CD10 ..would love a buddy

thanks for the concern ladies! i am feeling quite a bit better this afternoon, not sure what happened lol.
Wow, no one has posted anything in a while!

How is everyone doing??
Lol your right momma! Things have been okay here. Just having little panick attacks about not being ready for the baby yet and having so much to do.

I started sorting stuff today and then my dd had other plans. We ended up at the doctors thia afternoon. She was dancing and fell and hit her head on the glass coffee tabpe(with round edges!) And has a gouge on the side of her head. Luckily the doctor figured he could manage with just some steri-strips and no stitches. She's been in bed the rest of the day resting.

Have my consulte with my OB about whether i need abother c-section or can try a vbac. And then thursday i have my next ultrasound to check LO's growth.
Hi ladies

It has been a long time !!

momma - hope ur doing ok and that baby is doing well

TTC - it's a hard decision to do either VBAC or c section. I decided c section cos I didn't want the dramas that I had before with my first. It was great because it was planned and so easy. But I think in hindsight i wish I had tried a natural birth because the recovery is so much better. Hope scan goes ok tho :) Hope ur DD daughter is ok, that sounds horrible :(

I have been so busy helping DH to look for a new job, he has two interviews lined up so hopefully something will turn up. I have made the decision to go to work full time starting in September, then we can start to think about TTC. It would be much better to have maternity leave on full pay rather than part time. I hate waiting but I think it's the sensible thing to do, I really want another baby and feel more strongly about it every day so I am sure we will try again.
Oh i hope your DH gets one of the jobs he applies to!! What do you do for work Trying? Its always nice to have a full pay for mat leave, i agree! Thats why i stayed on at work as long as I did, to make sure it would be at full pay.

I'd love to try vbac if im able to. The nain reasons are the recovery time/recovery in general. I dont want to HAVE to have an epidural and i also feel like i missed out on something last time. So hopefully i will at least get to try. Im fully prepared to try with the chance it could end in a c-section. And im ok with that because at least i will have tried and thats all i ask for.

Hipe everyone else is doing good!!

TTC - I teach as well, so going full time will mean having a class ( I currently work just mornings and have small groups). It will be good to have some money again !!
TTC - I know what you mean. I keep reminding myself oh we have time but really, we still need to get the baby's room ready and everything else! Ugh, its just alot. We are finally finishing DD's room this weekend and then on to LO's.

I had an appt on Thursday and we discussed my csection or vbac option. He said right now, my placenta is right next to my cervix (placenta previa) and he wants me to have a repeat ultrasound in about 6 weeks to see if the placenta moves away from the cervix. If it doesn't than it is a csection for sure. Although I don't mind at this point. As long as the baby and I are healthy. I would have like to do vbac though because I really could have done the vaginal birth last time if the cord hadn't collapsed. The recovery for the csection actually wasn't too bad for me. My sister didn't do well after hers though.

LO is very healthy and of course very active! He said we had a wild child because he moves around and kicks so much lol. Other than that, everything is going well.

Try - I hope your DH finds a job soon! I know that can be hard.
Well, I have my OB appointment in the morning tomorrow(930) so I will have a better idea of what birth will look like for me I hope. A little nervous because I'm worried he will just say no to the vbac. But if there isn't any real reason, I won't let him say no.

Also have my next ultrasound on thursday morning at 11am. So get to see LO again and will hopefully have the tech confirm he's a boy. I've been dying to know for sure! It's been killing me and I've been so weird about buy anything else since I feel like I don't have a for sure yes or no lol

Sounds like your doing great with getting everything ready Momma! I've got a bunch of sorting and what not to do before I can really do much for getting LO's stuff ready. I've sorted most of the clothes I have for him and have put them into boxes, so I'm okay with that. But my DD has SOOOOOO much stuff I need to sort and bin/donate. And I swear my DH has hoarding tenancies! We were going through stuff today and he's was saying, well I could use that and I'd have to ask him when the last time he used it was and he of course couldn't remember so I'd make him through it out. I can't STAND clutter!

Well off to do more sorting before I pick DD up from daycare!
hey ladies! so nice to hear from all of you and to hear your all doing well. I had my ob appt today had blood drawn today for progesterone and told me they would get back to me tomorrow or fri. and if my levels were still low they want me to start taking provera right away to try to "restart" my cycles? so we would do the provera and up my clomid. so hopefully that will get us somewhere....
Ive heard of the provera. I hope if thats the direction you go that it does the trick! I think uping the dose of the clomid would be good too! Hopefully it will do the trick and you'll get that bfp soon!!!
Good luck with everything CC! I hope that works for you. I was on the provera before I got my bfp.

I know what you mean TTC! My DD has SO much stuff too that we are donating most of it if not all of the stuff she is too big to wear. I am really sick of all of this stuff! But you are right, I for sure want to double check when we have our next ultrasound to really make sure its a boy lol. I am still in denial or something. We have only bought like 3 outfits for him lol. We were keeping all of my DDs clothes and things just in case we were having another girl. We are trying to get everything ready...can't believe I am already more than half way done. Its gone by way to fast!
Well, I think we've decided against a vbac. I just saw my OB today for the first time and well, I know he wasn't trying to, but he freaked me right out!

