Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Well girls after a very stresfull weekend which consisted of spotting, cramps, really sore back and lots of tears I had an apt with doc yest and heard a lovely heatbeat.

I was so scared going to the hospital but it all worked out well in the end. Of course my doppler arrived fri evening and i spent the weekend trying unsuccessfully to find bubs who incidently decided Im not going to bother moving for a few days here just to totally scare the crap out of mum - little brat!!!!

When doc was trying to find bubs hb yest i realised why I couldn't fnd it. Baby is way further up than I thot. You would swear I had never been pregnant before - I feel like a complete novice at this. :dohh:

Doctor gave me three more scan dates so I know I will be scanned at least three more times. First one in two weeks.

Hope everyone is well.
Sorry to hear about your scary weekend Beanbabe:hugs: Good news about the scans though ! I get nervous before each one, half excited and half dread.

I'm doing ok at the moment. Celebrated my sons birthday on Thursday. We always go out for dinner, have a cake and give the girls presents. It's hard and horrible, but I can't let it pass without remembering.

I have my big scan on Thursday ! My other ones were all done at the 18-20 week mark, don't know why they want to do this at 17+2.... Looking forward to it, a little bit.... I really want to CONFIRM the sex and see that everythings a-ok in there. My bump goes up and down at the moment and I know thats sort of normal, but it still freaks me out a little. I'm also having constant groin and back pain, I think it's SPD (thanks Dr Google) but I don't think I'll see the DR this Thursday.

Kids go back to school tomorrow ! And we're going camping on Friday night ! Just for the night though - at the Safari Park, wonder how uncomfortable thats going to be ?? Dh leaves for Sri Lanka on Sunday, so the next few weeks will be :sad1:

Time for an update is everyone ?:flower:
Welllll.....I saw my midwife today and it is only about 3 weeks until my next scan! I bet the bubs will be much changed since my six week bean! haha My blood pressure is great, no sugar in my urine and I decided to go on mat leave on October 20th! I am so pumped about being home. Also, my OH is finally moving in on Sunday! His sister has been assigned some permanent care and we no longer have that huge responsilbility hanging over our heads!

ALSO...I forgot who it was that said they were getting their hair colored despite the debate about preggo's using hair color. Well I was a master colorist for 10 years and saw my fair share of hair color during my pregnancies...I never had an issue. And stylists have more color on their skin then any person could have during an entire pregnancy!
i'm just feeling awful. lot's of hurling this morning and stretching pain from hell! I feel horrible moaning like this when there's ladies out there who would kill for ms and stretching pain. i have now officially outgrown ALL my pants! i am now forced to go and buy bigger ones. I'm massive. wanted to take a bump pic and upload - but can you believe i can't find our digital camera???? it's just gone!

AND wait for it!!!! I've taught my live-in domestic cleaning lady how to cook!!! so she's taken over supper duties now.... i tell you - it's a HUGE load off my shoulders. I use to get home from work at 6pm then cook - and we'd have supper at about 7:30.

V - how long do you get to take maternity leave for?? we get 4 months paid leave. and then if we want an additional 2 months unpaid from the company. so i'm thinking about taking the extra 2 months and then claiming UIF from the state - maybe - i dunno. It won't be nearly as much as the company pays me (only 45% i think) but it's better than nothing right?

My next scan is 27 September. it's still a long way off. he schedules one every 6 weeks because the prego's is progressing well. but says i can call if i feel i want a scan sooner or have issues. I love my doctor! he's just so reassuring, straightforward, caring and professional all at the same time!

Kit - how are you doing?
Hi girls! HOw is everyone?

I had a wonderful holiday in Tenerife and think I felt Bob move for the first time while I was there!! It is not a propre movement but definite flutterings!!! I am 18 weeks today and have my anomaly scan two weeks today on 8th sept. IAm really excited about seeing bob again but worried inc ase there is anything wrong!

I am developing a small bump and think i am finally startin to look pregnant rather than just fat!!!
Where the heck is my ticker??? Man that annoys me!
Ladies! how's everyone doing?? I think maybe i'm starting to feel OK. hurling has stopped for 3 days running now. fatigue seems not be as bad. I'm growing rapidly!! i had to go buy maternity pants yesterday - because my normal ones are useless!! attached is a bump pic. this is how HUGE i am.


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Well today is pretty nerve wracking for was a year ago today that my sister in law gave birth to her son who had died. Parker was born sleeping at 39 weeks. We spent the morning clearing the apartment of any and all baby "stuff" and nothing broke my heart more then my OH and his father being so broken that they couldn't even take apart the crib set. So I went in and untied the bumper, folded and put away his jungle blanket, and folded his sheet. Then putting away all his little diapers, and his wipes. All those small little things that you get excited about, having to get rid of them was devastating.

And now a year later they still sit in a room in the basement. Just waiting.

