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CD1 12 June 2012

Dont........ Im jealous, what I wouldnt do to take my bra off right now. Remember last week how I said I have no ovulation boobs, well the last 3 days have been horrible. Ovulation boobs with a revegence to make up for last week.
Dont........ Im jealous, what I wouldnt do to take my bra off right now. Remember last week how I said I have no ovulation boobs, well the last 3 days have been horrible. Ovulation boobs with a revegence to make up for last week.

Ha ha :haha:

I love that we are going through 2ww together - even having similar symptoms at same time :happydance:

When I popped out and bought - that which shall no longer be mentioned - I also bought my first baby items.

I spoke with my husband yesterday about an idea I had been toying with. I haven't purchased any baby anythings because until there was a baby I didn't want to be upset looking at it. A reminder of loss instead of promise.

So as a step of faith, a belief that I will get pregnant and have a baby or babies - I bought 2 little 0000 bond jumpsuits - one pink and one blue.

I don't know when I will be able to use them - but I am praying and believing that it will be sooner rather than later. Till then I am going to keep them in a drawer as a promise of children to come.
Thats a good idea. And a way to keep a positive mind about it too. And just think when you get to use either one, you can remember this day.........Great idea I think!!!!

PS. I have to admit, I bought my first baby thing on Friday too.....never done that before even when I was pregnant.........we must think alike!!!! Although I brought mine because it was out for sale so cheap, but Im going to think it as a promise of things to come too......

Temp drop...?
Cramping, sore breasts and dreamt I was pregnant.

You had a big drop too. Last month your big drop was implantation...
That is exciting for you. You know one of the first hints I was pregnant the first time was the baby dreams. Had one at 6DPO and another at 7DPO and then the cramps started. Looking back now I had cramps with the last night pregnancy too but because it was a late implantation I thought it was my AF coming. So, all those signs are really good for you........fx luv.

Yeah, my temps are really weird this cycle. I had a temp dip to coverline when I fell pregnant in April at 8DPO and dip to coverline last cycle when I fell pregnant at 12DPO, but I also had a temp dip to coverline in March at 10DPO and I wasnt pregnant so not going to read too much into it. Plus apart from ovulation boobs, dont feel anything, no cramping or anything, just dull achey uterus which I always get. It is a huge dip though isnt it???? But my last cycle after miscarriage was a bit weird too.
That is exciting for you. You know one of the first hints I was pregnant the first time was the baby dreams. Had one at 6DPO and another at 7DPO and then the cramps started. Looking back now I had cramps with the last night pregnancy too but because it was a late implantation I thought it was my AF coming. So, all those signs are really good for you........fx luv.

Yeah, my temps are really weird this cycle. I had a temp dip to coverline when I fell pregnant in April at 8DPO and dip to coverline last cycle when I fell pregnant at 12DPO, but I also had a temp dip to coverline in March at 10DPO and I wasnt pregnant so not going to read too much into it. Plus apart from ovulation boobs, dont feel anything, no cramping or anything, just dull achey uterus which I always get. It is a huge dip though isnt it???? But my last cycle after miscarriage was a bit weird too.

I guess we will both see tomorrow if our temps rise again. If my temps stay low or don't come up very high then I don't think my drop was implantation. It is still early days yet...
Hey - I just noticed that Fertility friend changed my ovulation day this morning...

It reckons I am 9dpo! Changed my ovulation from CD15 to CD13...

If it is correct - then we are the same - both 9DPO.

2 days ahead of schedule... unless it is wrong. Now I don't know when af due nor when CD2 will be for my ultrasound...


It has too!!!!! What do you think??? Do you think you are 7DPO or 9DPO????

Wait and see what happens first. If your AF does start early or late, ring then and change it but here hoping it doesnt start at all.
It has too!!!!! What do you think??? Do you think you are 7DPO or 9DPO????

Wait and see what happens first. If your AF does start early or late, ring then and change it but here hoping it doesnt start at all.

It reckons af due on Sunday now instead of Tuesday. My appointment is for Wed. So it will be CD4 or CD2 if I keep appt.

I don't know which is right though...? Temp didn't rise till CD16. I guess as it is only 2 days different it won't really matter.
Yeah, I wouldnt worry about 2 days. I think I told you before that my Fertility Doctor said anywhere between Day 3 to Day 7.
Temp went back up. Highest temp yet this cycle. Crosshairs changed back to first date of ovulation.

So assuming I am only 8dpo after all....

Dreamt I was 13 weeks pregnant and starting to tell people outside my close group.

I see your temp went back up again too... Wouldn't you laugh if we both got BFP this month after all that we have been saying AND just before our tests next week ;)
Nice temp rise you had there. And another dream!!!! Looking good for you. Wonder why FF changed your DPO again....strange...

