CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

Hello ladies :flower:

Apologies for the lack of replies the last few days,work has been super busy and I have just been vegging on the couch like a zombie after work!!! Have just been reading back through your posts, sorry that the :witch: came Kat and good luck for your HSG on Monday,I have anything crossed for you sweetie :) Just noticed your have four kiddies, thats awesome, you must be so proud hun, I want six but we shall see, lol!!!! Glad to hear that ur OH :spermy: are all good :) So lets hope this is the cycle for you :hugs: I know how hard it can be when friends are getting pregnant so quickly, lots of my friends are pregnant and in one sense Im happy for them but at the same time Im like 'It should of been me'.

Afamilygal - Are you sure its the arrival of the :witch:? You only still 12dpo hun and maybe its just an implantation dip, I hope so sweetie. Talking about the D&C causing damage, I had an abortion when I was alot younger, I had only been with the guy for a few months and the time wasnt right as I was still at university. I kinda feel that maybe thats the reason I cant get pregnant now, or why I cant sustain a pregnancy. I try and not think along those lines but its hard not too

Not much is new with me, no other symptoms to report, am still tired but thats just because I am busy at work. Have had no cramps/spotting and I just have that feeling that this month is not the month for me. Booooooooooooooooooooooo, I hate TTC, its so stressful and I feel I give so much. I even had a dream last night that I got a :bfp:, I even saw the two pink lines, if only! I guess Im not out yet but we shall see :wacko:

I guess we do need to remain positive, I know we will all get our:bfp: and go on to have healthy and happy :baby: its just I want that NOW!!!! When the dreaded :witch: arrives its like, here we go again.... It feels like friggin Groundhog Month! But like you guys say, it will happen, we just have to be paitent, be good to ourselves and try and remain postitive and happy :happydance:

Sending you both :hug: & :dust:
Afamilygal...I am hoping for you that it IS IB. you don't know for sure until the witch comes full flow. FX for you.
Kate, good to hear from you again. thanks, I am a proud momma. My husband always said from the time we were even dating "I want 5 kids" and I always told him he was nuts! lol. Well, now here I am trying so hard to have 5, lol. Its strange. I come from a family of 9 children and I always said I would never be like my mother and have so many. But they are GREAT. I think 5 will make us complete. We shall see.
K.I.T. ladies. I will be working the next 2 nights in a row, but I'll try and pop on to see any updates. Good luck
thank guys! It would be awesome if it was IB but I dunno... at 12dpo? that seems awful late no? I thought it was from day 6-10? I do feel really nauseated but that's not so abnormal for me. see the problem with me is that a lot of the PG symptoms I get all the time OR are just like AF signs- DOH! man, Im sweating like a piggie today- not attractive. glad DH is out of town :)

Kate- you sounded a little down so I looked at your chart and your temp went down and then up! isnt that a really good sign??? :) I hope so- FX FX!!! This may not be my month, but I sure want it to be yours! your dream sounded lovely...:cloud9: Last night I dreamt I was helping princess Katherine with her stuff before her wedding- SO random but she was super nice and the castle was bitchin :) he he... CRAAAAZY! :roll:

Kat- you come from a family of 9?! WOWSA! thats incredible! how many bathrooms did you have? Lol! I only have 1 sister and so I guess thats why I want 2 kids. but Id be thrilled to just get one! (I could always adopt to make it 2- Ive always had it in my head that I would one day)

well! lets keep each other informed- sorry Kat you have to work 2 nights. yick. check in when you can sista!

and Kate you just keep on keeping on- FX crossed for you!

Later dearies!
full on flow. its over. :(

sooo sorry. I just don't understand why it's so hard for us :shrug: seriously, i know those little spermies get in there, so where do they go? or what is that egg doing ... just dilly dallying along until she's to late? Its just bogggling my mind.
Kate...its all u now dearie...we are routing on you to start us off with something positive, like a BFP!! keep us posted. we will begin our june cycle, its hard the first day or two but i found it gets easier the closer i get to ovulation, then i get happy and hopeful again. just keep in mind this is your month.
going to bed now,soooo tired worked all night. ill check back later. familygal, hang in tghere :hugs:
thanks Kat! im ok, just bummed. but at least now I get a massage!!! Im thinking Thai massage- its the BEST!

to Miss Kate- I believe the abortion and miscarriage procedure is the same one. When I was in there, I saw the file said 'abortion/missed pregnancy' so I think it is. My doctor said she really doesnt think that it could have an effect on keeping a baby and we already know you can get pregnant and I think that is the potential danger so I doubt it has caused any problems for you.

in fact, I know a girl who had 2 abortions when she was young (also in the UK on NHS) and now has a very healthy son...

