Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Oh my goodness Bump I'm so sorry hun, I know nothing I can say will ease your pain but my heart is with you. What will you do? Will you have a d&c and ask them to test baby to see if there was something going on incompatible with life? They can't just tell you it will be ok next time after so many losses. Is there any tests at all that they might have missed out? Please don't give up, right now you can;t see a happy ending I know, but you must not completely give up hope. :hugs:
Hi girls

Would it be ok if I joined you. I found out last week that I am pregnant again after a miscarraige at 6 weeks last Dec.

I am very cautious and scared of everything and i just wondered if any of you had faced lower back pain and AF type cramps in the first trimester?

Great to hear your stories - it gives me hope that this little bean will stick!

Cant wait for the 12 week horror to be over xxx:hugs:

Hi Happys, of course you may join us! :flower: I had a lot of lower back pain and AF type cramps early on, I still get the back pain now but not had the cramps for a few weeks. Its a scary time early pregnancy- but the only way to get through is one day at a time! :hugs:
Thanks guys and loz I've literally had every test possible :/ I'm having a d and c tomorrow and they are doing tests on baby but it will only tell me why that particular one happened if it tells anything at all :(
Ohh Bump I just wish I could come over and give you the most massive hug ever :hugs:
Me too, Im so sorry Bump, i cant comprehend how you are feeling after so many losses, you just dont deserve it. Big hugs for tomorrow my dear and just take one day at a time, dont think too much about the future just yet, just look after yourself :hugs:

Happy, congratulations and welcome. Yep i had those sort of twinges early on, dont forget how quickly baby is growing in those early weeks and your body has to stretch and move to accommodate it!!

Hi girls

Would it be ok if I joined you. I found out last week that I am pregnant again after a miscarraige at 6 weeks last Dec.

I am very cautious and scared of everything and i just wondered if any of you had faced lower back pain and AF type cramps in the first trimester?

Great to hear your stories - it gives me hope that this little bean will stick!

Cant wait for the 12 week horror to be over xxx:hugs:

Hi Happys, of course you may join us! :flower: I had a lot of lower back pain and AF type cramps early on, I still get the back pain now but not had the cramps for a few weeks. Its a scary time early pregnancy- but the only way to get through is one day at a time! :hugs:

Hi Lozdi that's really re-assuring to hear! Have an early scan at 6 weeks so really hoping to see a healthy heartbeat........the wait feels like a lifetime at the mo! How are you all doing xx
Me too, Im so sorry Bump, i cant comprehend how you are feeling after so many losses, you just dont deserve it. Big hugs for tomorrow my dear and just take one day at a time, dont think too much about the future just yet, just look after yourself :hugs:

Happy, congratulations and welcome. Yep i had those sort of twinges early on, dont forget how quickly baby is growing in those early weeks and your body has to stretch and move to accommodate it!!


Its great to know that these symptoms are normal and that I am not alone! What other symptoms did you all have in your first trimester?

Sorry to hear about your loss thoughts are with you xx :hugs:
Happy, well my nausea kicked in about 7 weeks and lasted till about 12 weeks, i was never sick but used gag when i blow my nose which is not good as I have sinusitis at the moment. Good news on the scan, it will come round soon enough.

Bump, hope you are doing ok my dear :hugs:

HappyS don't let a 6 week scan freak you out- sometimes they don't see much at all at that point and sometimes you will see a HB. The picture from mine is on this thread some pages back so have a gander. It took the sono a good few mins to find Bellybean and she was on the verge of telling me nothing was there when BB was spotted hiding up in my lining only 5mm crl. I had a massive gestational sac and they thought that a 'discrepancy' because by their reckoning I should have been 7 weeks gone, so they were basically expecting me to mc not that they actually used those words. I know when I ovulated to the very day, and Bellybean actually measured spot on for 32 days past ovulation, the large sac was just a random large sac lol I googled it and couldn't even find any bad stories about a large sac! If I had gone for that scan just a few days earlier, they would have seen a huge sac and nothing else and would have told me I had a blighted ovum. Early scans are tricky little things and can cause alot more worry than necessary so bear that in mind when you go for yours and don't let yourself get freaked out if they don't see much. My 'sackzilla' earned me a follow up scan a fortnight after, I think the staff were a bit baffled that I left happy and not stressing, but they don't take when one ovulated into account! The follow up scan was fine, Bellybean was spot on, and my sack had entered normal range.

My first tri symptoms were extreme tiredness (not helped by my natural leanings towards laziness) bouts of uber-hunger, morning sickness between week 7 and 10, and of course the boobs and blump (bloat bump). In my ms weeks, the sickness would come and go which always freaked me out!
So so sorry for your loss bumpy.

Congratulations happy and welcome. I too have had backache and cramps but they are wasing off. Noticed they do pick up towards the weekends so I am wondering if thats when I have growth spurts. I had a scan Monday at 6+5 and yoke sac fetal pole was seen measuring 5-6 weeks but no hb. So I go back for another scan too.

I am holding onto some hope as this pg feels different from my last two losses. I am nit nausious or dizzy as i was with the last. My only symptom is tiredness that borders on exhaustion. I have had no spotting which I have in all my pregnancies including my successfull one. Still keeping my fingers firmly crossed for this one.
Hey Debzie :flower: extreme tiredness sis good indeed, means your progesterone is doing its job well and flooring you! Low progesterone can cause spotting so the no spotting coupled with the tiredness is a very good sign indeed! :hugs:
Thanks loz its my day off today so its first. day ihave had to think on things. So the issue for me was i was measuring behind and no hb. This cycle was the first cycle using cbfm so ff took ov from my second peak which was the darkest test. That said I still could have ovulated at least a day and a half after that then do not know when sperm met egg possible another day. So peak cd 15 + 3days or conception. That would make me 6 weeks at my scan not 6+5. Am i deluding myself?
hi - i thought i would wonder over here :wave:

my midwife has booked me in when i'm around 7-8 weeks which is good! i didn't even have to ask for the scan she suggested it herself! :happydance: i feel much more relaxed now i know i'll see beany in 2-3 weeks!

symptom wise, i've not been tired at night - more through the day! not quite sure why...other than that, mild cramps and some throbs of back soreness that's it! i'm peeing like a racehorse too

debzie i hope everything is fine :hugs:
Hello pichi and big fat congratulations so pleased for you hun. Im just trying to get some pma going after a few days of being in despair.
Debzie your not deluding yourself, it could have been 2 full days after that last peak when you actually popped the eggy, and it could have taken its sweet time having a slow stroll down the tube. Remember accuracy is only as good as the sono and the equipment on early scans, and a mm or 2 can make a lot of difference to what week and day they think you are. Did they give you a scan pic?
i feel like i'm up and down like a yo-yo to be fair. Do you find some days you are so happy and elated that you're pregnant - the come the next day you are full of fear of what might happen?

I think because i was nieve about the whole "oh i won't miscarry, it won't happen to me" and it DID, my brain is in overdrive constantly! i think once we see our beanies it will be a load off our minds.

i think a few days can make all the difference scan-wise so my fingers are truely crossed for you hun :)

thanks Lozdi :D
No didnot get a pic wish i had asked for one now. I also have a tilted uterus which again can lead it inaccuracy.
If your bfp cycle was fixing to be a 33 day jobby, the ovulation would have taken place around day 20, not the day 14 that every medical professional seems to think we all O on. They thought I was a week behind, only I knew I wasn't!

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