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CD1... AF bites but it's onto a new month...

baby dust to all of you! thank you for being so wonderful and supportive!
How fab you two! All seems to be going in the right direction!

Florida, you know your stuff at charting etc so and advice would be more than welcome! Stalk away!!! Been reading up more about temping etc so starting to understand a little better but my temps really are erratic!

I woke every 2 hrs last night so my temp this morning can't be accurate as I didn't have a decent or good amount of sleep. Can this be changed on my chart?


You need at least 3 hours of solid sleep to get a good reading.. If ever you wake before/after your supposed to take your temp, you can go ahead & take your temp, then use a BBT adjuster.. for instance, I woke up a couple weeks ago at 5:15, but usually take my temp at 6:30. I knew my temp at 6:30 would be off, so I used the BBT adjuster & it told me what my temp would have been, had I have taken it at the correct time. You can use this link: https://www.whenmybaby.com/basalbodytemperature.php

If you have nights like last night though, where you can get at least that 3 hours of sleep, I'd just mark on FF 'sleep deprived', so that FF knows that the temp may not be accurate.
Thank you Florida! My alarm went as normal at 6:40 am so took it as normal but was wide awake at 4:15am! Had really wavy rain last night which woke the children too! Plus acorns falling from the trees hitting the caravan roof! Loving my holiday but will look forward to my own bed!!!

baby dust to all of you! thank you for being so wonderful and supportive!

Lemondrops, yay! You've got your :bfp: :wohoo:

Awesom news!

How many dpo were you?

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to you :)

baby dust to all of you! thank you for being so wonderful and supportive!

Lemondrops, yay! You've got your :bfp: :wohoo:

Awesom news!

How many dpo were you?

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to you :)


13DPO! AF was due tomorrow. I got a very faint line on an IC last night and then a very faint line again this morning. Used my FMU to take a clearblue digital easy and FRER and got bfp on both! Thank you and baby dust to you!
Hi all,

Hope you're both ok? Anymore news on your opk's/cbfm?

Me, i'm 7dpo today and caved and took a ic hpt this morning - I swear I could see a very faint line but think it was a bad case of line eye! Seriously, 7dpo is really early and i'm :wacko: for even testing!

However I will test tomorrow morning which was always the plan, but i'm not expecting to see anything.

Symptom wise:

really gassy AGAIN! Seems to be an evening thing! Didn't have any dinner as wasnt feeling hungry (probabaly because i've been snacking all day) so not sure what all the gas is about!

Boobs have been a little sore especially if I gently prod them. My bra was hurting over my shoulders so took it off and now my boobs feel a little sore around the arm pit area.

Still having more than one bowel movement per day!

Had a wave of nausea this afternoon, but was only for about half hour or so and lots of trips to the toilet.

My cm has increased, quite clear but not ew but if I check cp it looks quite lotioney and some of it is creamy.

My temp stayed up this morning too - yay!

I also had a dull ache in my lower back that went round into my hips too - very odd sensation.

God I really hope this isn't all in my head!

Still on a high on my CBFM and continuing DTD tonight *rolls eyes*

I told my DR today that we were ttc and she was REALLY haplpy for me!! I love my dr!!
Good to hear ou are :sex: but doesn't it become a chore sometimes?

We are still :sex: every other night....just incase! It's nice to have a night off!

I love the fact that in the US, you all seem to have such good relationships with your doctors. In the UK we have general practioners (GP's) and they are our first port of call, but it's amazing if you ever see the same one at the practice you are registered at! They are the port of call for referral to specialists.

It's so lovely that your Dr is so happy for you!
My dr is just a general practioner too but I have been going to her for numerous things throughout the years so I dont think ttc is over her head. Lol. She has been my main Doctor for 5 years. I really like her. She knows me pretty well. I feel like I am there every other day. HA! And my mom goes to her too and has for longer than me.
Well 8dpo and :bfn: on an ic this morning which doesn't suprise me!

