CD1.. Anyone want to me cycle buddies with me.

Hi All
sorry I have been MIA.....just not too positive about getting a BFP this month. My mother is living with us till the end of the month so not much BD happening....but will try work around that issue :) at least the witch has counting the days to ovulation.

babydust to you all, lets hope we all get our BFP's soon
This is a good thread, if I say so myself, lol. We have a lot of support and slightly different CD's so we can all follow the way to each other with BFP's, hopefully! I feel a lot more relaxed and supported with this thread and fine when I can't talk to OH about things and obsessing over little symptoms, which he gets all the time lol, I'm giving him a bit of a break from hearing it all! But can talk to you ladies, my most recent obsess is last night in bed I have cramps on my lower right side? Is this a good sign towards ovulation? I'm in CD11 now. Lots and lots of baby dust, luck and prayers to you all.. Bring on OV day, and then swiftly followed by some beautiful unmistakeble BFP's, although I do sometimes like a little obsess over some 'probably not even there lines' gives a bit of hope for me, even if the lines not actually there haha. And ahhhh 'married' that's a shame, nearly married it is then lol. How we all today, it's half 9 in the morning here, England.. We're are we all in the world in this thread? Little one is off to a baby group this morning, then off to pre-school. So home alone today until OH is home. Means I have more time to obsess over how much I want another baby.. Not so good! I really hope it's soon. Danni you say about a lot stayed 'inside' after BD'ing.. For me it seems to come out within 10 minutes. Is that a bad thing then? Ohh dear. Xx
Poppie, don't worry. I am sure you will find a way, as you say.. Atleast the witch has gone. Think positive. We WILL get out BFP's! Baby dust to you! X
Poppie it only takes once!
I'm in New Zealand, just before 9pm. I would assume that if your man has lots of 'stuff' more would come out than if he didn't have lots. I find sometimes there is lots and other times not so much. Men are weird!
I've been a bit crampy too Amy, no idea what it means! I had a neg opk this afternoon but it was quite dark so hopefully that means OV isn't too far away! More CM today but I couldn't tell what category it needs to go in. CP always feels low, soft and openish so I will see what it does this cycle.
I'm really excited about analysing everyone's hpt too! Sometimes when I'm bored I go on countdown to pregnancy and vote on the tests. What an exciting life I lead!
Hope everyone else has/is having a good day :)
Lol, in my boredom I've spent the last half hourish looking through the pregnancy test gallery on here. Was reading through the blood on HPT one, pretty interesting. Although my pain threshold is near non existent to tell you the truth. So I couldn't haha. Might rope OH into giving it a try, see if they can come up positive with blood even when obviously negative. Whenever I go into the bathroom. It's a job to not take a test, but I just keep telling to myself if I want to waste money like that I may as well burn it! Haha. And yeahh I suppose that makes sense, the more there is the more likely some is to come out. Last night I literally had to run to the lol about 10 mins later for it to come out, never had that before. I've got no cramps today, so maybe just a random cramp. Ohhh yeah I forgot about count down to pregnancy, you've made my boring lonely day not so boring now! Thanks :) lol xx
95 million, for the euro millions tonight! (Pound) Wow! Just to inform you ladies, that I've decided to win that tonight :) lol. X
So sorry to hear about your ds. Never give up hope and keep trying to achieve at it. It will happen for you! Just like it will for us all.

Today has been 1 year since the passing of my best friends' baby. That was a mess of a story with the hospital. They caused her to loose her baby at 29 weeks. Bc of the ignorance of the doctor and his nursing staff. She went in on a tuesday for being at high risk (preeclampsia) so they bed ridden her at the hosptial. They started giving her shots to help develop his lungs bc they were going to deliver him that friday bc nothing was helping bring anything down. Carolinas Hospital treat her like gold in every way possible. They transferred her to McLeod Hospital that following thursday and didnt bother to put on a baby monitor on her at all. The doctor on call decided to wait til saturday to deliver him bc he was not wanting to do so that friday. Well that Saturday morning she felt really bad and went to the bathroom and she start hemorraging! The sack detached itself from the wall with all that was happening with in her body. They didn't do an emergency c-section to try and recessitate or anything. They wait the following day to deliver him. Pathetic!!! Sorry ladies had to have my little rant today! Its been very hard for her.

