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CD1... AF bites but it's onto a new month...

:wohoo:Hi ladies!

Well finished work at 1pm today so came home and did an opk and it's positive :woohoo:!!!!!

Can't believe it!

Today is cd15 so back on track with my cycle!

We Dtd last night and as soon ad he is home from work we will be again!

I'm in utter shock!

Will post a picture later as in my iPhone!

Hope you are all well? How's the opk'ing going with you?

It's only a positive opk but I want to tell the world haha!

The only symptom I've had was some ewcm yesterday and some today.

Yay yay yay!


Bells, :wohoo: keep bedding for the next couple days! :happydance: hopefully I won't be too far behind you! Mine are progressively getting darker, then we can be TWW buddies :hugs:
:wohoo:Hi ladies!

Well finished work at 1pm today so came home and did an opk and it's positive :woohoo:!!!!!

Can't believe it!

Today is cd15 so back on track with my cycle!

We Dtd last night and as soon ad he is home from work we will be again!

I'm in utter shock!

Will post a picture later as in my iPhone!

Hope you are all well? How's the opk'ing going with you?

It's only a positive opk but I want to tell the world haha!

The only symptom I've had was some ewcm yesterday and some today.

Yay yay yay!


Bells, :wohoo: keep bedding for the next couple days! :happydance: hopefully I won't be too far behind you! Mine are progressively getting darker, then we can be TWW buddies :hugs:

*sigh* :nope:

You guys suck.
:wohoo:Hi ladies!

Well finished work at 1pm today so came home and did an opk and it's positive :woohoo:!!!!!

Can't believe it!

Today is cd15 so back on track with my cycle!

We Dtd last night and as soon ad he is home from work we will be again!

I'm in utter shock!

Will post a picture later as in my iPhone!

Hope you are all well? How's the opk'ing going with you?

It's only a positive opk but I want to tell the world haha!

The only symptom I've had was some ewcm yesterday and some today.

Yay yay yay!


Bells, :wohoo: keep bedding for the next couple days! :happydance: hopefully I won't be too far behind you! Mine are progressively getting darker, then we can be TWW buddies :hugs:

*sigh* :nope:

You guys suck.

I don't get it, so yours started getting darker? But then completely halted & are staying the same now?

It'll happen hun :hugs:
you know, I was thinking.... OPK's have different levels of sensitivity, just like HPT's.. Maybe that has something to do with why you haven't gotten a possitive yet? Maybe you produce a lower amount of LH, and the OPK isn't giving you positives because of that.. :shrug: IDK, just a thought! :wacko: how many days have your tests been 'almost' positive? it sucks, I know it does! hopefully it happens soon though :hugs:
exactly.. thanks. I will take another one here in a few hours.. I know it will happen eventually. It is just taking forever! Hm.. I just had a thought.. I wonder if the stress of the fact that the OPKs are not going all the way positive is because I am stressed out about it! I need to chill the eff out but it is hard!

Hey, dont get me wrong though, I am super excited for you guys. :) I hope yall get your :bfp:
you know, I was thinking.... OPK's have different levels of sensitivity, just like HPT's.. Maybe that has something to do with why you haven't gotten a possitive yet? Maybe you produce a lower amount of LH, and the OPK isn't giving you positives because of that.. :shrug: IDK, just a thought! :wacko: how many days have your tests been 'almost' positive? it sucks, I know it does! hopefully it happens soon though :hugs:

They have been almost positive for...oh.... 5 days. It like varies in color... but is always a pretty dark negative.

Thanks, me too! :)
Rachael - I know exactly how you're feeling, I felt it last month when chatting to a few girls who all got their BFP and I didn't :( it is such a crap feeling. But I have high hopes for you. Your opk's are getting darker and I really don't think you are far off. And remember it hasn't been long since coming off bc. you have done everything/taken everything you can to help this cycle and it is obviously working or you wouldnt be having such dark opk's :) please stay positive - it's easy for me to say that but you don't know how stress can affect your body and your cycles.

