CD1 11th April 2009 - Hoping for a January 2010 baby! Join Me!!

Hey girls, well I have no idea what's going on with my cycle. My FF chart says I ovulated on CD14, we did 4 days straight of BDing which was good, but now today CD 17 I have some light bleeding, way to early for implantation. Think it's my period starting :cry:
I went to the Chiropractor last thursday for a back adjustment and he pushed down really hard on the right side of my lower abdomen near my hip to check a hip muscle and it really hurt so I'm wondering if has brought my period on early, will see if the bleeding stops. very unusual for me because I'm normally so regular 28 days on the dot. no idea what's going on but will Keep you posted girls.
How's the 2ww going so far girls?
Lala last month around 4DPO i had some pinkish looking cm for a day or so, is this what you are getting or actually blood? I wasnt sure what it was either.

I had a bit of a temp rise yesterday but then today it dropped right down lower that it has been all cycle so now im thinking that maybe today was an ovulation dip and today being CD17 is my O day, anyways i have :sex: for the last 3 days in a row so i am hoping today is it coz DH is getting a little worn out lol, will see what tomorrow's temp brings me i spose.
It's pretty red but not a lot at all! The whole OPK thing s throwing me off too. Next cycle I'm not doing any OPKs or charting.
Did some research on O bleeding, thanks for the lead, ad it could be that, but then my chart says I ovulated on CD14, 3 days ago.
Not ruling out this cycle, but definitely thrown off a little by the bleed!
Ok, so the bleeding appears to have stopped, no idea what it was, don't think it was ovulation bleeding, maybe to much BDing, or some damage I caused from checking my cervix???
Oh the paranoia we create for ourselves.:blush:
Well I'm officially going to consider myself now in the 2ww, 2dpo, bring on the symptom spotting, at least it helps pass some time :dohh:
lots and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust: to all of us!
Lala i actually had that thought too about your slight bleeding and it being a bit too much :sex: or maybe kinda accidently scratching yourself while checking cp??

Anyway after my big dip in temp yesterday i have had a bit of a rise today, so im really just sitting around waiting for ff to confirm O day for me now, mite see if DH is up for one last :sex: tonite, but i think i have probably O'd now anyways, but it cant hurt right :)
well i have had my positive opk now so me and the husband have been getting plenty of :sex:, we have been using the preseed which is a bit of trial and error making sure we dont use too much lol

