Is this your first? I also had a STRONG preference for a boy with #1.

SIL tomorrow!!! Oh my word that's gone so quickly. We will be waiting for your news in excited anticipation! Can't wait!! I may just check in every 10 minutes!

Mem so glad you can relax more now after hearing the heartbeat. Whew! I know how anxious I was too until I could feel regular movement. You still have a few weeks till you should feel definite regular kicks with your placenta so don't worry. I think mine is to re right and so I feel loads on the left.

I know it might sound absolutely awful of me but I think now that I know this is my last baby and I am getting the daughter I've always dreamed of, I am extra anxious that everything will go smoothly with the pregnancy and birth.
I'll be checking here a LOT tomorrow! What time is your scan SIL?

That's understandable Danny -
this is the last time you're going to experience any of this and although it's different and extra special because you do have your girl, you feel extra protective and cautious, and of course still want to make sure it all goes smoothly!

Can I seek permission for a bit of a ranty/'what would you do/am I being a douche' type post please..?! Not gender related, but pregnancy related and I feel we're all friends on this thread now, haha!

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