Cajadaem - that sounds really good you know, thats exactly what i had, i had cramps 3dpo then got my bfp
Gilmore huni im so so sorry this is not your month, i was really routing for you, i guess your little bean is ready to make itself known just yet. I really hope this next month is yours. Have you thought about getting a monitor? I worship mine i swear it got me my bfp xxx
Caustin - do you know for sure when you ovulated? If you do then i think 12dpo might be ok if you use a first response test. I tested on 12dpo and got my bfp! But if you dont know for certain when you ovulated then i would hold off until 14dpo. Sounds good tho babe, good luck! I had a feeling too and i was right

Viki - maybe you should speak to OH again and tell him you think now is the time? At the end of the day it takes 9 months to make a baby and sometimes takes months to get pregnant, would it really do any harm to start trying now?
