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CD10 ..would love a buddy

i work in a lab, so i have to line spot strep tests, preg tests, flu test, mono tests and decide if there positive or not!
Ohhh preg tests! Okay, now tell me...I was reading something somewhere...if it's an evap, would or should you be able to see it from the otherside?
my evap from the frer was really purple, this is a nice light pink like it's suppose to be, if you are unsure you can get a digital frer!

Well thats good to know! I just assumed all evaps should be colourless. And there is NO purple in this one! Omg....little bit freaking out here, but sooo terrified to get my hopes up! if the line is THIS light, would a digi pick it up? Heard they usually dont if its too early
ok, here's the test not tweeked. can barely see it at all


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you can still see it though, it's a lot harder to see in the un tweeked test! i would guess you could see it from both sides, i think if you take it apart the pink control is on both sides??? no matter what you could still see the antibody strip from the back.
if it were me, i would wait to test until day af is suppose to show, cuz if, and i'm praying af doesnt show we can just write it off as an evap, cuz a chemical would be devestating. and by then you will have a no doubt line! it's only 3 days.........
but even in the untweeked i do see a really light pink line, at work i'd have to call it a positive, but uploaded pics can be soooo misleading. i have everything crossed for yoU!
if you look through my threads look for one saying is this an evil evap and you can see what mine looked like!

TTCin BC - I can totally see a line on your test, for me the untweeked photo shows a much clearer line. I had an evap last month but that was on clearblue ( blue dye) the line was all wonky and really thin . I read that evaps on pink tests are very rare, i am sure if you test again nearer to AF you will get ur BFP ! Fingers X

Momma - did u test yet ? How many dpo are you now ?

SND011 - How are u going ? I still have really sore bbs and last night had a throbbing pain in the middle of my tummy ( right near my c section scar). It was like a really sharp pain, hope it's nothing to do with the bleeding i had. Not really feeling tired and no other symptoms . It's strange but i feel like i have given up thinking i could be pg this month, i don't even have the urge to test.

Fingers X to all !!

Morning All

Tccinbc - im keeping my fingers tightly crossed that you line gets darker and darker and your going to be our first BFP :happydance:

Momma - Were are yooooou? hope your doing ok x

Try4kid3 - im good ta, temp went back up today, but like you I dont feel too positive this time, think it maybe as last month I got my hope up and af came so im taking a more relaxed approach this time, friday tho I kept getting pains in my belly but it was all over it, kinda like when you have food poisoning and it cums and goes but not as sore, it lasted about 20 mins on and off then nothing, I thought i had eaten something and was going to get ill, but nothing came of it.

Cckarting - How are you doing? glad you had a good time at party :) and that is strange having all the birthdays in that order, Me and my best friend have 9 months between us and when we both had our 1st children there is 9 months between them too and they are best friends now :)

SND011 - I totally agree with you, I keep getting my hopes up thinking I have lots of symptoms and then just get AF anyway !! I also feel so good and not tired or anything, which Im sure i felt with past pg.

Fingers X for us both !!

thanks snd, i know it is weird but thats just how it happened. just like everyone in my family likes to have babies at the same time. my ds, my cousin, and my brothers ds are 5 days apart. and with my other ds my other ds, my neice, and my nephew are within 5 months! the funniest part is no one knows the other one is trying
try4kid3 - I am always tired, i had to get put on Iron after m/c and still taking them.

cckarting - hopefully this moth you will be able to another 1 :)

Afm - I was spotting tonight when i wiped, so rekon im out as last month was the same spotting days before af came, cervix is unreachable and im sure the spotting had ewcm in it :/ confused
i really hope this is my month! i don't wanna take a break haha

SND011 - The low iron is awful, i've had 2 iron transfusions this year as my iron levels were so low. When is ur af due ? could be ib ???
your chart looks good, ib doesn't sound to far off being 9 dpo!?
AF due on Friday, Ive never had IB before and dont know if the temp drop on 8dpo dropped enough to implantation dip
Does anyone know when you calculate your lutual phase from...is it ov day to full flow or when you get spotting ??
Its from o day until full red blood flow. And Snd!!! That looks like a GREAT implant dip! fX
I would wait a few days now before testing!
Well last night my dh and i BD and i noticed my cervix has dropped. Sounds weird, but sex certain ways can hurt a bit more when its low. Dont think thats a good thing. Sigh...oh well..still gonna wait until tomorrow or next to test again. Not wanting to get my hopes up.

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