Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I can't help with any of the BFing stuff as I have never done it but sounds like you've had some good advice :flower:

As for the waking I would just leave him until he wakes himself. I know we made the mistake of waking Thomaso n more than 1 occassion and it just caused problems as he was just stirring in his sleep as opposed to waking for a feed x
Can I ask when everyones morning sickness started? Ive been having bouts of nausea since bfp, generally feel a bit rubbish but other than a bit of dry retching (nice) Ive not actually been sick. I usually get it really bad and i thought it was before the stage im at now but i could be wrong! Im about 7 weeks! x
I've also been nauseous since basically BFP which is quite early for me! I have spewed once but I think it was because I took all my pills on an empty stomach.

Usually though it's around 6-7 weeks, and starts first with only feeling nauseous and then maybe a week later actually throwing up!

They do say each pregnancy is different - hopefully you're getting lucky with this one :)
I've just had nausea. I was only sick once and that was when I ate a dodgy strawberry.

It's easing off now but I still have to eat regularly or it comes back, but still not as bad as a few weeks ago.
Sorry I have been Mia things have been hectic. Isla is snoozing on chris' chest at the moment so I have 5 mins.

Forgive me if I have forgot anything.

Ummi I am so sorry for your loss. I had three missed miscarriages and the third although I knew I was going to happen I still had some faith. Only fir it to be dashed. I really do feel for you Hun and hope you get your rainbow soon. I had every intention on waiting for tests etc but fell pregnant second cycle after my Erpc so went to my first consultants appt with my bfp.

Ickle I'm so happy for you and little ickle yeah or being put ahead too.

Mindy as you know I am combine feeding so don't have much advice on the breastfeeding. Emily wa a sicky baby and would projectile vomit the midwife said it could be over feeding, or reflux I took it as being the latter and propped the end o her matress up slightly. It's o scary though. I really hope things settle for you.

Welcome ginny so pleased you hav returned.

Mrsmig glad Louis has settled back at home.

Kelly final countdown....I know this is the hard bit I was totally fed up at 37-38 weeks then after that was surprisingly calm.

Missmm I was thinking of you stuck in hospital as you know I gated that place. Pounds like things are looking more positive. Sorry you had such a care and those steroids hurt like a bas***d I had those with Emily.

Loz good to here from you.

Loraloo my ms started briefly at 6 weeks but I just felt sick it picked up once at 10 weeks then went o be repleced by heartburn for he rest of the pregnancy.

Afm, Isla has me busy she was not settling on a night and was grunting for hours like he needed a poo. We think she as silent reflu and unlike Emily has learnt to force the milk back down. She was put on baby gaviscon, which has worked but its bunging he up she now has solid poo at times that she screams to pass. On the breastfeeding front. My milk has increased but she then had a growth spurt so I'm lagging behind gain. I'm pumping to try and increase and feeding he on demand topping up with formula ( anti reflux ) when needed. I just wish I could stop the world for a few days so just me and Isla could get this breastfeeding but life goes on. Least she is getting some.
Debzie I hope the reflux settles soon. I have wondered a few times if Louis has a bit of that. He throws up after pretty much every feed.
Loraloo my morning sickness with Louis kicked in about 6 weeks I think and then pretty much never went. With Edie I only ever got nausea when I was in the car and that was only on occasions. Most of the time with her the only symptom I had was tiredness. I had an awesome pregnancy with Edie I felt well, ate healthily and really bloomed. With Louis I felt crap with one thing or another most of the way through.
Ickle yes I just bought a couple of ready made cartons.
Mindy I usually wait until they sounded like they were definitely awake but obviously pick them up before they get upset. Sometimes they murmer a bit but go back over. Louis seems to be back into his habit of sleeping for a long stretch and then once he has had one feed waking every couple of hours after that. I need to get a few early nights under my belt. My problem is I'm a night owl.
Phew!! I've just finished my birth story in my new parenting journal! The link is in my sig, life with Edie and Louis. I have got neck ache from typing for so long but please swing by and read my birth story and follow me in my new journal. Kelly, I understand if you want to give the birth story a miss for now as I know you are nervous. I have written it pretty warts and all as I wanted an honest account for my own memories. It was still a fantastic experience.
Evening ladies sorry ive been awol! We have been doing major home rennovations so internet has been off. We want the house to be nice ready for beanie so have basically demolished our lounge to its bare bones, no ceilings no plaster, no floor! We found oak beams, lovely stone walls and flagstone floors. So much to do still!

Been reading bf advice carefully as im hoping to do it its so daunting because i just dont know what to expect but i know its challenging. loraloo ouch on that split nipple :(

Mindy lush avatar xx glad your mums helping out and giving you some rest.
Ummi i think the holiday is a great plan unwind and restore yourself, maybe book a massage in the mean time.
Mrs m hope your little ones settle down soon, wont be long until you move x
Hope im sorry for your sisters loss at least she has you to help her through it.
Mmm how are you today well i hope xx
HI everyonexx

Afm just a week until my 20wk scan woop! Got on the scales i put on a stone since bfp! Im loving my little bump though cant wait for it to really pop.
Lora I think I was only physically sick once but I was always feeling nauseous :hugs:

Debz sorry to hear Isla's struggling with silent reflux :( poor little thing, hopefully the infant gaviscon is helping a little.