I hear a lot of women have some trouble after MC getting PG and its to do with the cycle being all over the place (talk about it! the witch came 2 days late last month and 2 days early this month- sheesh! which by the way only made my LP 12 days. not great!) and the emotional strain too. its something that we want so badly (but in my case Im also TOTALLY afraid of it- in case it happens again) I wonder if my body and brain just arent ready to deal with it all yet... not a nice thought. :(

I have to tell my DH when he gets home tonight that he isnt going to be a daddy :( He was so hopeful. Poor guy... he wants it so so badly. hes going to be 39 next year and is feeling the strain of getting older and being a first time dad... I wish I had better news... maybe next month though right? and March is a really nice time to have baby since all the animals are doing it! :):bunny:

so Im seriously thinking of getting the acupuncture. I may give myself one or 2 more months before I try it... I read that it works best if it is done a couple months before you start TTC so I dunno how that works...

ANYHOO! Hope everyone is having a lovely day- just went on a walk with doggie- feeling much better now. :) its amazing what some fresh air can do. bye loves!
xoxoox heres something for all of us: who remembers these posters from the school's guidance Councillor's office? HA!
Hiya girlies :flower:

Afamilygal - So sorry that the god damn :witch: arrived :( I hate her so much, I wish she would stay away :( You go and get that Thai massage hun, you deserve it so so much, all this TTC malarky is such a strain it will be good for you to take some time to relax and chill :) FX that June is your month and your right, all the animals will be going for it hammer and tongs so maybe we should follow their example :thumbup: Definately give the acupuncture ago, it cant hurt right? Im going to look into it myself, will get googling tonight :)

Kat- Thanks for you kind words hun, FX this is my month but if its not I know I have you fabulous ladies to rant to! You come from a massive family, am uber jealous as I am an only child so that has made me want a large family, hopefully four but who knows!!! The look on my OH face when I told him that, priceless!!! Your sounding very positive hun, FX your eggo arrives soon. Your right thou, where do the little :spermy: go? And what is the bloody egg doing? I think we need to give them an A-Z map or give them a sat-nav as they are obviously lost!!!

Am not too worried about the abortion but your right about how a miscarriage can mess up our cycles, mine are all over the place but at least we have the CBFM/OPK to tell us when the eggo is going to make an appearence. Otherwise I wouldnt have a clue! I dont get much EWCM so would be lost without that little manchine! It is very emotional and it will affect us more than we probably know but at long as we keep :sex: in our fertile window Im sure we will hit the jackport soon and get our :bfp:

Anyway, have a lovely evening peeps, the sun is shining here for once and it is almost the weekend so all is good :)


Forgot to say that I have zero symptoms not even sore (.)(.) which is strange as they always ache about 6/7 days before AF, am very tired but then I always am anyway so dont think this is my month, no POAS for me thou, will wait for the :witch: unless my temps stay high :wacko:
Miss Kate - I miss you, any news at all?

Arwwwwwwwwww, miss you too :hugs: Well, I reakon Im out this month :nope: Just dont have that feeling, am still symptomless and am having mild cramping today, am 12dpo so am just waiting for the :witch:

Have you had your massage yet? I need to start thinking about my treat to myself once AF shows up, am off on my holidays in a few weeks so will probably treat myself to some new clothes :)
katestar...i dont believe you are out yet. I didn't have anysymptoms with my daughter, which i thought was weird. I usually have very achy boobies. any sign of the "old hag" showing? keep us posted.
afamilygal...hows it going? any massage. how ya feeling. is the witch coming to an end? if so it a new start. almost time to get BD again ;)
as for me...I have my HSG tomorrow at 830. almost didnt get scheduled and it was a close call, good thing i call to confirm. I think i would have cried if i had to wait another whole cycle. I have had my mind off of it though so time is passing without too much thought on the matter, and this week will be my weeek to get BDing too. Can't wait ;)
on a positive note, I just thought I would share with you what the joys a raising a daughter 2 year old does pageants and today she won 5 new crowns, trophies and sashes!!! She won the titles "beauty queen", "overall best themewear", "overall most beautiful", "overall best personality", and "overall best portfolio". We were sooo proud!! couldn't wait to share out news with anyone, lol. Hope your haveing a lovely weekend as weell. Keep in touch
hey guuuuys! long time no rendezvous!!!

