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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

OH MY MY MY :( such sadness. But I know what you both mean. We definitly are more AWARE of our surroundings now, especially when we notice the preggos.

Kate...I know its good to mentally prepare for the witch, I do it too. But on another note, I wanted to tell you that two of my girlfriends who were trying, kept thinking they were about to get their period. Even tested on the day it was due and got a BFN. Kept telling me the witch will be here soon "I can feel it". A few days later...no witch, POAS = BFP (for them). So, like afamilygal said "you are not out yet". ;) And go shopping anyway.

Afamilygal... ouch about the package! I know thats like a knife in the heart. So get this...When I finally decided to call my OB/GYN for the first time after TTC for 9 months, and I went in for my first appointment, the nurse who brought me back and took my BP and weight was staring at my chart, and she said to me "so when was the baby born?" I was thinking in my head "you ASS...doesn't it say anywhere in there that I miscarried?" I didn't say that though, I just said, "oh my baby girl is now 2yrs old. i lost my last baby due to miscarriage in July". You should have seen the look on her face...SHE WAS HUMILIATED!!! But, she should read before she speaks, right? Because those are the things that are soooo hurtful :(
Oh yeah, and I too get all kinds of coupons and formula in the mail because I would have been due in February. I just give it to a friend who actualy had the same due date as me (she had her baby).
Girls, lets try and keep our chins up and stay SUPER DEE DUPER positive. Good days ladies.
WELL...Now I am totally confused :/ My OPK is lighter today than it was yesterday. Does that mean I ovulated already? No way...It can't, can it? If so, I would be super bummed because I think that HSG would have interfered with anything 'happening'. But my temps are still way LOW, so I don't get it. and if I haven't O'd, then why such a dark line yesterday? AHHHH, I wish there wasn't so much guessing in all of this.
sorry to ask this, I know you had your AF, but was it a proper one? you're quite sure you're not pregnant? I have heard of the OPK's getting all crazy when pg... just a thought... although your temps are low... hmm.. plus they would have picked up on that at the Drs right??? maybe one of the OPKs was defective??
sorry to ask this, I know you had your AF, but was it a proper one? you're quite sure you're not pregnant? I have heard of the OPK's getting all crazy when pg... just a thought... although your temps are low... hmm.. plus they would have picked up on that at the Drs right??? maybe one of the OPKs was defective??

AF was normal and heavy this month. I thought about that too, but I took a test this am and it was neg. i can see one being defective, but 2? i will use another OPK tomorrow and see.My concern was that if I O'd early, and egg was fertilized and in the tube, the HSG dye would now have interfered with that. But yes, my temps are still low so who knows, maybe my urine was more dilute today? ill see what happens tomorrow and hopefully the dr will call with official results and ill ask him. hows everything on your end?
Eh.. Fine. Thanks for asking. I Dunno... Feeling a little blah this month. Haven't started doin the bd yet. I'm not feeling jazzed at all... Baby making isn't fun. It's hard and sad.
Such a Debbie downer! Sorry... Think I just need some sleep. Things will be better tomorrow.

Let us know what the doc says mañana, I'll bet you haven't O'd yet. But probably soon!

And good luck to Kate!! Fx!
so no call yet from the doc...still waiting. maybe my urine was diluted yesterday, today OPK looks a bit darker. i am hopefull i will "O" soon. my temps are still LoW only 96.8 this am. been running this low since cycle started. I know it can be hard a sad and frustrating trying to conceive. but try and think of the reward in the end. sooner or later...it will happen (lets hope 'sooner' rather then 'later' ;) have to work tonight grrrr :( ill keep checking on u all. <3kat
The witch arrived this morning, but am feeling much happier than yesterday so now I am with you ladies and fully ready to GO FOR IT :happydance: Also the shopping helped!

Have topped up with soft cups and preseed so am good to go, just have to wait now till the eggo arrives, FX it comes earlier than last cycle!!!

