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CD1... AF bites but it's onto a new month...

ok, so its been 5 minutes since I took the opk and it's fainter. Looks like the last 24hrs have been my LH surge then :)

going to :sex: for the next 3 days and then every other day until af shows! I am so paranoid that if we stop, that my opk's are wrong and that I won't ovulate till next week and then miss it again like last month :wacko: hence all the baby dancing over the last 4 days!!!

What do you think - stop opk'ing now or keep testing daily just in case. I am soooooooo confused :headspin:] (*,)
i always keep testing until FF confirms O. If FF can't confirm your O, then I'd test for an extra week! just to be safe :thumbup:
Just looked at my opk and it's darker than the control line! It says dont read after 30 minutes and it hasn't been 30 minutes yet....why oh why does this ttc have to be so difficult! I had no trouble with no.2.pretty much :sex: once and he was concieved! No.1 was a suprise as I was on bc...

Will wait till midday tomorrow and do another opk :)
I think I might be having middle pains and a little bit of fertile CM! I am trying to not think about it too much because I dont want it to go away! I am going to take another OPK here in about an hour and see if it is any darker than earlier. Oh man, I sure hope so.

I am going to another concert tonight so that should be fun.. Well maybe. Lol. I got my little sister Katy Perry tickets and the concert is tonight. It is gonna be ca-razy.

Anyway, I am so excited for us all!
I think I might be having middle pains and a little bit of fertile CM! I am trying to not think about it too much because I dont want it to go away! I am going to take another OPK here in about an hour and see if it is any darker than earlier. Oh man, I sure hope so.

I am going to another concert tonight so that should be fun.. Well maybe. Lol. I got my little sister Katy Perry tickets and the concert is tonight. It is gonna be ca-razy.

Anyway, I am so excited for us all!

That's sounds REALLY promising! How are you today? I had a few pains today on my left hand side so wonder if I ovulated? My opk at lunch was -ve so I have defo had my LH surge. Just waiting for FF to confirm when I ovulated. I predicted today and think I could be right! My cm is more watery than ew but can stretch it slightly. Will be :sex: tonight, tomorrow and Saturday an then every other day till :witch: is due around 30th august.

How was Katy Perry too! I am so jealous!

I think I might be having middle pains and a little bit of fertile CM! I am trying to not think about it too much because I dont want it to go away! I am going to take another OPK here in about an hour and see if it is any darker than earlier. Oh man, I sure hope so.

I am going to another concert tonight so that should be fun.. Well maybe. Lol. I got my little sister Katy Perry tickets and the concert is tonight. It is gonna be ca-razy.

Anyway, I am so excited for us all!

That's sounds REALLY promising! How are you today? I had a few pains today on my left hand side so wonder if I ovulated? My opk at lunch was -ve so I have defo had my LH surge. Just waiting for FF to confirm when I ovulated. I predicted today and think I could be right! My cm is more watery than ew but can stretch it slightly. Will be :sex: tonight, tomorrow and Saturday an then every other day till :witch: is due around 30th august.

How was Katy Perry too! I am so jealous!


Katy Perry was great! She is not really my style of music, although I do like her. Like every 20 year old. Lol she just has fun music you can dance to and be crazy and it was a good time. There was literally women of EVERY age there! And Katy Perry was really good live! Which is always good because you can make anyone sound good on the radio!

I am so excited for you!! You are in the 2ww!! Good luck!!

As for me, cd19. My CM has increased slightly (nothing to get excited over but it is way better than the 100% dry feeling I had (sorry TMI!)) and it is I would say..wetter. Not EWCM though. Low of CBFM (I cant wait to stop using it this cycle. I feel like I am wasting it. I shouldnt have opened it!), and about to go use an OPK to see if it has gotten any darker than yesterday. I hope it has but I dont know.. I am having a few more middle pains today but they are not that intense and keep going and coming. I really think my body keeps trying to ovulate and the failing.. isnt that common in women with PCOS?
I'm not sure about the PCOS thing.. I think I'm having that problem this cycle tho.. FF gave me crosshairs & says I've ovulated on CD12, but I have yet to get a positive OPK.. I think my body may be trying to O, but just not doing it.. It's getting incredibly frustrating though! I feel like I'm so close... :(
I feel the same way. I got that almost positive on cd12 and every since then, they have been dark negatives and wont go all the way positive. I wish my body would just do what it is SUPPOSED to do naturally.

They are either this dark or darker than this. Obviously negative..but dark negatives.. and it makes me think my body is gearing up but since they havent gone all the way positive, my surge has no actually happened.

Edit. This is probably the lightest one I have had all week and it is darker irl.
Rachael - I dint think you have had your surge yet and your body is getting ready. Reading on the net, some ladies after coming of bc can be opk'ing for like 30 day before they get a positive. Keep :sex: and if you still don't get a positive when the :witch: is due (if you know roughly when) then it's defo worth taking a hpt.

