Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I think my numbers are in my siggy...Ive been having cramps on and off for two weeks now. They move all over my tummy so I am sure it is not serious but it still freaks me way out. Ive been getting EWCM as well! Lots of creamy but sometimes it is EW too.
Ha I'm not disgraced at all ! If anything I kind of feel the same way.... I am SOOOOOOOO tired all the time, I cannot get a thing done. After last nights nap, I couldn't get to sleep until about 3am. Then this morning I got up, took the kids to the bus stop, came straight back home and straight back into bed at 8am (it was still warm and so comfy) thinking 'i'll just have a lie down' :sleep:. Next thing, it's 11.30am, I have done nothing, my house is a mess, I have to do some errands in between child pickups and I feel so blaaaaaaaaaaaah. I can't think straight because all I pay attention to is my own body.

How about this for TMI - diarrhea !! every couple of days, I get a savage bout, always at night and always after eating. Dr Google says it's a progesterone reaction and some people get that more so than vomiting. Can't say thats a blessing, I'd really rather not have either:nope:

I haven't got a ticker yet, because I'm not precisely sure how pregnant I am. I'm pretty confident it's 6 weeks, but I just want a bloody US !

MommyD - I'm waiting for the emotions to start...I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with you. As I was reading what you said, I was thinking 'oh yes, I know that feeling !'. I'm still feeling half pregnant and I think that will last until at least the 2nd trimester probably longer.

Morning half preggers :)

So, I rang my doc and asked them to do a blood test. She was kind of luke warm about the idea, but she's said it's ok if it will help me worry less so I have an appointment at half 11 today :happydance:

She did say that she wouldn't want the results to be 'falsely reassuring' though - what's THAT about??!!! I thought that if your levels were right then that meant that things were pretty much sure to be ok at the moment?? What have your doctors said about it? She also reiterated that I won't get an early scan unless I start to have really bad pains or bleeding, so I might have to tell some big fat porkies in a week's time - or do you think that's tempting fate too much?

I'm sorry you're feeling so shattered all the time Smudge. I think it's fine to let things slip a bit at the moment though - a messy house isn't going to hurt, so it shouldn't stress you out more than you are already. I think if you need to sleep then you need to sleep and you might as well enjoy it lol.

My stomach's in an uproar too. I'm not sure how much is hormones, how much is the vitamins and how much is the stress. I do feel wonderfully sick this morning as well - hurrah! :D

I hope you're not feeling so low today mommyd? Feel free to off load if you need to.

Hugs and oodles of preg symptoms to everyone xx

Nausea has hit me in spades this morning. not even food is helping. I'm feeling sooo tired. OH had to get me left over chinese food at 12 last night and a glass of coke cuz i was SOOOO hungry. i ate it with my eyes closed! Laying on my side in bed under the covers!! i just couldn't keep my eyes open and eat at the same time.
And my boobs are SORE :happydance:

KitKatB - the way i understand it - the level of Hcg is not nearly as important as it's doubling factor. so to get a true indication of whether everything or most things are fine you'll need to get 2 sets 48 - 72 hours apart. Low Hcg levels have gone on to be successful pregnancies.

Smudge - i'm with you all the way on the can't think straight part. I'm actually thinking i should put in for a few days of leave so i can just stay home and sleep!!!!
I need to hurl!!! my PA is in the bathroom - she's going to hear me gag!!!! WTF????
My word! Congratulations on all the symptoms mommyd, but I do feel for you! Could you say you've got food poisoning or something and take the day off sick? :hugs:
:blush: sorry bout that ladies.
i dashed into the mens loo instead. PA seems to take forever in the bathroom.

I am actually going to mosey on down to the food court down the road to get something to eat and fresh air. maybe some movement will help.

I'm very tempted to say I've got food poisoning or something - but i reckon the nausea is going to get even worse and then i'll have to play that one. Actually what i may do is work from home in the afternoon. not that i'd be working - i'd probably be sleeping!!!

I feel like such a drama queen - and it's so hard not to feel optimistic with all the hurling, fatigue, sore boobs, excessive emotions. I'm not feeling half as crashy as i did yesterday - actually today I'm not feeling.

Do you guys think it could be the progesterone meds wreaking havoc like this?
Ha, no need to apologise! I guess the progresterone meds could be exacerbating your preg symptoms, but I don't reckon they'd be that bad if it was just the meds :) I hope the walk and food helps.

I've been for my blood test, but I won't get the results until Monday apparently. I said about having a second one, but it was a nurse that did it and she said she didn't know about that so she'd ask the doctor who would speak to me about it when i got my results. That means it'll be longer than 2 days between tests though, so I guess I'd have to adjust my calculations. They basically don't seem that on the ball with it!
hey there - the walk and fresh air helped stacks! the food calmed the queasiness for all of 30mins.

KitKatB - monday? that's an awful long time to wait. I'm feeling anxious for you! holding thumbs for you that everythings 100s for you hun!

Hey smudge - are you getting more bloods done?
I'm glad you managed to stave off the queaziness. It's very exciting that you're feeling so bad though, if you know what I mean?! LOL

Yeah MONDAY - rubbish isn't it?! I don't know why I'm surprised though - when I went in with bleeding and cramps when my MC started I had to wait 5 days for a scan!!! They seem to be of the opinion that as there isn't anything they can do, there's no rush! Never mind my mental state...
that's just awful!
I love my OB. I don't know what I'm gonna do when he retires. he quite old - like maybe pushing 60 or so. but he's a lovely man who is so in tune with his patients but is medically sound also - you know what i mean.

