CD1.. Anyone want to me cycle buddies with me.

Don't think like that. It makes me feel sad that you feel like that. It can't be a nice feeling. But we are a good supportive group on bnb. That was possibly just a little mishap and crossed wires. I do understand we're you are coming from, cos doctors lets face it DO saves lives, I think maybe the conversations were towards a very minimal few that possibly did make a mistake, as mine did. But people are only human and is understandable, but sometimes people will blame doctors/nurses as I'm sure you know as they don't have anybody else to blame. Harsh fact unfortunately but I think that it's human nature to feel to blame somebody. If that makes sense. Please don't feel disheartened!? X
Oh I totally missed this page. I find anything related to childbirth or children is extremely sensitive and without knowing the full story it is difficult. However I think that sometimes people need someone to blame and often healthcare professionals get the blame because that is where the person is in their grieving process. I think most people would agree doctors are amazing and we are so lucky to have them, it doesn't mean they never get it wrong an don't need to evaluate what they do but overall they are pretty awesome. I actually don't think there is anything wrong with questioning a doctor but there are ways to do it to make it work so you are all on the same team and ways to do it to end up on different teams! At the end of the day everyone has the same goal, healthy mum an healthy baby. Please stay Aurora! I am a midwife myself and here in NZ midwives get all the media bashing so I can understand how it feels.
Ive temped for months. I have restless nights sleep all the time. Sometimes it gives me more of a rocky looking chart but I still pinpoint O just fine. A few wonky nights sleep shouldnt disrupt the whole chart. Look at the big picture of that chart as a graph and see the incline for O. Dont focus on just one temp. Hope that helps! There are also days that I sleep in or dont sleep as much...for those temps depending on how much/little sleep Ive had I may decide to adjust the temp using BBT adjuster online. BUT I dont like to adjust for restless night..lonly if the sleep hours are way way off.
Well I can't work out how to add my chart on the bottom so I've taken a photo of it, what does any body think if I'm doing it okay or not? Or a guess at when I may O if that's possible lol x


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The restless nights sleep may be what has caused the flat temps for the last 3 days. Do you know what day you usually O on? I think you should be OK.
Nearlymarried ~ thanks for the welcome! IUI does seem intense to me too! I am sure there are plenty of women on here that have gone through worse, but I can handle intense any day! I have never temped and I asked the RE about that and said she wanted to try IUI first and if that doesn't work we will look into it. I think she is relatively positive about an IUI for us, but I am trying not to let it get me too excited. FXd for sure!
Kitcat- it wasn't me who posted about restless nights sleep :) .. I usually sleep fine, unless I've been having restless night without realising. As I was wondering why my last 3 temps have literally been exactly the same. I have never done temps or charting before so have NO idea at all when I O, or even that I do O.. What should I be expecting to see soon on my my chart? To show that I do O. After reading through some posts it's made me panic that I don't and it never occurred to me before? X
Married- your a midwife, that's amazing. Can imagine its tough sometimes though especially when TTC. And I must admit during my back labour/dry labour/induction labour all rolled into one, when I was out on the drip (due to my eaters breaking three days before hand and getting no contractions) I was literally having contractions with no more than a 5 second break until they turned my dose down, but at that point in my haze of pain relief and meds and pain I was experiencing I kicked my midwife and pushed her off of me thinking it was OH touching stomach! Oops. X
& had totally forgotten about it until that point and thinking about all the stick medical professionals have to take.