Kate- 0 symptoms doesn't always mean 0 babies! I hope that the :witch: stays away- STAY AWAY YOU NASTY! :) got all my fingers and toes crossed for you! FX!!!
You have so much will power to not test! :thumbup: I would be going bonkers... I would have caved if I hadn't had her show up on the 12th, Im sure of it. :) Good for you! How long are your cycles typically?

No massage yet but I got one scheduled (with a groupon I had saved- yippee!!) so I go 2 Wednesdays from now. is going to be LOVELY.

its still only cd4 for me... why the heck is time moving so slowly? I thought it was just the 2ww but turns out its all the time now! :wacko: jeez...

DH was away on a bachelor party (men are SO ridonkulous...) so Ive been watching a lot of True Blood :blush: MAN thats a crazy show! though the main vamp is SUPER handsome (SWOON)

Kat you must be so proud of your kid, thats a lot of prizes. you say shes only 2- is she in school already?? man they start young now!

alrighty ladies, hope to speak soon! hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend!
Good Morning ladies :flower:

Still no sign of the :witch: yet, am 13dpo and my temp is still high, has dropped very slightly so FX! My cycles are usually 28/29 days but since the MC they have been anything from 28 to 35 days, am currently on CD31. If it hasnt dropped by 2morrow I will PAOS :wacko: Not really sure how I am feeling, I still have no sypmtoms, my (.)(.) are sore now but apart from that Im sypmtomless, if its not my month I just want the :witch: to come so that I can join you lovely ladies :) I have been very good with not testing this month, usually I would be POAS from 9dpo!!!!

Kat - You must be super proud of your daughter :) I bet she is beautiful like her Mama :) Good luck for 2morrow hun, am thinking of you :hugs:

Afamilygal - So its cd4 for you, not long till you start :sex: again :) When does your temp usually drop? Im hoping mine stays up so that I can test 2morrow. How long after your temp dropping do you get your AF? I just PRAY that it stays up but like I said I really dont feel preggo this cycle so who knows!!

Adios ladies, have a great day

wohoo!!! 31 days- awesome! you just may have done it my dear, I really really hope you get your :bfp: tomorrow!!! wouldnt that be the best?! you have been SO strong not POAS! im super impressed. I have to say, its so much better to wait and see. but you should test tomorrow, would your AF have started already you think?

you know, my cycles are all messed up too- mine have been anywhere from 26 to 33 days- madness! this last one was the 26 day cycle (shortest its ever been, how would the egg have had time to do its thing???) makes me really think if my body is at all ready for this...

after O, my temps go up to 98.3 and dance around between that and 98.1 until the day the witch comes and it goes back down to my normal 97.6... without fail. grumble...

on cd6 today... DH is going to want to start trying tonight Im sure!!! lol!

good luck to Kat today- let us know how the test went!!!

and to Kate- FX FX FX!!!
I am sensing some VERY POSITIVE attititudes in this chat ;) Makes me feel real good about things too.
Kate...I am routing for all sounds promising so far. monitor cervical position and feel? Just wondered because if you have been all along, you could tell by its feel if it is the same as when you are about to get you cycle. I always know mine is coming just by checking. Can't wait unitl tomorrow to see if your temps stay up and you POAS :) "GO KATE GO KATE GO GO GO!!"
Afamilygal...cycle day 6 is GREAT!! Like I said, time to start BD again. Have fun with that ;)
For me... My HSG UNOFFICIAL report is terrific :) there was no blockages and everything looked as it should. The test wasn't even that bad, just felt like period cramping. So now, we spend the week BDing ;) I am off every night except WEdnesday night, so I have plenty of chances to get "the job done". Justpicked up another box of the "instead cups" too. I AM READY!!! ;)
Ladies have a wonderful day and good luck.
HEY! great news!!! good for you doll! get to it!!! :happydance:

so what day you on? you don't use the cbfm do you? how do you know when you O?
just realized im on day 5... Im ahead in my head. bahumbug.
HEY! great news!!! good for you doll! get to it!!! :happydance:

so what day you on? you don't use the cbfm do you? how do you know when you O?
just realized im on day 5... Im ahead in my head. bahumbug.

