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CD1 12 June 2012

The dreaded Sperm Sample. Bet like my husband he is looking forward too that.....lol
The dreaded Sperm Sample. Bet like my husband he is looking forward too that.....lol

Nope - feeling quite nervous and under pressure to perform on demand. Poor guys :( but wait - our tests are way more invasive and embarrasing!!!! :dohh:
Yes, they are........I think they get out of it quite lightly.........no internal ultrasound when you have your AF, no feeling like a pin cushion because of all the blood tests!!!!

Dont feel sorry for them at all....
Temps still low...? This is the longest ovulation yet. Been having ovulation pains for 2 days.
Slight temp decrease this morning so maybe temp will rise tomorrow?

Murphy's Law that this happens when I run out of opk's!!!!

Bugger is that we can not have sex till Sat cause Dr said no sex for 3 days before test on Friday.

So if late ovulation only sperm waiting may have a go. No new Cavalry...
OMG Shell........what is going on with us?!?!?!?!?! My EWCM has gone and its sticky now but 3 +OPK in a row....what is that.

I think you should go buy some more tonight and see what happens..

FF has given me crosshairs but I still had a positive OPK last night!?!?!?! I think anyways because I usually use the digital OPK's and Im not 100% sure how to read the other ones. Will try and post a picture I took last night so you can tell me what you think. Im pretty sure Im not 3DPO. Didnt have the pains yesterday so the most I would be is 1DPO but then I got a +OPK last night.....so confused right now?!?!?!?!? And if I was 3DPO my temp should be up around 36.6ish, not this low....scared Im going to have another cycle where I dont ovulate.

Maybe our bodies are gearing up for it, but we dont??? I dont know.

You know he doesnt have to have the test on Friday. He can have it anytime, so you could be bonking until you ovulate and then he could do the test. Just a thought.
What do you think??? Is this a positive???? Shouldnt be that dark for third day should it??? Shouldnt be there at all I think. Not after 3 days of +OPK's.

Test line on the right, control line on the left.

Dont mind the dishes in the background :haha:


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What do you think??? Is this a positive???? Shouldnt be that dark for third day should it??? Shouldnt be there at all I think. Not after 3 days of +OPK's.

Test line on the right, control line on the left.

Dont mind the dishes in the background :haha:

It does look like a positive.

Maybe we are both still gearing up for ovulation.

If my temp doesn't go up tomorrow I will buy more opk's.

Just rang and made appointment for Dan - earliest they can see him is 31st August. So it's all on for young and old this week now! :happydance:
Yeah, Im going to test again tonight and see what happens. If its still positive, going to right this cycle off.......
I changed my Sunday temp and it took away my crosshairs. Only because I didnt take my temp until 10:00 Sunday morning when I woke up and normally I take it at 6:30, so its hard to say what my temp should have been. Plus I was drinking on Saturday night and that always makes my temp do funny things..........Plus I had bad Ovulation pains on Sunday....Im pretty sure I didnt ovulate on Saturday......so I changed it and I feel guilty!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA but Im reasonable confident that I did not ovulate on Saturday like FF thinks I did.
I changed my Sunday temp and it took away my crosshairs. Only because I didnt take my temp until 10:00 Sunday morning when I woke up and normally I take it at 6:30, so its hard to say what my temp should have been. Plus I was drinking on Saturday night and that always makes my temp do funny things..........Plus I had bad Ovulation pains on Sunday....Im pretty sure I didnt ovulate on Saturday......so I changed it and I feel guilty!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA but Im reasonable confident that I did not ovulate on Saturday like FF thinks I did.

I changed my temp last month and had to change it back cause af showed too early - making my change incorrect. What I do now is just make sure I list the time I took temp - so it notes it.

I have my alarm set now for 5am everyday so if I haven't already woken up it wakes me. This seems to be working for me.

Now if only I could work out what my body was doing that would be good :dohh:

I just changed Dan's appt to 7th Sept as I realised we had a clash of appt's for 31st Aug. This will mean that I will have my results before his test.

With blood tests - I don't need an appointment do I? I just show up and wait my turn...?

Ultrasound - do I need to book an appointment?
Blood Tests - if it is like SA, you just show up and have them done. We take Semen Analysis over the counter too which is why Im surprised you had to make an appointment. You can do it home as long as its at the collection centre within an half and hour and its keep at body temperature. Justin done his at home and then took it in.