Kat - Not sure what to suggest about your OPKs but Im sure you havent OV yet with you temps still being low. FX it happens soon hun

Afamilygal - You sound down today, Im sure a good nights sleep will sort you right out :)

Really hope this is our month girlies, would be fab to start the 9 months together

Aw Kate sweetheart I'm sorry... Boo on that nasty witch! But you are sounding so positive which I am happy to hear. And Yay for shopping! Buy anything super cute? I miss office shoes!! And weetabix... Yummy. You can buy sone here but it's not the same! :)

So I bought some soft cups too, never used them... Is it as gross as I think it could be? I'm feeling very intimidated by them. How long do you wear it for??

And kat, I agree with Kate, doesn't sound like you O'd yet. But hopefully soon!
Hope your test thing cleared the way this month!! Did the dr ever call you?

Seeing my therapist in the am thankfully...she always makes me feel better... Less loca.
Whoa! Pressed post too fast, meant to say bye! :) bye gals! Hugs!
Morning girls! afamilygal... good ur seeing therapist, i know that helps. i think it will be a little more positive once you start doing the BD again. as far as the soft cups...bought a new box too. been using for 3 cycles now. i was intimidated too, but they are not bad. sort of like a diaphram. not messy either. i like them. i like that u can walk around all day with the thought they no sperm are escaping...they are all swimming in that little pool with the cervix sittiing in the middle. i feel very positive when i wear it. it says not to leave in for more then 12 hours.... so usually if we BD at night, i stay in bed and sleep and nothing comes out bc i elevate my hips. then in the morn i put the soft cup in before i get out of bed and leave it all day. nothing ever comes out. KATE...u do sound positive and i am glad. u r well prepared too. do either of u use any suppliments? i use fertiliaid, fertile CM, fertiliTea. i hope they do something for me. no call yet from doc...hopefully today. will keep u posted. good day girls ;)
happy Saturday ladies! Haven't heard from u both. Hoping things are going ok? Keep in touch when u can. We'll be in the 2WW again soon...can't wait ;)
:) Kat
Hi to you both. Been so busy which has been a nice change for me... Havent had too much time to obsess about this which has been refreshing. All good with me here, sadly I'm not sure this will be my month. DH has to go away right during the time I (think) I ovulate... Not sure yet but it looks like it may shape up that way... Blah.
Hope you guys are doing groovy! Xo
Hello ladies :flower:

Hope you both doing ok? My Mum has been visiting from London this weekend which has been nice, dont see her too often so was nice to spend some quality time with her :) So its cd5 for me now, FX I dont have to wait to long to the eggo arrives, I hate all this waiting but am trying not to be too obsessive this month,am going to try and relax about it all this month. Am actually away from next Saturday for a week, have rented a log cabin in Snowdonia National Park, I think a weeks holiday will do me the world of good.

Kat - Any news from the doctor yet hun? Any sign of the egg yet?

Afamilygal - Sorry to hear that your OH will be away, FX you OV when is around my dear.

evening girls! good to hear from you both again. afamily gal... how soon before or after O will ur dh be leaving? there is always a chance if you BD each day orevery other day up until he leaves. right? because sperm can live up to 5 days so build up a good supply before he goes. ya never know.
kate...awesome for cd 5! ur getting there. maybe ur little vacation will bring out the best ;) hope so.
no word from dr. but if he doesnt call tomorrow i will call him. i am at work now and i just pulled up my own report and it is good ...so i am not worried. and it specifically states "patent fallopian tubes, uterine contour unremarkable, and NO MASSES" all good! yay! so i am ending cycle day1t now and had the strongest OPk today. also am feeling cramping on my left side, so i think i am ovulating now. will see what temps do tomorow and so on. i am excited to know all tests good and there is still a chance. we BD the past 3 nights in a row and also 5 days ago. lol. tom am when i get home il see if i can drag him into the bedrom once more before he leaves for work, lol sory if tmi. but i gotta get one last "fresh batch" in before the eggie isnt fertile anymore, right?
i feel positive this month. good things will happen, i can feel it.
what about suppliments? do either of u take anything to enhance fertility?
Evening ladies - cd6 for me, come on eggy, please arrive early!!!

Yay for the egg Kat, you go and get :sex:!!!! : Seems like you have it covered anyway so FX you catch this bean :) Goods news with your report, I am so pleased for you :happydance: Your sounding very positive this month sweetie, send me some my way!! Am trying to be more postitive this month but its bloody hard!