Wow! That is heartbreaking! I know how she must be hurting on this day. I know how traumatizing this must be for her. My thoughts are with your friend :hugs:

As far as that hospital is concerned, that's unbelievable! And it's sad to think that the way they handled that situation is probably routine! This kind of treatment is exactly why I question every doctor that I deal with. My DH gets upset with me because I will argue with a doctor if I don't agree - I don't care! Being a doctor is a job and a lot of people SUCK at their jobs, even doctors! Most of them think their shit don't stink - - - pleeeease!

Thank you! She is such a wonderful person and I knew she would be a great mom to baby Easton. I havent heard from her today but I am sure I will by the end of the day. I completely agree!! I was blown away at how they treated her. Doctors are so ridiculous these days! That same dr was on call the day my water broke and I told my ds he is not allowed in this room. My dr is the only one to be able to deliver or make calls. I was like mmm hell no! My mother-in-law was with me on that call! lol She had past experience with that dr and she told me he would not step foot in my room. :) But fortunately my husband was very understanding at the moment.

Kudos to you hun! You did the right thing, no doubt. It's baffling how many bad doctors there are out there... Very scary. How are you doing today, otherwise?

I'm doing pretty good today despite the fact I had hardly no sleep at all and I have a headache. I plan on sleeping very well tonight. Trying my best to keep my eyes open at my desk but I just want to lay my head down and take a nap...:sleep: 3 hrs left in the work day and goodness I am ready to call it a day and go home....I've been feeling some cramping. Thinking its almost time to ovulate. But Idk if they husband is going to. I'll find out tonight when he gets home. Stupid Poison Sumac!!!:nope:
How are things going your way?

Oh, I know all about Poison Sumac! My sister and her family went camping a few years back. It spread like wildfire throughout there house ... Eventually ending up and my house. I have never had poison anything in my life until then. It ate us alive! Lol Super contagious... Good luck with that! LOL I'm not really tired but I am really bored. I have 1.5 hours to go at work. I'm a crane operator. I'm just sitting up here in my little glass box (watching a movie... Shhh) and watching the clock! Oh, And counting down the days until vacation!!! WHOO HOO

That stuff is super contagious!!! I havent been able to hug or kiss my hubby in over a week! Our son hates that dh cant pick him up!! He absolutely hates it! He pitches a fit and it tears my dh to pieces! hmmm movies ehh? haha sounds like my kind of day! hahah Wish I could watch movies. But I have people in and out of my office all day...I'm an accountant for American Tire Distributors so yea def no movie watching lol....I only count down the time. 11:) am here now and boy im ready for lunch! :happydance:
It's awful what some ladies have to go through in life with their children, and the sometimes lack of decent help from hospital staff! It sickens me to be honest. I went into labour 36 + 5 my waters broke, and they delivered my little girl at 37 + 2 by emergency csection. After she was born had to have a drip in her hand for antibiotics and meds ect, cos they failed to do it through my vein when I was in labour. Reason being my waters had broke days before hand and they was supposed to of done it to stop infections ect, also told afterwards that they should have a baby delivered by 72 hours after waters breaking because of still born ect. I was lucky, others haven't been! Nothing compared to actually losing a child, but still just the lack of care that's sometimes shown in a hospital. That's my rant over too. Lol. Sitting in bed with a film and a hot choccie.... Mmmm yummy x

It really does! Some people are so ridiculous!!! So glad to hear you dd is doing fantastic! I can't imagine how it feels to loose a child and I def dont want to have to go through that. Kudos to the strong ladies out there! Only thing I did last night after putting ds to bed was read my book....I love a good book! Especially the fact that it was storming at the house last night so def relaxing! Makes me sleep so much better after reading.

Well dh is starting to clear up but still has the rash around his privates poor thing. My ff stays my flowers are blooming.....mehhhh I just want to dtd!!! Man o man this is prob the worse month ever starting off!!! :(
Hi Ladies... I'm at the Radiology Department of the hospital waiting, waiting, waiting for my HSG procedure today. Hopefully it goes well and shows that my fallopian tubes are open and good to go! Will update when I'm done. Really hoping to TTC this month. Oh, and my fertility monitor said that I am now in the HIGH fertility range which means to have sex because ovulation is 3-4 days from now. So, sex tonight and sex on thursday and we should be good to go!
Hi Ladies... I'm at the Radiology Department of the hospital waiting, waiting, waiting for my HSG procedure today. Hopefully it goes well and shows that my fallopian tubes are open and good to go! Will update when I'm done. Really hoping to TTC this month. Oh, and my fertility monitor said that I am now in the HIGH fertility range which means to have sex because ovulation is 3-4 days from now. So, sex tonight and sex on thursday and we should be good to go!

Praying everything turns out just right!! Get ready to :sex: tonight!!! Keep us updated!!!