I don't use the CBFM. I just use OPK and I usually know when I ovulate...I can feel it. Also have been temping. I am on cycle day 10 now. Weird thing is that usually when I use OPK starting CD 10, I get a complete neg with NO line in the test section. lately I have been so crampy and even yesterday thought that I felt like I was ovulating. I don't think it was bc it would be way too soon. my first OPK of this cycle today showed a strong line in the test area. Not positive bc it was a bit lighter than the control. But I thought..."how strange"? So I guess tomorrow I will know if it gets darker or light to see if I did already or if I am about to O early this month. This would be the earliest my book!?! We shall see.
so you got a few more days to go right? thats ok...try and keep busy and it will go quick. I know at this point I can't wait for O day, then its the wait till AF (or no AF). ALL WE DO IS WAIT!!! is today going? will you test tomorrow with FMU? I Will be checking in on you.
Dinner time....chow ;)
Well ladies... I tested yesterday and it was a :bfn: and my temp dropped today so I really am out this cycle, felt so upset yesterday had a massive cry, also had an email from an old school friend about 10 minutes after I took the test saying that she was pregnant and just had her 12 weeks scan :cry::cry: It had felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. Of course I am super happy for her but at the same time Im like, waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I want one!!!! So am just waiting for the witch now, I feel her presence, its just only a matter of time. On the positive side it means that I back with you lovely ladies and hopefully I will OV earlier this cycle, FX!!!!!

Am planning a massive shopping spree 2morrow, am going to shop till I drop!!! I so deserve it :winkwink:

Kat - I am so happy for you duckie that I am doing a little dance right now :happydance: It all sounds so promising, I bet your so relieved. You make sure you get :sex: lots and FX for you that this is your month :) Yeah my cevical positon is low and open so am due any second, booooo. Your so lucky that you know when your about to OV, I wouldnt have a clue if I didnt have my CBFM. honestly, I get no noticable pains or any EWCM, thats why I use preseed :) Would be good if you OV early, less time to wait :coffee:

AFamilygal - How are you my dear? Any highs yet on the CBFM? So my temp dropped today, feel so crap. Also keep seeing loads of preggo women around which makes it even harder. So another 4 weeks till I can POAS, RUBBISH :growlmad: I hate all this waiting, its enough to drive us bonkers :wacko: How long was your LP on your last cycle? My is usually 14 days, I really hope I ov early this month so I can catch up with you guys, COME ON THE WITCH!

Best get back to work, have been sat here typing away so it looks like Im busy, lol!!! :comp:

Bye bye :hugs:
Ah sweetheart, I'm sorry... You sound so blue and you're normally the most upbeat of us all... Technically you can't count yourself out yet! but I think it is good to be emotionally prepared for anything. That way you can only be happily suprised! right? My husband thinks that's backwards. ;) I hope you do end up surprised!! Still got my fx!

you go and do some serious shopping, no matter which way you flip the coin you have earned it!!
A luteal phase of 14 days is great. The longer the better right?
Mine is about 13 but has been 12 and 14 too. Crazy ass cycle...

My cbfm told me to pee on it this am but I know it won't be high so I'm going to wait til tomorrow. Save a stick! :)
I love the cbfm but I'm already sick of peeing on stuff and taking temps and worrying 24/7... I need to see my therapist stat!
Anyhow, really sorry to hear about your friend, it hurts so much I know... :( hugs... But you will get your baby. Remember, your time is coming... I think there is always pg ladies around but we are more sensitive to it now...

Get this! I got sent a package in the mail for infant formula since I was due July 1st.
Talk about hysterical crying. It gave the word wailing a whole new meaning.
It was from a company who must have had me in their database. Guess they didn't note down that I lost the baby! Assholes...

Chin up my dear! You're going to get your baby! And you're not even out yet! Keep singing "ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead... "
BIG kiss and MASSIVE hug

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