I had my temp dip this morning so will hopefully see a rise tomorrow
Hi girls, sounds like true O signs for you both which actually I didn't really have any of this month, normally I get some EWCM for about 3 days, and no postive OPKs for me either, but the story unfolds a little further, sit tight for this......
After my slight bleed on mon night and then it stopping, on tuesday I had some really minor cramping all day, until about 2.30 when I was at work and developed some acute pain on my right side, nothing I've ever felt and on a scale of 1-10 pain factor, about a 9. Went to the toilet and again some blood.
I rushed over to the doctor and he sent me for an ultrasound, not sure what it's like where you girls live but you can't just get in for an ultrasound, so here I am, driving around in pain, crying and no clue what to do. I was going to drive myself to the hospital but decided I would go home and get DH to take me.
After an hour wait in emergency, I had taked some ibuprofen so the pain dulled somewhat, the nurses and doctor took some blood, urine and gave me some codeine, which competely took away the pain and made me really drowsy, the Dr came back in with my results and they indicated I was Pregnant HCG 220. Given that I had had a normal period on 11th like you SarahMelissa, this was the furthest thing from my mind, and if I conceived this cycle then there is no way that 4dpo I could have a reading that high.
So you can imagine my confusion.
The Dr said it may just be some bleeding in early pregnancy, or a M/C occurring. Sent me home and gave me a letter to gove to my GP today. Went to my GP this morning and he sent me straight for an ultrasound to eliminate ectopic, so have gone for that, and nothing has come up, the Dr said it may be because its too early or that it's not a viable pregnancy, I had a collapsed Corpus Luteum (burst cyst that releases the egg) which the Dr who did the ultrasound said may have caused the pain. He didn't see anything in my tubes
Right now, I just have to play a bit of a waiting game. Have another blood test in a few days to see if the HCG is going up.
POAS when I got home and it was a clear BFP.
In a state of total confusion right now....
Will keep you posted
OMG lala it sounds awful what you have gone through and very confusing too, i hope everything is ok with you and that you dont miscarry. Sending you lots of :hug:
Thanks SarahMelissa. How's your journey going?
Hey lala- I really hope everything is ok with your bod!
I had a rather unusual ep in january. My symptoms were hard to pinpoint. If you want to read the whole story you can read through the late jan posts in my journal. The breif synopsis of it was that I tested a day before af was due and got a faint bfp on a frer. Then I started spotting and spotted for what would have been my entire af length. I still registered on a hpt as preg though. I couldn't grt seen early because I was a new patient and they could only give me a date a couple weeks out, but as I didn't suspect anything was wrong, I took it. Then came the pain, which I brushed off as IBS flare ups. Finally at 7 weeks or so, I knew the pain was not right, and had dh take me to the er.
Lost of blood draws, waiting and pain getting worse. Got a regular ultrasound and a vaginal one too. They couldn't see anything in the uterus, and there was a lot of blood around my left ovary. I had ruptured, and was bleeding badly.
So after the surgery I talked to the dr and she told me I had an out of uterine pregnancy that had attached itself to my ovary. At the time of surgery I had already ruptured, and so she could not find any tissue of a pregnancy, just where it had been. Luckily, she was able to reattach my tube to my ovary, and I still have all my parts.

I am not saying this is what is happening with you, but I just want you to be careful and pay attention to any pain you may feel and be seen if you do. I really hope you stay pg and it is a healthy one that you just can't see yet!! :hugs: and :dust:
Thanks SarahMelissa. How's your journey going?

Not really sure what my body is doing this cycle i thought i O'd around CD15 as my CP was high and open and had wet CM, but as on yet on CD21 FF has not detected O for me and my temps have gone up a little but then come back down again, so im not sure whether I just have a delayed O this month or am going annovulatary??? Its very annoying though :hissy:
Ok i have an update now, lol yes i know only about 2 hours after my last one but my temps were confusing me so i though i would just do an OPK just for the sake of it to see what it said and a very big POSITIVE!!! the line was at least 2 times darker, so i grabbed the preseed and DH and got my :sex: on lol i will again tomorrow and the day after as well in hopes of catching my rather late eggie :) wish me luck.

Hope your doing ok Lala, :hug:
Ok i got a rise this morning so assuming my O was probably yesterday, which means i only got in the one lot of :sex: :( im keeping my fingers crossed that it was enough though.

I think i figured out why i had a delayed O this cycle, i had taken EPO this cycle from CD1 until CD15 and was taking 2000 (2 tabs) i googled around a bit and discovered that it can delay O if you take too much, i think maybe this is what happened to me this cycle, so if i get AF i will not be taking EPO next month.
Hi girls, Premont, thank you for your feedback, and all of your well wishes Sarah Melissa. :hug:

Well I know my body and knew something was up because the pain was uncharacteristic and obviously the continued bleeding, which was light, but dark in colour.

So anyway, had all my tests done, ultrasound showed nothing and HCG was 220 last tuesday, and yesterday I had my follow up blood test and it was 86, so the Dr was able to confirm a M/C for me and suggested if the bleeding doesn't stop soon then he will give me some hormones to stop it. It's still very light, but still there.

I'm feeling ok now now, better now that I know what's going on. So the journey continues....

Sarah Melissa, sounds like the timing is all right with you with you positive OPKs and all the :sex: I have a good feeling for you, will continue to follow this post!

Have a great day ladies!
Lala- thanks for the update, and sorry for what you are going through.:hugs: it is so much more comforting to know what is happening than to just wonder. Hope your bod settles down without any drugs.