Being pregnant on this day almost makes me feel guilty and selfish. But hearing my OH's parents say "We can not be excited about this baby until we hold it and see it breathing."'s a terribly lonely feeling. None of his family is daring to be excited. And it is tearing me up inside. I feel cheated out of what should be a wonderful experience. Am I crazy???
Oh V thats a tough situation. Reading about your nephew and what you's had to do is heartbreaking so I could never imagine what its like to actually have to deal with it in reality.

Im sure that your oh family are excited about the baby but are cautious - just like we are. However I think they could be a bit more discreet about their feelings. Sometimes I depend on other peoples positivity to help me through and I think that they should be giving you that support. Im really not surprised that you feel cheated - I know I would. Perhaps a quiet word to say that those comments hurt would be in order. Maybe tho when this time passes and Parkers anniversary passes they will start to be more involved.

Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes on this difficult day
V - my inlaws were the same with my first pregnancy. there's a history or losses on their side and when i got pregnant - they didn't have a positive comment to impart. they didn't even get excited. Not even the day i went into labour. it was AWFUL and hurtful and like you i felt very very cheated out of an experience that should have been magical for me. half way through my pregnancy, i started to not tell them anything anymore. because the cheated feeling was a whole lot better than the dissappointment when they didn't get excited or at least the slightest bit curious. and when my son was born, they were the happiest people in the world - (he's the only grandson to carry on the surname which would end otherwise) and honestly i felt like they didn't have the right to be that overjoyed at the birth of my son. and that's how i felt for the next 2 years - that they didn't have the right to get excited or to be proud about anything regarding my son. and sadly - it's what caused the breakdown in our relationship. my point is - i should have ignored them and their chirps or concerns etc and not have taken offence or allowed myself to feel so much over their "rejection". I should have had the opinion or at least voiced - quietly but firmly - that if you don;t have anything positive to say shut up and quit comparing me to everyone else. i should not have tried as hard as i did to get them excited, as excited as my family was (who incidently also has a history of losses. The worst being my baby brother was born sleeping 39 weeks because of doctors negligence) basically - i should just have continued on my merry way not letting them ruin it for me - each unto his own. Maybe i would have felt differently when bubs was born. Maybe the past 2 years would have turned out differently.
But this is YOUR pregnancy - this is YOUR magical time. and where i feel for SIL and their loss - it shouldn't be projected on you to this degree. Don't let it eat at you to the point that you forget about YOUR journey and to be happy for yourself. remember the stresses of getting to that 6 week mark and then the 12 week mark? remember how happy you were? how happy we all were? nothing else matters more than you and your baby. and at the risk of sounding insensitive - if they don't like it they must lump it. It's your God given right to be excited - don't let somebody else take that from you.

But like Beanbabe said - perhaps when this anniversary has passed they'll be a little more optimistic.
Hi girls how is everyone.

I am good in terms of pregnancy, hubby even took me out window shopping for nursery furniture yesterday!!

However it is the last day of the summer hls today and I really dont want to go back to work tomorrow:( I have got used to being at home and still get really tired so not looking forward to work, I wirk in a special needs school wot the most profoundly disabled children but I have benn moved into a new cclass from tomoroow because they are worried it is not safe for me. I love my old class and am reallt upset that I wont be with them anymore
:hugs: smiler!

Bubs is kicking like crazy today! and it kicks when i need to eat - coincidence? just had an awesome sarmie - avo on wholewheat. i'm so greatful for my appetite returning. just now i'm hungry all the time! it's like the food goes into my mouth and straight to bubs - completely bypasses my stomach.

had this strange dream last night - gave birth to a little girl and we named her emily - and she weighed a wopping 5.5kgs!!! she came out smiling! i tell you, it was almost ceepy!
Are people feeling proper kicks yet or just flutterings? I am 19 weeks tomorrow and I still only get flutterings. When should i be feeling proper kicks?
Hey girls, sorry I've not been around much ! I can see everyone's doing well though.

I had a my anomaly scan last Thursday, which was great ! We are 100% BOY ! I'm a little worried though, because they couldn't see a few things they wanted to see. The dr said it was because they did the scan so early (17+2) and because I have an anterior placenta. Despite all the reassurances, I'm completely terrified that it's because there's something wrong ! I know deep down thats really silly, but thats pregnancy.

So, I don't feel any movement either much. I felt movement earlier on, like 12 weeks or so, little flutters and such , but that was before the damn placenta got in the way ! I use my doppler daily for reassurance. I know everythings ok, I just want to feel those kicks already.

Not much else to say really....just wish I could stop eating and sleeping !


The second trimester is kind of dull. Not much happening, long way from the beginning and still a long way to the end.....

(tumbleweed rolls past)
Well a lot is happening right here in my world...cause guess what???

Well, V......

Congratulations !!!!!!!

Thats good news ! I'm very happy for you !! In fact, I'll have a celebratory piece of cake for you :winkwink:
Congratulations V, really happy for you!!!!!

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