Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

with a cycle length of 33 i usually OV at around 21! so it all depends on your LP really... that and crosshairs on FF are in the region of + or - 3 days :)

this cycle i didn't OV till CD25 and because of this, my MW thinks i'm further on than i am... and this is why she has organised a scan to date me properly for 12 week scan :) i also had a retroverted uterus and although they say go with a full bladder, the sonographer i got told me it's actually myth that you need a full bladder, infact! it's easier without a full bladder especially with a tilted uterus... who would have known
Ahhh yes a tilted uterus can play havoc with early scans!
I wonder if my uterus is tilted forwards, because I always show fast and my 6w scan showed up with abdominal u/s quite easily, although Bellybean took some finding due to hiding right snuggled up into my lining.
it may be lozdi - but by 12 weeks i think it rectify's itself :flower: i had an anterior placenta too >___<~#
I asked where my placenta is at my NT scan and he said he thinks it is across the front but can tell better at a 20 week scan. Bellybean's HB is very obvious through my belly, so not really convinced I have placenta at the front. I think its on the left side. I'm going to ask at my gender scan...which I just realized is in 9 days time!
Hi Pichi and congratulations, my motto is take things one day at a time and try not to worry chick :hugs: Good news you have caring nurses that offer you a scan and soon you'll see the miracle that is going on in there!!

I went to my 12 week scan with a full bladder but had to empty it halfway and she got a better picture! Early scans they usually do internally and you need an empty bladder for that.

So come on Loz, how often do you listen to Bellybeans hb??? I cant wait to hear mine at my midwife appt on tuesday!!

Debzie, yep, i was totally convinced i knew exactly what date i ovulated but they actually put me forward 5 days, must have implanted quickly!! I think there can legitimately be a whole week either way depending on the circumstances so try not to worry too much. The days are ticking down to your scan :hugs:

Big hugs to everyone and I hope you all have nice plans for the weekend?? xxx
I'm very strict with myself about HB listening, its twice a day, morning and night, but I'll check a couple of times extra if I am ill, which I have been this week. Just a cold, but it wasn't pleasant. Almost over it now.
I had a scan at 9 weeks due to some spotting and I went with a full bladder and had to empty it half way too! Everytime I go with a full bladder the U/S tech is like, wow you did a good job drinking, LOL. Apparently I must hold way more pee than most people LOL.
Ohh I'm really excited about your gender scan loz! 14 weeks already!!! X x x
I had a scan at 9 weeks due to some spotting and I went with a full bladder and had to empty it half way too! Everytime I go with a full bladder the U/S tech is like, wow you did a good job drinking, LOL. Apparently I must hold way more pee than most people LOL.

Haha, I hold a lot of pee too! At my 8 week scan I said to the soo sorry my bladder isn't very full, because it didn't feel full but apparently it was very full. It displaces my uterus in the morning too and I don't have crushing urges to pee, I think I have a reinforced bladder!

Hey Fili! :hugs:
Bump how are you doing? How did the d&c go? I hope you are as ok as you can be right now. :hugs:
Hi everyone .... I just wanted to say finding your thread and reading your progress has helped me a lot this past week.
I had a MC at about 4-5 weeks in Dec and just got my BFP by blood at 7 days past ovulation this month, my HGC numbers have gone from 7DPO-2,9DPO-33,12DPO-217 :) the MC my numbers were only checked one time and they were a 41 maybe or a 21 ( hard to remember now) and that was 2 days after my period was due and I miscarried 3 days later ( well my numbers went to zero)
So I know it looks much better this month I'm just nervous because my actual AF is due tomorrow..... I miss that blissful pregnant state , I have 3 beautiful healthy children and never worried about a thing with them it seems , except my son but that was well into the pregnancy when I had to worry about him ( was induced 5 weeks early)
Anyway its awesome having all of you guys post your progress even the sad ones because it reminds me to take it one day at a time.
Hi Crystal! Welcome to the thread :flower: I'm sorry for your loss :hugs:

I know how you feel- my 2 boys went perfectly and the thought of a mmc never entered my head. With this one, the most early days were the most scary for sure, and one day at a time is literally the only way to get through!

Whats your plan? Will you be having an early u/s?
Hi Crystal :wave:

Yes we never know whats going to happen and 99% of the time we cant control it so we need to concentrate on lookin after ourselves and biding our time. Congrats on your BFP, lots of sticky :dust:

Hi everyone
The d&c went as well as it could have gone I was a bit poorly after with low bp and almost fainted twice but I was allowed out same day x I du no if anyone is good with dreams but everyone's opinion would be helpful I dreamt last night I had a baby and I saturated to cry and when asked whi I was upset I said that I k ew I was dreaming and that when I woke up the baby would be gone.. Also I was surrounded by ppl I have fallen out with over the time I've been thru these losses and one by one they disappeared and I was left standing alone.. The. I woke up anyone got any idea what this could mean xx
Hi Crystal! Welcome to the thread :flower: I'm sorry for your loss :hugs:

I know how you feel- my 2 boys went perfectly and the thought of a mmc never entered my head. With this one, the most early days were the most scary for sure, and one day at a time is literally the only way to get through!

Whats your plan? Will you be having an early u/s?

well they are going to try and scan me in about two weeks as long as my numbers are over 1500, I'm suppose to get a progesterone check today after begging a dr to write for one. I feel so yucky today kinda sore like AF but I guess that is normal for the first part right?? my AF is technically due tomorrow. And I'm terrified It will all be over tomorrow..... like unreasonably scared :(
Hi Crystal :wave:

Yes we never know whats going to happen and 99% of the time we cant control it so we need to concentrate on lookin after ourselves and biding our time. Congrats on your BFP, lots of sticky :dust:


Thanks :)
Hi Crystal :wave:

Yes we never know whats going to happen and 99% of the time we cant control it so we need to concentrate on lookin after ourselves and biding our time. Congrats on your BFP, lots of sticky :dust:


Thanks :)


Welcome, Seems we are in the same boat I had two losses lat year and I have a 4 year old that Mc did not even cross my mind with. Now I am terrified I am 4 days late with two possitive pg tests. I go in on Monday for my hcg blood test and I'm really worried Hopefully we both have sticky beans.
Aw Bump, im glad its all over and done with and you can now begin to heal in all ways :hugs:

as for your dream, obviously dreaming about babies is going to happen, the amount of times ive dreamt about babies and being pregnant is unbelievable especially after my mc last year. Its only natural, its your minds way of getting out its frustrations ... maybe try talking to your OH or a counsellor?? I wasnt recommended to one straight away but when i eventually went it REALLY helped me ... i only saw her once and she really gave me a lot to do and think about.

Massive hugs to you :hug: xxx
Hi Bump :hugs: That dream says to me that it was a dream of grief. You just went through a horrible loss again, and the pain of that came into your dream, and all the people you have fallen out with were in it because they too are something you feel you lost. I don't know the circumstances of how you came to fall out with those people but I suspect it had something to do with them not getting it? Not being appropriately sensitive? Its a sad dream, but its not how your story will end, its simply your subconscious attempting to deal with your losses and feelings. I was terrified of dreams after my mmc, so much so I didn't go to bed entirely sober for a whole month, I always had one large beer and that saw to it that I didn't remember my dreams. I'm not suggesting you take up drinking, just saying how I managed the immediate dream aftermath.

I'm glad they let you home the same day, the last thing you need after that is to have to spent a night in hospital. :hugs:

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