Ultrasound - you need to book.
Blood Tests - if it is like SA, you just show up and have them done. We take Semen Analysis over the counter too which is why Im surprised you had to make an appointment. You can do it home as long as its at the collection centre within an half and hour and its keep at body temperature. Justin done his at home and then took it in.

Ultrasound - you need to book.

That's what I thought.

With semen analysis - Dr referred him to Monash Clayton Hospital Southern Health Andrology/Pathology. She said it was the best place for results. When I googled them they are connected with Melbourne IVF so that must be why appointment.

When I rang them for appointment they said he will need blood tests too for antibodies check - as this was his first sample tested.
I have been thinking about my cycle and though it hasn't been this late in the cycle to ovulate since I began charting - I have had cycles as long as 29-31 days before. They just aren't usual. Normally I am 26-28 day cycles.

So - knowing that I have an average 14 day luteal phase and have had longer cycles - I have decided not to panic but just to accept that this must be one of the longer cycles.

Truth is though - until my temp goes up I won't really rest easy... :wacko:

Who would have thought I would be so keen to begin the 2ww :coffee: :haha:
Then you are probably right and you hopefully get a temp shift either tomorrow or Thursday. But like me, doesnt explain the +OPK's???

I know........cant wait for the 2ww, then you cant wait until the end of it.....
Then you are probably right and you hopefully get a temp shift either tomorrow or Thursday. But like me, doesnt explain the +OPK's???

I know........cant wait for the 2ww, then you cant wait until the end of it.....

"What if my OPK is positive for several days in a row? It is possible, in a normal ovulation, to have a positive OPK for several days in a row. This is because LH peaks (surges) about 12-36 hours before ovulation occurs, and then dissipates. So, you could theoretically detect this high level of LH with positive OPK's from the time it begins to the time it dissipates-- over 36 hours. It is also possible that your body is "gearing up" to ovulate, and you have an LH surge-- and then, for some reason (such as stress, illness, travel, or random fluke), your body fails to release an egg . . . then tries, tries again ASAP with another, or overlapping, surge. If you see a positive OPK for longer than 3 consecutive days, your egg is probably just having a little trouble getting out of the starting gate. If this happens to you occasionally, it's no big deal. If it happens a lot, talk to your doctor."
-OPK tonight.

Your LH surge has finished. Looks like you have a fallback temp. It should rise again tomorrow.

Finally got my temp rise :)
Ovulated on CD15. Last month it was CD11. You can't go by averages I see. Perhaps that's why they say have sex every 2nd day to cover all bases...
You have a nice rise too. Hope you got some bonking in last night as he doesnt have to give sample........:thumbup:

The FS we saw told us to do it every second day and that was all, time for the sperm to renegerate he said, so we are trying that for now and see what happens. We were only bonking once a day anyways, not going like rabbits :haha:

Yeah, although I took my temp at 5:30 this morning instead of 6:30 as that was when I woke and I had to get up because I was busting for the loo, but have to tell you Shell, really really scared that its not a fallback rise and that like the cycle after my first miscarriage I dont ovulate. Guess we will know the next couple of days. Last cycle I had two days of fallback too, so trying to tell myself it will be like that. Waiting for my boobs to start hurting like they normally do so I can feel a little more sure.

Hope I did though, because that means we are only a day or two apart!!!!
You have a nice rise too. Hope you got some bonking in last night as he doesnt have to give sample........:thumbup:

The FS we saw told us to do it every second day and that was all, time for the sperm to renegerate he said, so we are trying that for now and see what happens. We were only bonking once a day anyways, not going like rabbits :haha:

Yeah, although I took my temp at 5:30 this morning instead of 6:30 as that was when I woke and I had to get up because I was busting for the loo, but have to tell you Shell, really really scared that its not a fallback rise and that like the cycle after my first miscarriage I dont ovulate. Guess we will know the next couple of days. Last cycle I had two days of fallback too, so trying to tell myself it will be like that. Waiting for my boobs to start hurting like they normally do so I can feel a little more sure.

Hope I did though, because that means we are only a day or two apart!!!!

Missed the bonking opportunity as I was out last night and Dan asleep when I got home. We dtd the night before though so still in for a chance.

Should I wait a few days to confirm ovulation or book ultrasound appointment now? I need to work out roughly when CD2or 3 will be. Guessing it will be in 14 days from ovulation + 2 or 3.

Looking at your chart you are mirroring last month so far. I wouldn't worry yet. If it is fall back it will rise. Your LH surge is over so for now - let us believe that you have ovulated, it is fall back and we are only a couple of days apart. Ignorance is bliss they say :)

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