Temp has increased again too - not sure if this is a good thing?

Of out to buy some FRER's and a couple of digitals today. I will only use the digital if I get +ve on a FRER and will only use the FRER if I suspect/see a faint line on an IC!!! That way I won't waste them :)

The 2ww is killing me tho :( even being on hols isn't takingmy mind of it. Every little twinge and pain in my body has gpt me thinking 'I am preggers'. I really am :wacko: !!!

Lol maybe that was implantation!! Wouldn't it be awesome if this thread was "magic" and ALL of us got our BFPs this cycle?? Would be awesome!!

I got another high on my CBFM this morning.. hoping for a peak tomorrow or sunday. I have a question to ask.. lol..and it is VERY VERY tmi.. so be forewarned.

I have been using softcups during me fertile time and this morning, when I took the softcup out, there was a streak of blood mixed with its contents. I am really freaking out that I am about to bleed and it is gonna ruin everything. Any ideas?
Thats no tmi - don't think anything can shock anyone on here: thats what I love about this forum, you can discuss all sorts, sometimes more than what you can talk to your best friends about!

Could it be that you had a slight bleed after dancing and this hs go caught up in the contents of the cup? Did your dh notice any blood on him afterwards? He may of grazed you internally slightly causing the bleed?

Or have you actually ovulated already and this could be an implantation bleed - thats normally only a tiny amount?

I don't think you need to worry at this stage that the :witch: is on her way, especially if you are still getting highs on your cbfm.

Went and brought my FRER's today: got 4 of them. Couldnt get any digi'd as they had sold out and couldnt be bothered to go into town on my holiday!

And I too hope this is the start of a magic thread with Lemondrops leading the way!
:hi: ladies!

Nothing really to update here.. 2dpo, bbs are sore, which always happens right after O to AF, so it's nice to know that my body has given me it's confirmation that I've O'd.. :)

Getting a new car tonight, so that'll keep my mind off of the TWW (hopefully), the excitement of having something new....

I don't come on much over the weekend, so hope everyone has a good weekend! :hugs:

Florida, that sound very good! At least you know you have ovulated yay!

As for me.....

I took an IC this morning with fmu.....

and I got a second line! :bfp: !!!!

:wohoo: :happydance: :wohoo !!!!

And it came up within about 2 minutes too!

I did my FRER and there is a very very faint line but not suprised as I am only 9dpo. Will do another in the morning - I have another 3 of them plus lots of ICs. Will defo do another IC tonight!!!!

My FRER won't show in the photos, but there is defo a very faint line.

Just need to figure out how to transfer my photo on my iPhone onto here of the IC! I even text the picture to one of my closest friends this morning and she could clearly see the 2nd line!

Gosh I do hope that means this is the start of my :BFP:

OMG!!!! I'm away for a few days and loads happens!!
Bells CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :happydance:
that is amazing!!!!

6 days to go for me, although I know I'll be testing early, probably on Tuesday which will be 10dpo
Thank you! Totally stoaked!!!

I took my test and crept back into the bedroom (We're on hols and my sister and partner arrived yesterday and she doesn't know we've been ttc) and he said 'so are you pregnant' to which I replied 'well I think so, there is a second line' I handed him his glasses and told him to look and he said 'oh yeah' rolled over and went back to sleep!!!!

Have you any syptoms Disney?

Good luck and keep us all posted!

:dust: xxxx
slight twinges and pulling sensations since about 4dpo that are gradually getting more frequent. had a 2day headache that made me feel a it sick yesterday but other than that not really, although with my first pregnancy i didn't have many symptoms either (although maybe that isn't a good thing because I mc'd at 5 weeks)
Ok, hope the picture has attatched!!!

It's taken ages to get it from my iPhone to here!!!

And I can't rotate it either so the darker line on top is obviously the control line, then you can see the test line under that.

It's better in real and on my phone but how could I not share!!!


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haha it just looks like a shadow!

Hopefully I will have a better one later today/tomorrow!

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