It would be nice if we both got our BFP, but to be honest I dont know if my temp is a true temp this morning. Had a HUGE fight with hubby last night and he got up this morning at 5:00 to go to work so I tossed and turned until 6:30 when I took this temp so dont know how correct it is.

And, I only really have ovulation boobs and a dull achey uterus, thats its, and the last two times the tell tale sign for me was bloating so I dont know what I "normal" feels like in a non pregnancy cycle anymore, I cant remember. The frustrating thing for me is that I havent had a "normal" cycle since March, the others have either been pregnancy, miscarraige or no ovulation so I dont even know when my AF is due. Guessing I still have a 12 day LP because thats what it was in March, but.............I think I need a break for a month or so, Im about emotionally done.
Nice temp rise you had there. And another dream!!!! Looking good for you. Wonder why FF changed your DPO again....strange...

It would be nice if we both got our BFP, but to be honest I dont know if my temp is a true temp this morning. Had a HUGE fight with hubby last night and he got up this morning at 5:00 to go to work so I tossed and turned until 6:30 when I took this temp so dont know how correct it is.

And, I only really have ovulation boobs and a dull achey uterus, thats its, and the last two times the tell tale sign for me was bloating so I dont know what I "normal" feels like in a non pregnancy cycle anymore, I cant remember. The frustrating thing for me is that I havent had a "normal" cycle since March, the others have either been pregnancy, miscarraige or no ovulation so I dont even know when my AF is due. Guessing I still have a 12 day LP because thats what it was in March, but.............I think I need a break for a month or so, Im about emotionally done.

Sorry love :(

TTC can be such an emotional rollercoaster. I understand the need to step away for some time and re-group. Especially after two mc so close together!

I hope you find the peace you are looking for and that you and hubby sort out whatever you were arguing about. Soon we will we know where we stand in this cycle - and if af comes then we shall hopefully get some answers from the tests.

Thinking of you and praying for you :hugs:
Sorry didnt mean to be such a downer.....fight was over I wanted to keep watching tv in bed and he wanted me to turn it off to go to sleep.....I know, stupid isnt it!!!! Guess we are both emotionally done for awhile. Fighting over nothing.....:nope:

At least after this cycle I should know what my LP is hey....:coffee:
Sorry didnt mean to be such a downer.....fight was over I wanted to keep watching tv in bed and he wanted me to turn it off to go to sleep.....I know, stupid isnt it!!!! Guess we are both emotionally done for awhile. Fighting over nothing.....:nope:

At least after this cycle I should know what my LP is hey....:coffee:

I know what you mean - I have only really had two fights (not that you can really call them that) with my husband - where he has cracked the sads with me over nothing!

It takes alot to get me angry and alot to get a reaction from me. I am more likely to shut down, retreat and feel sad than I am angry. Whereas my husband likes to vent and then feels better.

I hate conflict so avoid it or try to talk it over while it is still a small thing. I am learning that if he is mad at me (even undeserved in my eyes) that it is not the end of the world or our marriage.

I think it comes from watching my parents fight and then being terrified that they would divorce.
We both had a temp dip this morning...

I honestly don't know where I am at. It is too soon to be certain either way.

9dpo - boobs less painful than yesterday but more achey, watery CM, bloated, heartburn and sick-burps.

I will know more tomorrow - looking back over my charts and I tend to start downward spiral from 10dpo onwards. If my temp lower tomorrow then I am out and will have fertility testing on Wed after all.

I guess, either result is good - BFP answers the infertility question and tests hopefully also answer infertility questions. All good in that respect.

How are you going?
Gosh, we have dips together, then our temp rise together and now they dip together!!!! Our bodies must be atuned to each other!!!!

Yeah, Im good today. Come to terms that Im out this month and get ready for next month. My ovulation boobs are gone, nothing else just dull achey uterus, no other symptoms at all.

Yes, hopefully we both get some answers soon!!!!! I cant book my ultrasound though because I dont know how long my LP is so not sure when to expect AF. Hopefully it is still 12 days.
Gosh, we have dips together, then our temp rise together and now they dip together!!!! Our bodies must be atuned to each other!!!!

Yeah, Im good today. Come to terms that Im out this month and get ready for next month. My ovulation boobs are gone, nothing else just dull achey uterus, no other symptoms at all.

Yes, hopefully we both get some answers soon!!!!! I cant book my ultrasound though because I dont know how long my LP is so not sure when to expect AF. Hopefully it is still 12 days.

I know - we are in sync through the internet :)

So - you are 11dpo today - so if your LP still 12dpo you should expect temp plunge and af if not pregnant tomorrow. Looking at your chart and it is behaving differently to last cycle which was BFP - so I think you are right.

Probably good for your body to have a month rest in between pregnancies..?

I feel a little off this morning: nauseous, heartburn and horrible sick-burps :(

Could be nothing... could be something... Time will tell :coffee:

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