Well I'm out this month ladies. :witch finally showed up fully today. So here we go again! :dohh:
Hi ladies

I have been a bit quite this week as i have been away on holidays so havent had a computer for the past 4 days.

lala im so sorry, i hope you are ok and everything settles down soon. :hug:
I hope your feelings about me are correct, thank you :)

Sorry the witch got you Premomt :( good luck next cycle.

Ok well here is what has been going on for me since i last wrote. Now please dont laugh and yes i know i am blonde, but i think i have been using my thermometer wrong all cycle. Since my temps had been really confusing me this cycle and O wasnt being detected i was taking my temp the other day during the day just to see what it was when DH saw me and said "i think you are using that wrong, you are meant to put it right up the back under your tongue". Anyway i think i wasnt putting it far enough in because i took my temp where i usually do and it was 36.03 then i put it further back where DH said it is meant to go and it was 36.93 - huge difference!!! So i think i was stuffing myself up because of this so not really sure when i O'd now :hissy: FF is saying CD21 which is when i got that really positive OPK so maybe it is right and i did :sex: that night and the following morning so hopefully still in with a chance.

Some things i have noticed this week though that i havent noticed before are, some sharp pains on my right side from time to time, only lasting a few seconds and then disappearing, this happens about once or twice a day for the past 4 days now and also even though they are not anymore, i had tender nipples for about 3 days. And just before when (TMI warning) i when to the toilet there was quite a lot of CM on my undies, i felt it come out in a gush just before that. Sorry if that's gross.

Anyway i guess i just have to wait it out now no sign of :witch: yet, i hope she stays away.
Hey SarahMelissa, thanks for your well wishes. I'm feeling fine, great actually, just waiting to get back on track with my cycles now, but actually feeling pretty good!
:dohh: on the temperature taking! It can be a bit of a nightmare actually, you even need to be careful where you put it under your tongue, and always on the right side, so if you put it to the right then you always should put it on that side.
Symptom spotting has kicked in too, and it's always good when you're noticing different things.
I obviuosly had no idea I was pregnant, especially because I got a normal period, so I'm definitely way off! But as soon as they told me at the hospital that I was, the next few days, even though I was MC I could feel them all. Sore nipples, morning sickness, hot around my abdomen, increased sensitivity to smell. It's all gone now, but I must say, that even though on this instance it didn't stick, it was great to be pregnant for that short time and experience those symptoms. I even POAS twice to see the :bfp: and it felt great :happydance:
Hopefully the holiday has helped with the relaxation for you, that's probably why you O'd late too because you were so caught up in it. Go visit some baby clothes stores and buy a baby singlet or something, that way you're letting the universe/god/whatever you belive in, know you're expecting a baby and it will respond! Don't tell anyone else though because they may think ur a little nutty :rofl:
keep us posted!
Thanks Lala :) That is good that you are feeling great.

I think i am now managing to use my thermometer properly lol. I dont really think i have noticed any other symptoms except for (and maybe this is nothing) but the last week i have been having numerous dreams every night that i can clearly remember the next day. Usually i dont dream (or dont remember), but this week has been constant weird dreams.

I am thinking i might test on tuesday if no :witch: before then as i would normally have expected her today but seeing as i may or may not have ovulated later this month, will never know because of my bimbo-ness with the thermometer, i will leave it another couple of days.
Hey SarahMelissa, I was thinking about you yetserday because it was mothers day and we had been talking about testing then. Viivd dreams are definitely a good sign. I was having them and didn't think anything of it because i had no idea i was pregnant, but then when I looked back all the symptoms make sense! :dohh:
So :witch: showed up just when she was scheduled to anyway, depsite the MC which is fantastic, my cycle seems to have stayed regular, but what's even more exciting is that based on my CD1 date, if we conceive this month, the baby will be due on Feb 14 next year, Valentines Day! :happydance:
DH thought it was great too.
I'm so excited.
Well I'm looking forward to hear your updates. Have you POAS yet?

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