My fingers are crossed for you, not that they need to be, it WILL happen :hugs:

Florida - can you have a look at my chart? Put my temp in this morning an FF has recognised ovulation saying it was on cd15, when I got my first +ve opk. How reliable is this! I thought I felt a little discomfort on my left hand side yesterday thinking that was ovulation but to be honest I never 'feel' ovulation. Not sure wether I should go by FF which means I'm 3dpo or by my discomfort yesterday meaning I'm 1dpo?

Thank you!

And my fingers are crossed for you to Hun, your opk's were looking promising too and I know it WILL happen :hugs:

hmmm.. For testing purposes, I'd go with your 1dpo & what you feel is right.. Just wait a couple days & lets see what your temps do first..that'll give us a better idea.

Just thought I would check and see how you all are?

Florida - I had another temp increase this morning. If I have another tomorrow then I will definitely go by when I thought I ovulated (CD17) as that will be 3 in a row and not when FF thought. Therefore I will stick with my tracker below as it's correct!!

Any more progress on your opk's yet?

I'm on holiday now so will check back when I can - internet siganl is rubbish, even on my iPhone! It's only working now as i'm at the sites clubhouse hooked onto their Wifi (dh is watching a soccer match so thought I would take the opportunity to log in!!!)

As for symptoms in the 2ww - lots of gas haha!!! Not sure if that was dinner last night tho...

Peed 4 times in 1 hour this morning, but surely that is just a coincidence? And I had to get up in the night too which isn't normal. I only had a coffee this morning and caffine doesn't normally have that much of an effect on me!

Yay! I am so glad for you that you ovulated!!

Another low on CBFM (I swear, I should NOT have opened that damn thing. It is causing more stress right now than help), but I havent checked my LH level on an OPK yet. Will do that this afternoon. I need to stop using so much of them since I just keep getting the dark negative. The one I used last night was also dark negative, so I have no idea when they are going to get positive.

On a happier note, DH and I had not DTD for two days yesterday, and last night, before we started SMEP again, I def had an increase in CM! It was not fertile CM yet, but it was like white/lotiony/wet (oh my gosh, I am so sorry for the TMI!) and that gives me hope because I havent really had ANY CM at all this cycle! Maybe that is a good sign? I hope so!!
Evening all! Sorry I haven't been on here for ages, been away for the week and got home this afternoon!! Think I ov'd on either Friday or yesterday - got a good line on Friday but didn't think it was dark enough to be a positive and couldn't test properly yesterday as was at my grandads and taking a cup and stick to pee on was not all that easy!! by the time I managed to test it was nearly 11pm and i was a little squiffy :dohh: still got a line though so I am assuming I ov'd yesterday and smepping until Wednesday lol!
Hope you are all well, I'll have a proper catch up on where you all are in your cycles, any testing happening soon???
Well I am testing September first but only for precaution. And it is just with an IC. I have to freaking ovulate though..which I am still sure I havent done yet. So I just thought I would check with an ic hpt that I have laying around.
Rachael, any news on the OPKs? Are they getting any darker?

Bells, hows your TWW going?

AFM, heres mine from today:


I think I should have a positive by the end of the day (hopefully!) And then O in the next 2 days! :happydance:
Wow all you guys are so lucky..

Mine are stuck in the dark negatives still. Just waiting for one to roll around so I can take another one. All this waiting blows.

My it is really storming outside!
Hi All and hi disney!

Florida, your opk is looking very good - anymore updates?!

Rachael, weird question, but how is your cm today? Anymore fertile?

Disney, have you any symptoms in your 2ww yet? Did you have any obvious ones lat time? I never symptom spotted with my other two as no.1 was concieved whilst on the pill and didnt have time with no.2 as so busy with no.1 (he was 9mths when no.2 was concieved)

As for me, I have a few symptoms that I don't normally suffer from:

I have had 4 bowel movements today! Yep, 4!!! I am only a one-a-day girl. And can't say i've eaten any new foods either!

I'm been quite windy/gassy and unfortunately from both ends...!

I have been very bloated today. It's like I need to stick a needle in my abdomen to release the air/pressure. It's not nice :(

Tonight I was about to drink my tea and had a wave of nausea. Took one look at it and put it down. I did drink it after 10 mins though. And I had a strange wave of nausea yesterday afternoon whilst at the clubhouse here on hols - I had to go outside to get fresh air.

Had a few sharp stabbing pains in my (.)(.)'s, but only one boob per time. Didn't last long, but uncomfrtable enough for me to notice and hold my boob!

And despite being on hols, I am knackered :sleep:

Hoping it's not all in my head. But i'm only 4dpo so can I really be experiencing all this so early on? Maybe fertility friend is correct and I am actually 6dpo?

arghhhhhhhhhhhh! :wacko: :dohh:


p.s Florida: my temp spiked again today after dipping yesterday. Still taking it at 6:40am orally - being very good and strict at doing it! Can't believe my alarm goes off so early even when i'm on hols! But hey, has to be done if I want to be preggers!

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