I am so hoping I get my bfp this month - one of the nurses I work with is 16 wks preggers and I just so want to be too. I am really ready for another child. Everywhere I look there are pregnant people, newborn babies or billboards/posters/tv/radio adverts advertising pregnancy tests/baby products etc. Arghhhhhhh!

Florida, how are your opk's today? it's 9pm in the UK so going to do another shortly and see how it compares to lunchtimes. I imagine it will start to fade now. Still need to upload pictures of them all.

Are you two any good with charting? Not quite sure what happens with temps after ov has occurred? I thought they were supposed to go up and stay up and stay up if preggers? Really need to read FF again. I would love to know exactly when I ov/have ov so I can start my dpo count.

Rachael, my fingers really are crossed for you and I am sure this is your month.

Lots of love and :hugs: and piles of :dust: being sent your way.

Florida, of course :dust: being sent your way too! And keep us posted :)

not yet - funnily enough I am just trying to figure that one out!

Loving the fact my iPhone is emailing me whilst i'm on the netbook when I get a reply on here!
as soon as you get it up, i'll take a look. I'd like to think I'm OK at interpreting charts! :)
my chart is saying ovulation not detected yet. Guessing that is because it is waiting for a temperature shift?

All soooooooooo confusing!
yes, FF won't detect O unless you have a temp shift, must be 3 days of higher temps, then pretty much stay sustained
Ah right - gotcha! Thanks!

Managed to put a link to my chart on here :o)
as soon as you get it up, i'll take a look. I'd like to think I'm OK at interpreting charts! :)

Your chart is so neat and tidy and pretty consistent. Mine is all over the show - there were two days I forgot, but the rest have been taken pretty much at 6:40am. The alarm goes, I reach out for the thermometer, keep as still as I can and take it! Wait for the 4 beeps to say its done, read it half asleep and tap the figures into my mobile, save and go back to sleep (unless its a work day)! Think i've done it correctly from advice from others!

I guess its just a waiting game now :wacko:
I think FF may have a hard time determining when you O'd.. Your temps are a bit speratic. if you got a positive OPK yesterday & today, I'd assume that you will be O'ing somewhere between tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So be sure to keep DTD! do you temp at the same time every day?

IDK how you have manage to DTD 5 times, in the last 4 days! LOL, and you've got to LO's :thumbup: we can barely manage to DTD every other day. :wacko:

ETA: I see in your last response that you take it the same time everyday.. I take mine at 6:30am everyday.. My temps just went up cause I'm getting ready to O, then they'll drop the day I O, then come back up again..

I think if your temp shoots up to around 97.3 after you O, FF may be able to detect Ovulation, but I think that temp on CD11 will be the one to throw it off.. You may end up having to take it out.. I always play with my chart, just to see what FF will say
I think FF may have a hard time determining when you O'd.. Your temps are a bit speratic. if you got a positive OPK yesterday & today, I'd assume that you will be O'ing somewhere between tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So be sure to keep DTD! do you temp at the same time every day?

IDK how you have manage to DTD 5 times, in the last 4 days! LOL, and you've got to LO's :thumbup: we can barely manage to DTD every other day. :wacko:

Tell me about it!!! It's bloody hard work and knackering! Even DH is fed up now but doing it as he knows it's my fertile time and I am hoping to get pregnant this month! I love him sooooo much as not once has he said no (excpet for the day before we dts twice) and he knows how much this all means to me, and him. My parents took my boys away yesterday mroning for a few days so thats making things easier haha!!! And it helps them being so young as bedtime is at 7:30pm so give it a few hours and then the night is young!!!

There was one day when I took my temp an hour later than normal, but yes, I have been very good and taken my temp at the same time everyday. Mainly because i've got it bad re: getting pregant, not missing ovulation etc.

I put my ticker at a 30 day cycle predicting ov to be tomorrow. Last month it was 35 days, 1 week longer than normal so estimated it just to give me a rough idea on when to start opk'ing.

gonna go do an opk now..........
let me know how the test comes back.. that's why FF hasn't detected Ov yet tho.. It won't detect it till at least 3 days after when you actually O.. GL hun :dust:

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