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CD1 (6/13/11) Come 1, Come All!

Awww, girls. I know that feeling... and as selfish and crappy as it is of me, it's why I'm not around so much right now. I'm so happy for everyone who's got their sticky beans... but it's hard for me to see it, too. I feel that ugly green jealousy monster rearing its head, and it's nasty. I do keep up with the thread, reading and stuff... I just don't always pop in with my own stuff, because I feel like such a downer all the time, I don't feel like I should be spreading it, you know? LOL

But I love all of you, and am sending big :hugs: and :flower:s
Macs....we understand hun!! :hugs:

I can't stay away.... And seeing all the other preggy tickers give me some kind of inspiration to keep going. Only reason why I would get of the ttc train at this month's end would be to get my life back on track...and I can guarantee you I won't really stop ttc'ing. maybe just stop charting... :haha:
LOL, Snip. I understand that. I don't really know how people can turn TTC on and off. Maybe I would if it ends up taking me as long as some of these poor ladies have been trying. But I don't think so, even then. I can't imagine stopping trying. Not really.

I've thought about quitting charting, though. Or at least, stop temping during my LP. I manage to convince myself EVERY month that my chart looks so good. And it does... right up until it doesn't. So I'm considering stopping temping after O is confirmed each month. We'll see.
Macs me too. You know I tried that and then the end I picked up the thermometer. :lol: I'm so freak'n dorky. I do miss seeing your posts though. I do just get on sometime just to read other people's journal to see what's up with no intention of posting and then I feel bad and have to say something. Yes I'm a wuss! I'm just so freak'n tired of ttc. Mentally its about to kill me.

Macs I was looking at your chart. YOu Ovulate around cd11. I was thinking do you think that could be the reason your beanie is not there yet. Do you think maybe its a little early O and your eggies don't have time to mature enough? I don't know I'm just wondering. I wish I could solve my own problems. Anyway honey just a thought. :hugs:
I miss you guys too... am just so down.

This is actually my first O at CD 11... it varies all the way up to 15, at least so far, so who knows.

Had my appt with the OB/GYN this morning. Showed him my charts, and he was way impressed. Loves my 'curves'... lol... TEMP Curves. Said he wishes that all of his patients could have charts like that.

I mentioned to him that we were TTC, and he said 6 months is no big deal, I got the whole rigamorale about could take up to a year, blah blah... and he wants me to wait out until at least the end of the year...

But I mentioned both my varying LP and spotting before my period, and he says it's POSSIBLY an indication of an LP defect... and if we're still feeling like we're nowhere by the first of the year, I could go back and we'd talk about either progesterone or Clomid. He says obviously I'm ovulating on my own, but Clomid could make it a 'stronger O'... possibly a better corpus luteum, or whatever.

So we'll see. That's only a few months to wait, I guess.

He also said if we want, he can refer the Hubs for an SA. So... we're at least at a starting place.
I'm so happy first of all FOR DH and INSURANCE...you know I"m going to pick at your from now on about that. :haha: I'm really glad you got in to see the gyn. Why do they do that? "It hasn't been that long". Give me a break!!! So what do you think DH will say about the SA? Is he game for that? Are you booking your appt now for Jan just in case? We don't won't no waiting!!! Prayerfully preggo before then though. :hugs:
Hi Everyone :hi:

It's Friday...YAY!!!

I think I lost a day of my life somewhere in this mad house...I though for sure I was only 8dpo...bt I'm 9 dpo!!
And I dont even have a hpt in the house....WTH
Happy friday to you too madam moselle' ! Man I lost a day too this week. Its crazy yesterday I didn't realize it was Thursday. When I figured it out I had to call DH and ask him :haha: I guess I've had a bit of trauma this week and it threw me off. Anyways...NO test in the house??? What??? You??? :rofl: Are you getting anxious?
CAn you believe it...this POASA dont have any hpt's!! :haha:

I sooo want to test but I'm scared....I'm having a mind war at this moment! One moment I wanna run to the store and go buy one..and then I'm scared and tell myself to wait as long as possible. Wednesday would be 14dpo and when AF is due....Friday it's my birthday....so wouldn't it be better to wait for AF to be late and get an awesome b-day gift. But then again...WTH...I know I would not be able to hold out that long!!

Anyway...keep an eye on this thread over the weekend for incase I decide to test. lol :haha:
I sure am! I'm so rooting for you. What days did you take your clomid. YOu know I start it tonight so its cd 3-7 and get sono then trigger. I'm not going to put too much on it or into it. These disappointments hurt.
also took it cd 3-7.
I really hope and pray that we'll both get that BFP and sticky bean soon!!
Yes..was it around 9dpo? or did you past AF before it.
it was very early..like 9/10 dpo...I just remember I was not 4 weeks yet.

At that time I was chatting on the Pampers Forum and everyone always told me I was super fertile because I got pregnant 4 times in a row.
So you miscarried all three before LB. Were they back to back months?
Yes, al 3 in the 6 months before we concieved LB.
1st - Jan 25 @ 7weeks, 2nd - Mar 04 @ 5weeks, 3rd - May 27th @ 8weeks.
and then I decided to stop ttc and went on bcp....but got my period like 2 weeks into the pack and not when I should've. When I got to the red pills no AF...was a bit weird and I then got O pains and EWCM while on the pill..so we just bd'ed.
Lol..will never foget when LB was conceived. Me and DH went to watch rugby with some friends and he got drunk because my team won and he's lost. I was angry at him and didn't speak to him for a whole week. We only did it once.. make up :sex: and we did it!! :haha:
Did they ever say why you mc'd so much? Did you say the only thing you did different was baby aspirin? See I did the baby aspirin...maybe I should not do it this time.

The best kind...:rofl:

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