In regards to supplements I take that many pills I rattle!! Am currently on Maca, Royal jelly, baby aspirin and a muti-vitamin pre-pregancy pill :wacko: Both Maca and royal jelly are superfoods and are meant to enhance fertility for both men and women. I have my OH on it too, its meant to help the little spermys!!! Also use soft-cups and preseed!!! So FX I get that godamn :BFP: soon otherwise I will be bankrupt soon, all this baby making stuff is so bloody expensive!!!

Afamilygal - How you doing my dearie?

Kate xxx
hey girlies!
yay for Kat's good results! you say you pulled the chart yourself? guessing your a nurse?
or you're in some sort of trouble with your doctor! :)

as for supplements, only a prenatal vitamin and an omega 3 for me. :) its not much but I may be on the road to adding a few more. always been curious about the baby aspirin... its meant to be good for blood flow to the uterus area right? and Kate- the maca sounds interesting. I keep meaning to get some! does it really work??

so get this- so far with the cbfm, I seem to get a high pretty early on, last month was cd8 and the previous month was cd10.. well Im on cd12 and still no high... either my cycles are totally messed up this month OR this is going to be a long one and I dont O till really late in the game. (which screws up my chances with DH being away EVEN more) according to my calculations, if I get a high tomorrow and then have my usual 5-6 days of highs til I peak, then my cycle would be about 32-33 days. mental... and that's the best case scenario! :)
I keep changing my ticker everyday to include another day! :wacko: spaz...

anyhoo, this month is a weird one for me- Im not really feeling it. To be honest, Im kinda distracted anyhow. I would be giving birth to my first child in about 3 weeks so Im feeling kinda overwhelmed and sad :cry: and my hearts just not in it...
Im even tempted to just ask DH if we can sit this one out... I say that then Im all ''Nah, im fine, baby time!" I have this weird sense of urgency- like im going to somehow MISS my one chance. so crazy...

Kate- your holiday sounds fun! make sure to get a lot of :sex: while locked away in your love cabin! :)

and to Kat- go get those

anyhoo. thats it for me on this end. Hope ya'll are doin groovy!
alriiiight, that's annoying. It deleted my last sentence to Kat. Ay yai yai...
it said:

and to Kat- go get those :spermy: !!! FX and Lots of :dust:!!!

evening ladies!
afamilygal...so sorry ur feeling glum :( i know i felt that way in february when i should have been delivering too. and worse, my friend was haveing hers! try and relax and if u feel like sitting it out, do it. but if u get that urge - go for it.
kate...woo hoo cd6! go get um! when do u leave? hope u have a blast! i wish i were going on holiday.
ME...yes I am nurse. i work in a hospital (the same one i had my test at) so thats how i was able to pull the report. still havent heard from the doctor. maybe since it was good he is just waiting to see what happens this month?
well, my temp nose-dived to 96.7 this am, but after napping for more than 3 hours , it was up to 98.0. so i am hoping it stays up and it means i have in fact O'd. i felt like i did and usualy do around CD 15 or 16. today is 16. weird thing still...my OPKs have all looked positive for 10 days now. i cant see much change. i am trusting my temp and inner feeling to let me know that it happened. hope i am right. i am off tonigt so hopefully will get to BD one laast time this cycle (if egg is still fertile).
nice hearing from u both. kit
well, at 4am the First Aid sirens started blasting in my window. woke me out of a dead sleep, grrr. so, i got up, went pee, couldnt fall back asleep. then remembered i should have checked my temp BEFORE i got up. damn! so i checked anyway and it was down 96.7 ...WTF! i know it may not be accurate since all the excitement but still ...thats low. finally fell back asleep and when i got up around 7 i checked it, before doing anything, and it was 97.3. so thats still not very high. i most definitely should have O'd, but whats with the temp? maybe i just didnt rest well enough for it to be accurate :/
anyhow, dr called today to confirm my HSG was NORMAL :) theb he said I should wait 2-3 months before calling the fertility specialist...i was like " NOOOOOOOOOO"! i been waiting a yaear already, i dont know if i can wait another 2-3 months. so he suggested i at least wait out this cycle, then call the fertility specialist. ok, i can deal with that ;) i also asked him if the HSG would have interfered with my O, he said no. ok. so I guess I wait the dreaded TWW!! here we go again.
good day ladies!

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