Bring on the :bfp:!!!!
It's awful what some ladies have to go through in life with their children, and the sometimes lack of decent help from hospital staff! It sickens me to be honest. I went into labour 36 + 5 my waters broke, and they delivered my little girl at 37 + 2 by emergency csection. After she was born had to have a drip in her hand for antibiotics and meds ect, cos they failed to do it through my vein when I was in labour. Reason being my waters had broke days before hand and they was supposed to of done it to stop infections ect, also told afterwards that they should have a baby delivered by 72 hours after waters breaking because of still born ect. I was lucky, others haven't been! Nothing compared to actually losing a child, but still just the lack of care that's sometimes shown in a hospital. That's my rant over too. Lol. Sitting in bed with a film and a hot choccie.... Mmmm yummy x

It really does! Some people are so ridiculous!!! So glad to hear you dd is doing fantastic! I can't imagine how it feels to loose a child and I def dont want to have to go through that. Kudos to the strong ladies out there! Only thing I did last night after putting ds to bed was read my book....I love a good book! Especially the fact that it was storming at the house last night so def relaxing! Makes me sleep so much better after reading.

Well dh is starting to clear up but still has the rash around his privates poor thing. My ff stays my flowers are blooming.....mehhhh I just want to dtd!!! Man o man this is prob the worse month ever starting off!!! :(

LOL, I was soooo gonna say tell him not to touch his pee pee in yesterday's comment! Aw, that has to be awful but it would be worse for you if you contracted it 'downtown'... Ouch! Hope it gets better soon, hun!
Hi Ladies! I know I am a bit different from you guys, but I would like to join! I am doing my first round of IUI so my nerves have gotten the best of me. I am on CD 10 today and go for my check up U/S tomorrow (CD11) morning to see how my follies are doing since I have been on Clomid (CD3-7) and did a Gonal F injection (CD9) last night. I will be testing on the 26th as long as AF doesn't show up. This is one of my first posts ever so I am relatively new to this site. FX'd for all of you ladies! :flower:
Poppie it only takes once!
I'm in New Zealand, just before 9pm. I would assume that if your man has lots of 'stuff' more would come out than if he didn't have lots. I find sometimes there is lots and other times not so much. Men are weird!
I've been a bit crampy too Amy, no idea what it means! I had a neg opk this afternoon but it was quite dark so hopefully that means OV isn't too far away! More CM today but I couldn't tell what category it needs to go in. CP always feels low, soft and openish so I will see what it does this cycle.
I'm really excited about analysing everyone's hpt too! Sometimes when I'm bored I go on countdown to pregnancy and vote on the tests. What an exciting life I lead!
Hope everyone else has/is having a good day :)

OMG!!! New Zealand is my SOMEDAY dream vacation destination!!! You are so LUCKY and I am soooo jealous!!! I knew I liked you.... :happydance:
It's awful what some ladies have to go through in life with their children, and the sometimes lack of decent help from hospital staff! It sickens me to be honest. I went into labour 36 + 5 my waters broke, and they delivered my little girl at 37 + 2 by emergency csection. After she was born had to have a drip in her hand for antibiotics and meds ect, cos they failed to do it through my vein when I was in labour. Reason being my waters had broke days before hand and they was supposed to of done it to stop infections ect, also told afterwards that they should have a baby delivered by 72 hours after waters breaking because of still born ect. I was lucky, others haven't been! Nothing compared to actually losing a child, but still just the lack of care that's sometimes shown in a hospital. That's my rant over too. Lol. Sitting in bed with a film and a hot choccie.... Mmmm yummy x

It really does! Some people are so ridiculous!!! So glad to hear you dd is doing fantastic! I can't imagine how it feels to loose a child and I def dont want to have to go through that. Kudos to the strong ladies out there! Only thing I did last night after putting ds to bed was read my book....I love a good book! Especially the fact that it was storming at the house last night so def relaxing! Makes me sleep so much better after reading.

Well dh is starting to clear up but still has the rash around his privates poor thing. My ff stays my flowers are blooming.....mehhhh I just want to dtd!!! Man o man this is prob the worse month ever starting off!!! :(

LOL, I was soooo gonna say tell him not to touch his pee pee in yesterday's comment! Aw, that has to be awful but it would be worse for you if you contracted it 'downtown'... Ouch! Hope it gets better soon, hun!

oh I know! That is why im staying far from that! lol [-X no way no how!!! I feel so bad for him!! Im about ready to knock him out! So moody!
Hi Ladies... I'm at the Radiology Department of the hospital waiting, waiting, waiting for my HSG procedure today. Hopefully it goes well and shows that my fallopian tubes are open and good to go! Will update when I'm done. Really hoping to TTC this month. Oh, and my fertility monitor said that I am now in the HIGH fertility range which means to have sex because ovulation is 3-4 days from now. So, sex tonight and sex on thursday and we should be good to go!