I was obviously very apologetic after I realised it was my OH, and very embarrassed.. X
Amy! OMG! I confused 2 different posts! Lol! You are looking to see you temp drop or a few days of temps dropping down and then back up a day or so later. Check my chart out. My last dip was my O day I believe. My temp tomorrow will tell me if I did O or not. You are basically looking for a pattern. You want to see your temps rise and stay up. My rise yesterday was large (larger than any Ive had all month) and then a little higher again today. You are looking for a .3 raise intemps (does not have to happen in one day sometimes it will be over the course of a few days.) I would say from looking at your chart that your temp should go down and hopefully by CD14 you should get your rise. BUT that is going off a "normal" cycle. I usually O cd19-23 but took meds to help O earlier. Do you know how long your cycle is? That will help me figure out your fertile time frame.
Okay, that kind of makes sense, I suppose it will make sense more when I see it happening, my God I hope I do, now I'm all worried that I don't even ovulate! Lol. And from the last 4 months my average is about 36 days I think. X
Are you on FF Amy? I'm planning on it telling me when I ovulate!
Being a midwife def has its ups and downs! I love it though! I've been really jealous of my last few bookings though, they all seem to be straight off the pill! I look after a lot of young mums so a lot aren't planned but a lot of the time we don't talk too much about how long it took to conceive.
Thanks for the charting help, I guess it will either work or it won't!
Hi Ladies! I know I am a bit different from you guys, but I would like to join! I am doing my first round of IUI so my nerves have gotten the best of me. I am on CD 10 today and go for my check up U/S tomorrow (CD11) morning to see how my follies are doing since I have been on Clomid (CD3-7) and did a Gonal F injection (CD9) last night. I will be testing on the 26th as long as AF doesn't show up. This is one of my first posts ever so I am relatively new to this site. FX'd for all of you ladies! :flower:

Keep us posted! Got some really great gals on this thread! How many follicles did you have during your first u/s?

I sure will! It looks like yall have some great people here and I feel like I fit in with this group in that you all are from such different backgrounds but come together and fit well! I didn't ask about the follicles the during the first u/s as I had no idea what to ask about. But the nurse said that everything looked really promising and that she is looking forward to the update with this u/s tomorrow. I could see about 6 on one side and about 5 or so on the other...but again, I wasn't sure what I was looking for! LOL:winkwink:

That sounds like a very promising cycle! I'm excited for you and for your little follies :)
Married- ;-) lol, yes I am on FF. I posted my chart on the page before this one cos I'm sure I'm doing it wrong, and according to my temps they have been exactly the same for the last 4 days?! Surely I'm doing something wrong. Hope we're all okay and close to O. Or have O.. And in the TWW. Keep us posted. Baby dust. Xx
I think I'm close to O!!! I'm so excited! Really stringy discharge today and CP is really high! Still negative OPKs but yesterday's was the darkest I've ever had so I've got my fingers crossed! I've only been charting for a few days so in not sure what my chart will show. Happy BDing everyone!
... This kind of treatment is exactly why I question every doctor that I deal with. My DH gets upset with me because I will argue with a doctor if I don't agree - I don't care! Being a doctor is a job and a lot of people SUCK at their jobs, even doctors! Most of them think their shit don't stink - - - pleeeease!

...Doctors are so ridiculous these days!...

...It's baffling how many bad doctors there are out there...

My goodness... I had no idea how much doctor-bashing was going on while I was (ironically) working my ass off in the children's ER this weekend, too busy to get online, barely enough time to shower & eat & commute 5 minutes back & forth to the hospital. I spent my weekend giving up meals and a beautiful weekend to suture little numbed-up knees, do lumbar punctures on babies, reassure anxious teens, provide support & resources to those in need, praise parents on pre-ER treatment and help guide care afterwards, diagnosed lymphoma, looked in about a billion little ears, treated fevers, rashes, and heaven knows how much more.

I do this because I am a good doctor. As are pretty much 99% of my colleagues. Maybe you think it's because we "think our shit doesn't stink", but a little confidence actually makes a pretty good doctor, as does a little humility. Do you want a NON-confident doctor? An insecure doctor that gives into every patient's whim? Yes, there are some not-great ones out there, yes people make mistakes, yes sometimes it is mistakes in judgement, but the time and training and continuing education that we go through (in the US at least) is dizzying- and so yes, sometimes we do know more than patients understand, although it is our job to help them understand. We see horrible things. Horrible. Sometimes caused by chance, sometimes by patients themselves or by awful circumstances. Whatever it may be, a lot of doctors really are just doing their best, and often have a pretty terrible situation to fix. Some stories, just like in the news, you might not know the whole story either, either due to purposeful omission or because it's hard to understand, or the prognosis/explanation wasn't well explained and then a bad outcome is an awful surprise. I guess all I'm saying is that instead of jumping to pointing fingers at doctors, a person could also consider other factors/players/circumstances. There's a big difference between asking questions about things, advocating for yourself, educating yourself.. versus "why I question every doctor that I deal with", which seems like it might pre-dispose a person to a bad interaction/relationship before the appointment even starts.

