
Who's next?
Redhead, im gunna put you at CD1 just until you let me know where you need to be, i want you on the list one way or another so if this isnt your full flow then i can move you back when you want me to
Southerngal, try not to worry about no peak on cbfm, i would be just the same as you if i didnt get a peak but look at Gemie, no peak and bfp 1st time using it!!
Topaz i hope you ovulate soon hun, have you got another batch on stand bye for when you do?
Babyhopes10 welcome hun what CD are you on, i will add you to the list?
Nayla that is such a good sign. I experience ALOT of that when i was pregnant with ds
As for me....nothing to tell, im wishing the month away to see what the score is! I have everything crossed for us all
Ky24 CD 46
ettegirb21 CD 45
Lil_lady CD 45
NickiNackyNoo CD 45
lilfrog01 CD 45
MrsH1984 CD 45
Saviaandcrysta CD 44
poshbird88 CD 44
rainysunshine CD 38
Mrspoodle CD 38
Wishonastar CD 35
blutea CD 32
CAustin CD 29
mas CD 26
Katezilla CD 25
Pinkylisa CD 23
Mamadonna CD 22
Freckles09 CD 22 (10 or 11 dpo!)
VikkiD CD 21
Gilmore CD 21 (8 dpo!)
Cajadaem CD 20
Treykid3 CD 20
ElmoBumpToBe CD 19 (4 or 5 dpo)
jwelmel CD 19
Nayla82 CD 19 (4 or 5 dpo!)
Southerngal2 CD 18 (waiting to ovulate?)
Stay.Positive CD 17 (about to ovulate or ovulating! )
Joanne40 CD 17
Topazicatzbet CD 16 (waiting to ovulate)
Rustyswife828 CD 15
Clairebear26 CD 12
Lilwoowoo CD 11
iprayforbump CD 4
Redhead31 CD 1
PMA everyone, these CD's just keep on going up, im expecting a few more bfps coming in