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CD 1 Sept 18 or abouts...

Can I join you ladies, I am on CD 3 a the mo, but have quite long cycles you you will probably all do 2 cycles to my 1 lol. Although I am now taking Agnus Catus so maybe I will have a shorter cycle this month.

I can feel those :bfp: this month, what with the nights drawing in earlier and needing to get all warm and close, it can only means :bfp: !!!!!!
I'm dying for us all to get those :bfp:

It would be amazing for me and Chris, because we'd be able to finally work on getting our own place (don't fancy the idea of my baby being anywhere near the dogs, Ben is just far too rough, and I know Chris' parents would just think it's cute!!!), it'd be an extra incentive
I( hope it all goes well with your own place...

I am having the worse time. :witch: is heavier than ever! and DH and i are sick hes nearly over it but now but im just hitting the peak! its the worst kind of bug. im glad im still having AF because i really couldnt :sex: right now lol.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend

can i join too? Cd 4 for me today. I feel really positive too this month and i really hope i catch before xmas as a) thats when i got pg last, in december and b) will have to go back to docs in january as will have been a year nearly since mc.

I will do it!...and if not me this month than maybe someone else, eh?:)

:hug:, Omi xxx
Hey ladies,

Can I join this little group the witch got me on Thursday that makes me on CD4, and I could do with a little fun and laughtered along the wasy this month!!! here is too lots of :bfp::bfp::bfp: this month!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi Guys!! We got a good bunch of peeps now hoping for their June BFPs!!!

Woohooo bring them on!!!:happydance:
Yeay Im liking our little group already :)
You know what I hate about af since we are all going thru it at a similiar time, I can smell the blood..its aweful Ill be with my oh or whoever and all i can smell is blood :( I hate it!!
OMG i thought i was the only one!!! dont you just hate it!!!

also what i hate is the fact Pads never every stay still right now i have a pad wedgie!!! and i had to buy some more because the pads move and i had a nice red spot on my knickers i was sooooooooo annoyed!! So next month there WILL not be an AF for me !! :af: :)

erm... appart from that my 24 hour bug cleared up. nice to see our little group growing just like our baby bellies well be :)

i would also love a :bfp: before xmas!!
lol @ pad wedgies!!! ughhh they are the worst!! I get af rather bad so it sucks when the pad wont sit right and after an hour it seeps thru ur clothes!! I also hate when the wings of the pads glue themselves together and you have to tear them off, I have had a few bloody accidents that way...
I also hate when the wings of the pads glue themselves together and you have to tear them off, I have had a few bloody accidents that way...

LAMO i had one of those today!! normally im really good at doing the wings but today it just had a mind of its own! You will all be glad to know i sorted out my pad wedgie...

has anyone stopped bleeding yet? :hissy:
im still bleeding, my af normally makes a meal of her stays...
lol talking of pad wedgies etc...how about when the pad moves round and the glue gets stuck in your hair :)blush:) - OUCH!!!!!

A good reason for a brazilian I think!!!
I have now stopped bleeding, thank god!!! So plenty of :sex: now hopefully, although I think this month is going to be really hard as we are moving to Germany this week so spending a week in hotel. Have to pack and unpack etc, so will probably be to tired to do anything!!
wow ald why germany?
we moved to holland this year from south africa so i kinda know how it feels :p
Celine...why the piggin heck did I think you were in Switzerland and NOT Netherlands??? No wonder you must have thought me a loon!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
lol talking of pad wedgies etc...how about when the pad oves round and the glue gets stuck in your hair :)blush:) - OUCH!!!!!

A good reason for a brazilian I think!!!

I can honestly say ive never had that problem with the glue just the :witch: :blush: and i learnt that lession VERY quickly! :rofl:

my bleeding is trailing off. :happydance:

Aww Ald i hope the movge goes well hopefully if you rest this week you will have lost of energy around O time :D

Hi to all
hi i just came off my bcp and have had the :witch: for 6 days now longer then i have ever had before but i am told it is normal.Hope to make a buddie

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