Praying everything turns out just right!! Get ready to :sex: tonight!!! Keep us updated!!!

Bring on the :bfp:!!!!

Well CRAAAAAP! :growlmad: My right fallopian tube is completely fricken blocked! It has to be from the ectopic back in January. I swear I have shit for luck! My left side is completely open so I am praying to God that I ovulate from the left ovary this month. I am being scheduled for surgery the 3rd week of July to fix the right tube unless I GET PREGNANT this month. The pressure sucks!:wacko: LOL
Hi Abby! Good luck an keep us posted! I will hopefully confirm O tomorrow! Took Soy Iso this month and O'd a whole week early!
Hi Ladies! I know I am a bit different from you guys, but I would like to join! I am doing my first round of IUI so my nerves have gotten the best of me. I am on CD 10 today and go for my check up U/S tomorrow (CD11) morning to see how my follies are doing since I have been on Clomid (CD3-7) and did a Gonal F injection (CD9) last night. I will be testing on the 26th as long as AF doesn't show up. This is one of my first posts ever so I am relatively new to this site. FX'd for all of you ladies! :flower:

Welcome!!! You will fit in just fine! :) how are you feeling today?
It's awful what some ladies have to go through in life with their children, and the sometimes lack of decent help from hospital staff! It sickens me to be honest. I went into labour 36 + 5 my waters broke, and they delivered my little girl at 37 + 2 by emergency csection. After she was born had to have a drip in her hand for antibiotics and meds ect, cos they failed to do it through my vein when I was in labour. Reason being my waters had broke days before hand and they was supposed to of done it to stop infections ect, also told afterwards that they should have a baby delivered by 72 hours after waters breaking because of still born ect. I was lucky, others haven't been! Nothing compared to actually losing a child, but still just the lack of care that's sometimes shown in a hospital. That's my rant over too. Lol. Sitting in bed with a film and a hot choccie.... Mmmm yummy x

It really does! Some people are so ridiculous!!! So glad to hear you dd is doing fantastic! I can't imagine how it feels to loose a child and I def dont want to have to go through that. Kudos to the strong ladies out there! Only thing I did last night after putting ds to bed was read my book....I love a good book! Especially the fact that it was storming at the house last night so def relaxing! Makes me sleep so much better after reading.

Well dh is starting to clear up but still has the rash around his privates poor thing. My ff stays my flowers are blooming.....mehhhh I just want to dtd!!! Man o man this is prob the worse month ever starting off!!! :(

LOL, I was soooo gonna say tell him not to touch his pee pee in yesterday's comment! Aw, that has to be awful but it would be worse for you if you contracted it 'downtown'... Ouch! Hope it gets better soon, hun!

oh I know! That is why im staying far from that! lol [-X no way no how!!! I feel so bad for him!! Im about ready to knock him out! So moody!

LMAO! I am so cracking up right now! ha ha ha Good girl! Tell him there are worse things in life than temporarily being off limits to 'boom boom' LOL
Abby of course you can join, welcome and good luck!!! :)

Xurfingers I'm sorry to hear that! Fingers crossed you ovulate this month from the other side!

Ffwife hubby still not better I see, I feel sorry for you both! But as another lady said it only takes once, so ya never know you could still get your BFP this month! If not, we're all here to support and every other person on bnb too.

How are we all, it's evening here in Uk. Well 7.15z feeling crampy like AF is gonna come, this is strange never had this before, except maybe befor I wasn't crazy symptom spotting. But could be a good sign. Getting confused with my cm again today, unsure whether its watery or creamy. To me i thought that to same thing?! Lol xx
Hi Ladies! I know I am a bit different from you guys, but I would like to join! I am doing my first round of IUI so my nerves have gotten the best of me. I am on CD 10 today and go for my check up U/S tomorrow (CD11) morning to see how my follies are doing since I have been on Clomid (CD3-7) and did a Gonal F injection (CD9) last night. I will be testing on the 26th as long as AF doesn't show up. This is one of my first posts ever so I am relatively new to this site. FX'd for all of you ladies! :flower:

Keep us posted! Got some really great gals on this thread! How many follicles did you have during your first u/s?

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