I always knew there was a risk to myself with a vbac, I wasn't aware that there was such a risk for baby with one. At least there is here in my town. It's mostly due to how the hospital is set up. I don't live in a major city, and yes we have a good sized hospital, but it's still small compared to some.

Anyways, basically the chances of a uterine rupture here is 1in100 to 1in200. And if it ruptured, baby's oxygen would be in jeopardy and he could die or have some development issues after due to lack of oxygen. And I just don't think that's a risk we're willing to take. I could also loose my uterus if the damage was bad enough.

He was also flat out and said based on my DD's birth, he did not think I would have a successful vbac. (he was my OB then too) I had 6 vaginal inductions, oxytocin drip and they broke my waters. I still only dilated 1cm, maybe 1 1/2cms. Also, inductions can increase the risk of uterine rupture. So that's something to think about too.

DH doesn't want the unnecessary risk or stress of the vbac now. So I think it will be a repeat c-section. Of course, I'm not totally made up about it yet. I have my growth scan tomorrow morning. So we will see how big the little guy is.

I've kept most of DD's stuff. Well, in all honesty I'm only really holding on to the clothes from the first year. Otherwise I want to get rid of it all. Too much stuff and the older she got, the more worn out she'd have her clothes by the time they didn't fit anymore, lol

I have a lot of gender nuetral stuff from the first 6 months, and even some 12 month sleeps. So definitely will be using those. Already have them out.

I went to the store the other day to get get some laundry detergent and noticed they don't sell the same Ivory snow detergent I used with my DD. They really only had one kind you bought then and I don't see it. So now I don't know what to use! There's another kind, but I'm not 100% sure if that's what replaced it or not.
thanx! i hope so too. should be getting my call back hopefully today to see where to go from was your appt?
Oh i posted just above you about how it went.

Hopefully you hear back today!
lol! i must have just missed it. most of the dr's around here won't even attempt v bac's! can't wait to hear how your scan going tomorrow! didn't get my call today, guess i'll get it tomorrow..
Well, I'm not 100% sure on what the stats of attempted/successful vbac's are for my hospital, but I do know that he's not opposed to me trying. He isn't very hopeful it will work, but he's definitely willing to give it a go if I want to. He was honest in his opinion, but he didn't over do it. He just stated what he thought and moved on. He wasn't trying to sway me one way or the other. Which was nice.

But we'll see how it goes. Today hasn't been the greatest of days. Lots of bad news unfortunately. So much so that I haven't even gotten excited about my scan! lol

Hopefully seeing him will cheer me up. Bad part is, I have to tell my MIL tomorrow we may not be having a vbac. She is sooo against c-sections. Sometimes I think it's because she can't be in the room. Little does she know she wouldn't be in the room if I had a vbac either lol
TTC - The doctor's around here will for sure attempt vbacs. But of course only if it is safe for the baby and the mother. I know if I didn't have this placenta problem it would be no problem for me to try a vbac because I had no problems with labor before my emergency csection. Luckily, my family does not care one way or another how this baby gets here lol. If I can do a vbac, only my husband and my mother will be in the room. I don't need our familys drama to come into the delivery room. With my DD, while I was having my csection, there was almost a fight in the waiting room between our families! Ugh, they just didn't get along. I told them, if you are waiting that is fine but if I hear that there is anything like that again, I will ask you to leave. It was heartbreaking to hear about that after we got home from the hospital. Luckily, no one mentioned it while I was recovering at the hospital. They have gotten better since then thank goodness.

Anyway, I hope you start to get excited to see your LO!! Im sure it will make you feel better!

CC - I hope you get that call soon. If you don't get it by a certain time, can you call them?
Well, the main reason my MIL wouldn't be in the room is because my DH and my mom don't always see eye to eye on things and sometimes there tension. So I kinda already know he'd probably rather her not be there. And I can't let his mom and not my mom. So it would be just DH and I in the room. Which works just fine for me, and I know it would too for him. He's all about us sharing moments privately, lol

Had my growth scan. Baby is big for his gestational age I think. He's measuring at 3lbs 7oz. Is that big for 29 weeks? I read the average is 2.54lbs at this stage. Eeek!!
He's also breech. I know that can change, but I think he's been breech for a long time. And if he stays that way, well that puts a vbac out of the question all together.

Anyways, here's a picture of his chubby cheeks!! So cute! Oh and he is 100% a boy! He showed us a GREAT potty shot! Even I could tell what was what before she pointed it out. She didn't even have to look or hum and haw(was the same tech as last time) she just saw and said oh it's definitely a boy! So yay! Feeling sooo much better about that! Can now start on the boy shopping.

CC- Have you gotten your results back yet??


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TTC - Yay! What a great picture. So glad you know for sure that he is a boy :) I don't know how much they are really supposed to weigh at certain stages. I did read that they should be around 2.5 lbs but that is just in general. I don't think that it means anything. Are you afraid he will be big?
I'm not "afraid" exactly. But I'm thinking it's definitely a possibility he'll be on the bigger side. It will make a difference for me if he is. If he's bigger then what my DD was, then I'll opt for the c-section as I had a hard enough time with her. But we'll see how it goes.

I just want to hold him already!

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