I know a friend who went via state healthcare here when she gave birth - and OMG, did they treat her cr@ppy. everything was at their pace. she was in so much labour pain - and all the nurse said to her was suck it up - you wanted a kid. and the other nurse was like - "you're exaggerating".

FX for you KitKatB.
Glad you got a blood test KitKat ! I have another one today, but I won't get the results until tomorrow :growlmad: I want a scan ! In fact i'm going to demand one tomorrow or Monday.

I'm jealous of your hurling MommyD ! I haven't actually vomitted but I have really wanted to sometimes. I did read that a lot of early pg symptoms are caused by high progesterone because thats what keeps the hcg going in the early stages, so taking extra may be giving you the extra strong symptoms !

I'm noticing that my symptoms are stronger at night. During the day all I feel is TIRED and like I'm walking around in a fog and I just need to lie down all the time. At night, especially after eating is when I start to feel really sick. I'm having problems getting to sleep, even though I'm so tired, it's like I just can't get comfortable. I can't sleep on my front because my boobs are so incredibly sore and I toss and turn all night.

I'm feeling a little better today actually. I think it's because I know I have so much to do that I just can't spend any more time doing nothing. I also forced myself to eat a tub of yoghurt for breakfast :sick:

Ok, well I've got to get myself ready for the blood test and then I've got a million things to do and if I sit here any longer , I'm going to fall asleep......:sleep:
My doctor is nice and quite sympathetic, but that doesn't seem to influence the treatment that she'll do unfortunately. She just goes with what is obviously the standard procedures for the NHS (our state health care) and it's a real effort to get her to bend the rules a bit for me.

I wish my symptoms were more definite too. I've been coming out in sympathy with Smudge though and have had some really bad bouts of funny tummy today. It's probably because I've been getting so stressed out about it all.

I hope the blood test went ok and obviously that your results are bang on. Do let us know asap xx

Hope you've stopped throwing up mommyd and everyone else is ok?
I have had a few sicky mornings but no throw up yet...I was so sick with my last pregnancy so it makes me nervous that I am not sick. Wait no I did toss my cookies when I took my vitamins on an empty stomach. I had a god awful sleep last night. I think the B12 supplements are helping with my fatigue though.

When I got home tonight I had a call from my doctor that I have to reschedule my friggin appointment. Its on the 22nd already! I am such a bundle of nerves though I am going to get on the phone and play a boo hoo card to see f I can get in sooner.
I had a tense day :dohh: I got myself all worked up over not really feeling sick today. Seriously I've had the least sick day ever ! Even now, at 11.40pm I don't feel as sick as I normally do.

On top of that, for the last day or so I've had this pulled muscle feeling on the right side really low down, just above the crease between my thigh and stomach. It's not really painful, it's just THERE and all I can think is ectopic.

I get the results of todays blood test tomorrow and I'm going to push, push, push for a scan. I'm nervous about both - I want to see if everythings ok, but at the same time I'm dreading bad news :nope:

Oh and I've been in the foulest mood all day and taken it out on my kids and husband :devil:
I had that funny cramp feeling too on my left side. I kept telling myself it was a tubal as well. Now it comes and goes but man I had really worked myself up about it!
Morning all,

I'm sorry you had such a bad day Smudge. I had a couple of days where my symptoms seemed to lessen too, but they came back yesterday with a vengeance, so I'm sure yours will too. We probably wouldn't even notice these things if it wasn't for our histories - I'm sure it's completely normal :hugs:

The pains could be ligaments and things stretching? I think that's one of the prime places for that. Your hcg levels were so bang on, it is unlikely it could be ectopic. Hopefully you'll be able to get your scan and put your mind at rest.

Good luck getting your appointment earlier VGibs.

Monday is seeming so far away right now and even then that's not going to provide much reassurance :( I need just one day not thinking about all this, but I don't know how to do that!
MOrning all.

I get those same pains Smudge! i keep thinking ectopic......But it's been switching sides. and i get sharp jabs at times. I'm thinking if it were ectopic i should be in pain right now - right? or can ectopic go on undetected???

PLEASE LET 21 JUNE come soon!!

not quite sure how i'm feeling this morning. watched the greys season finale - how traumatic (of course i balled my eyes out from the moment it started) started feeling nausea coming on - so i started eating Pringles lightly salted potatoe chips. But other than that i am SOOOOO tired. had the worst sleep last night ever. like i was fast asleep but not quite sleeping???!!! I'm thinking my 2 year old can go spend the night at Granny's - sleepover! my mum would LOVE having him. i hate sending him but i just need ONE days sleep that goes on until 10am. he opens his eyes at 6am EVERY morning. which is fine during the week and weekends pre-pregger. and because he has no siblings - mommy has to double as one when he wakes up at 6am. :sleep::sleep:

how are all of us feeling?
I had some super duper sicky feelings this morning...then I was starving hungry so I had a bite and then the sick feeling came back immediately! GRRRRRRRRRR
My DR's nurse rang this morning and left me a message about yesterdays hcg test.

She said the numbers were FANTASTIC and I have to come in for a scan !!!:happydance:

When I called back, she'd already put my chart away and couldn't tell me what the exact number was but she said it had 'way more than doubled'. I have a scan booked now for Wednesday at 2.30pm, which is 123 hours away..... how am I supposed to friggin' wait that long ?????:growlmad:

Anyway, I'm still not as foggy and blah/sick as I have been, so even though thats good news, I'm still petrified something has gone wrong.

I have a massive 4 layer fancy pants cake due to be picked up in 6.5 hours (I'm a cake decorator/designer) and I can't be arsed to get in and finish it.

Hate, hate, hate being half pregnant !!

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