Mrs M when do you move again? I'm off to read your birth story finally!! :D

Wow Merri you definitely have been busy haven't you! Make sure you rest up too, it can be tiring, it will all be worth it in the end though :)

How is everyone else? I won't name names coz I will probably miss people out and I don't want to offend :lol:

I've been so so tired recently ... since I got out of hospital, today I haven't felt so bad but it's the first time since I got out on Wednesday that I haven't felt tired. Had a pretty productive day today sorting the kids rooms out ready for the bunk beds coming on Tuesday :) x
Hi Ladies hope your all well.
Ickle happy olive its flying by isn't it how are you feeling
Morning sickness for me lasted till I was about 15 weeks it was hideous it was yuk yuk yuk.
Hi debz lovely to hear from you
Miggins off to read your birth story you always have a great way with words so know it will be a positive one
AFM not feeling great at the moment keep getting really sharp pains down there hoping this is normal and my apetite seems to of gone and feeling sick seems to reappeared, doesn't feel like hes dropped so not sure what is going on, have hospital appointment on the 27th so will know more then I guess
love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sharp pains down there are good, Daniel is working on getting your cervix going. :happydance: I hope you aren't feeling too yucky. :hugs:

Happy 9 weeks Ickle!! :yipee:

Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well. Gotta try to get some sleep now. Had a rough night with the Finn monster.
I'm not feeling too bad. A bit of nausea, heartburn and indigestion from time to time but I'm eating little and often so that's helping. The tiredness isn't as bad but I still can't think straight when it hits me. I just go to the loo at work and close my eyes for a couple of mins and that helps. We've picked paint for our kitchen so hopefully going to get started with that soon. I'm definitely nesting! After the kitchen we'll need to clear out the cupboards in our hallway and stuff under our bed so that we can make some room for all of DH's cadet kit. He's not going to be able to keep it all though unless we move.
I think baby is having a growth spurt. Today I've eaten 2 slices of toast with lemon curd, a banana, an apple, a bag of salt and vinegar crisps, and a handful of almonds and I still feel really hungry and it's only 10.40am! Lol!
The pains are normal Kelly I get them all the time too. Just think of it as Daniel getting ready to make his big exit!! :D

Happy 9 weeks (Olive) ickle!! Won't be long till your dating scan now!!

33 weeks today :happydance: we'll be meeting little man in 5ish weeks :D I'm really tired at the moment but Im nesting too! Yesterday I got babys pram out and washed it all down and cleaned all the covers :lol: today I've cleaned all the kitchen down, got 2 loads of bedding washed, a load in of clothes in the washer, just gonna have a quick bath then my friends coming to give me a hand setting babys room up. Ill take a pic when were done! :) x
Sounds like you're in nesting mode :) I can't wait to get started on sorting our place out.
oh Ickle I wish I had your appetite! I managed to be sick twice this morning, then spent the rest of the day forcing myself to eat bit and pieces. I'm actually a bit worried how morning sickness is going to affect my blood pressure meds - I really can't skip any of those and have to have one in the morning and one at night. Today I threw up about 30-45 mins after having one, so I'll have to ask at my next appointment what should I do when that happens. I'm also going to be asking for anti MS meds!

I love lemon curd. Do you think homemade lemon curd is OK? I know it has raw eggs in it, but they're heated up?

Kelly - hope you're going ok :)

TS - I can't wait to have those sleepless nights again! You'll wake up in a panic the night he sleeps through ;)

Ummi - hope you're going OK xx

Hi everyone else :)
Ginny I wonder if you could take tabs an hour or so later could you phone the doc to ask??
mmm cant wait to see pics xx
mindy lovely to hear from you hope you get a good sleep xx
Ginny, I would still avoid home made lemon curd. I actually made some on Saturday for a lemon cake and it was only gently heated over a pan of simmering water, I wouldn't be confident that all the bacteria was killed.
MissMm, can't wait to see photos!
Sorry for the ladies suffering from sickness and nausea.
Happy 9(ish) weeks Ickle! Have you tried putting two tickers next to each other then you won't use up more lines in your siggy?
Kelly like the others say the pains are all normal. I wouldn't be surprised if that bump drops soon. Any chance of a bump pic?
I'm having a nice day today. Had a better night (2 wake ups) and he settled back in his basket both times so I didn't have to sleep sitting up. My neck is in agony and has been since Sunday night. I'm having a massage tonight. Someone is coming to the house to do it. It pains me to pay a stranger to do this, usually I go to the salon and get one of my friends to do it for free but I'm desperate.
Edie is back at Playgroup, little man has had a good nap this morning so I've been able to get on and tidy the living room and sort washing. Took Louis to the clinic this morning, he is 12lb 12 and following the 50th centile.
We get the keys to the new house on Saturday! Lots and lots to do in the next couple of weeks.

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