Evening Ladies I hope everyone is well xx
Elmo I so wished my DH was game with every passing Month it feels like im forcing him todont get me wrong he wants this more than I do!
I just feel like its just sucking the life out of us both! and were walking on egg shells
I know for a fact that its turned into a chore, around my fertile window he has a headache or hes
, in other words he doesnt want to try, and when we do its just actions and nothing more
For the first 6months he wasaround my fertile window and even asks are you ovulating? I think we are coming up to 1year of trying hes getting fed up
, many friends have got pregnant had babies, got pregnant had babies and were still trying so so hard!
even ifwas late for me at least that would be a glimpse of hope to hold on to!
not even got that far..
Talking is out of the question Madly, usually ends in tears and a row, our house is a baby free zone when it comes to conversations
Im sorry to be sounding like Morbid Mary, its really causing a toxin in the Marriage, we were once so happy and carefree and now theres a huge cloud over us... Im so scared of the unknown, Say I cant get Pregnant? and Drs just say its an unexplained case?? I will be one of those people that society will forever feel sorry for, even my dear sister is planning to get married next summer and im starting to panic that she will get pregnant before me? (Is this the Monster TTC has turned me into?)
Im so confused, I want this so badly that every bone in my body aches,
I am now in my 2WW must have ovulated yesterday or this morning, my last cycle was CD24 and it was Day 10 I ovulated.
I guess all i can do is sit and wait and pray that my miracle will happen
to everyone, ones success sorry is everyones happy ending! and Madly please give us the good news you really deserve it hun xx
Hey Nayla

Not that I'm an expert by a long shot but a very good friend of mine gave me a lecture when I said we were going to start TCC

Basically, try not to worry, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you and it'll happen when you least expect it