Those situations described sound awful, don't get me wrong- maybe it was the doctors fault, I obviously don't know and it's none of my business. However, I'd argue those things are not the norm. I spent 5 hours in conference this morning, 2 of which were doing multi-disciplinary quality improvement review with about 60 of us, focused on one single patient, in an effort to help make the system better to improve a coordinated response and prepare for the future. This is what I do in my day off. This is what I do instead of "BD-ing", and why I left my police officer husband 6 hours back home for a year and my comfy EMT job, in order to pursue my dream of being an awesome, sensitive, compassionate, quick-thinking, skilled doctor. Calling all doctors "ridiculous", to me is like people that call all cops "pigs" and think they're all corrupt (also a sensitive subject since hubs wears a bullet-proof vest to work every day and does pretty awesome things for the community...).

That said, I'm not sure this is a super great environment for me personally if this type of talk is going to continue, and I'd like to overlook the (hopefully inadvertent) personal insults and go back to this being a supportive environment. After all, I've also been TTC for 2.5 years, and put my fertility aside for the sake of my education. Doctors are people too. :hugs:

Oh heavens no! I would never insult you on any behalf. I am sure you are a very good dr!!! Please excuse my rant on that case. I am so sorry that I offended you bc that was not what I wanted to happen. This certain dr has a bad case of the idc thing going on. He has always been that way ever since my mother-in-law had 5 miscarriages 26 years ago, when she was seeing him. I give major props to dr's and I agree on everything you had said. My son's pediatrician is outstanding! Love him. Everyone is only human and do make mistakes. I know I do. The certain dr. i am was referring to is not a good dr and he has a very long list of mishaps. She has a lawsuit out on the dr. and another obgyn out of tennesse is reviewing my friends thick file and has already found numerous factors of which he did not perform while she was in the hospital. I was only directing my message to him and only him. I was not partaining to any others. I know a lot of very good dr's who I am really good friends with and she knows a couple of drs who are not passionate about their job. One reason why I chose the obgyn that I have whom is outstanding and dont plan on switching to any other one. Not every dr is the same and has the same mentality as others. My husband is a Captain of the Fire Department here and I know what you mean. Also my first cousin is a sheriff. But please forgive me. We are a supportive environment and I know we would like you to continue in the thread with us through this journey.
Well today is the day before I ovulate and I dont think any such thing will be going on in our household... :( Looks like I will be here next month!

Any way how are others feeling?!? Hopefully lots and lots of bfp's to come!
:dust: to all!
Amy: Im thinking because your cycle is about as long as might not O until at least CD20. Since you dont know how long your LP is I did it as the normal 14 days. So that makes O day CD 22. I would say sometime around there you should O.
Just got back from my u/s appointment to check on my little follies and I have one that is 19mm and 2 that are 14.9mm. Wooohooo! :happydance: I will do my trigger shot of Ovidrel tonight at 8 and we are scheduled for my IUI on Friday. I will begin the progesterone on Sunday with a check up one day next week and then the pg test on the 28th! :happydance: I am so excited, but trying not to get my hopes up too much! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! :flower:
Hey All,
I'd like to join in on the fun if I can.. I am on CD 11, using OPK and I have had flashing smileys for the last 5 days now.. I am super irregular and have had a previous ectopic, so I am not sure when or if I am ovulating at all. I am patiently waiting for that stuck smiley face!!! Bring it smiley!!! :)

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