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CD10 ..would love a buddy

Little bit sad tonight. Got my af. So dont know what those lines were about. But oh well, im okay to get on to the next cycle. I just hope its a bit shorter and not as wacky! Lol
But not expected to O for at least another 3 weeks, boooo! So will just have to keep up with you ladies and your progress!
TTCin BC - I am sorry to hear that AF has turned up, what was going on with those lines ???Hopefully this next cycle will be the month for you. It always seems like such a long time to wait for 0 but we will all be in it together !!

I am defo feeling like AF is on her way and have planned when we need to bd for next month.

SND - did you have any more spotting ?

GL to all

Awe im sorry tccinbc :hug: hope this cycle is your BFP one :)

try4kid3 - No more spotting was just that once, who knows my chart is different this month because of that dip bit im not getting my hopes up im prepared for AF, gave in and POAS but BFN, hopefully tho the :witch: will stay clear of us both

Hey Ladies - Sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days. My daughter was sick over the weekend with a high fever :(

TTCinBC - I am sorry to hear that your af came :(

I was so busy that I haven't had a chance to test again. Now, I have no symptoms of af or pg! I feel dizzy and a little sick sometimes and increased cm but that is it! I had those cramps and my bb's hurt a little before but now, nothing. Sometimes I feel achy cramps but not as strong as before...what do you think?
i'm sorry TTC I was really pulling for you! but on the bright side i'm not to far ahead of you so we should be in the tww together! :)
I dont think im going to ben far behind you either, defo think the :witch: is on her way

Momma - im still testing and thinking AF is going to come suppose it doesnt do any harm

I did think af was on her way but now I am not so sure...now it feels like nothing is on its way! I am just going to wait it out and then test.....
Thats the way I feel right now had spotting a couple of days ago then nothing yesterday but its back tonight with AF symptoms, I never used to spot at all before AF untill after MC so I have not got a clue what is going on, Maybe my body is still recovering
double post sorry..pc is doing my head in grrrr
Thanks ladies! Thinking it was a chem. Had faint lines, then a darker one on the frer and then nothing yesterday morning and then af last night. Soo...oh well, happens and not much that can be dine! So on to next cycle! Nice thing about being on af...im not temping! So get a little break which is nice! Lol

Snd and cckarting- how long after af do you usually O?

Im not expected to O again until nov 26. So quite a ways off for me.

Am glad to have you ladies to 'cycle' with! Will definitely be sticking around until we get our bfps!

Momma-sorry you feel like af is coming, BUT your not out until it does. Sooo you just never know! Lets hope it doesnt come! fX for you!
I hope af stays away!! I think I will test in a couple of days just in case she does come....

Snd - it took my body a while to recover after my mc in June. I didn't have a normal af until a couple of months later. And then it skipped a month completely and I wasn't even pg. I will keep my fx'd for you!!
Hi ladies,

It's so nice that we have each other to chat to !!

I woke up with really tender bbs and felt really sick, but then I always feel sick the week before AF...ggrrr PMS !!

My CM had a greenish tinge to it today...weird ??!!

Seeing the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully will find out what that bleeding was all about.

GL everyone who is left to test:dust::dust::dust::dust:

Momma - i hope ur daughter is feeling better now

SND - u might be a bit early to test if that was ib ?? maybe try again in a couple of days
Tccinbc - awe im sorry :( hope your ok, I ov'd 12 days after AF last time and 14 days after this time, hope you Ov sooner than you think :hugs:

Momma - Hopefully my body will sort itself out soon :)

try4kid3 - FX'd your still in :) im not counting myself totaly out till the :witch: comes untill then theres always a chance

lots of :dust:
i didn't O until cd 38 last month! i'm thinking it might be sooner this month, my cervix is already high and soft, can't tell if it's open really and my cm is already more watery than creamy???? so who really knows debating on picking up some opk's tonight?
cckarting- would pick some up if it was me. Just to be on the safe side. You just never know with our weird and wonderful cycles! lol Mine used to be the same day every month, give or take a day, and now..it's all over the freaking place, lol

Momma-I hope af stays away for you too!! fx

Trying4kid3- It really is nice to have you ladies to chat with! Makes it easier because no one in my life here really seems to get it. I have one friend who does, but she lives 4 hours away. Took her 2.5 yrs but she finally did it and is expecting in Feb. So she totally gets it lol

Well off to take Tianna out trick or treating!! Happy Halloween everyone!
I did! opk tonight was neg, but it's still really early so i'm not worried! i figured if it's my last month ttc conceive a while i should probably do it as soon as i can. going to do opk's and tussin this month. had a blast out trick or treating with the boys, they are wiped! i don't really have anyone i can talk to about ttc but you guys. found out today one of my dh friends and his wife are expecting no 4! so they'll have 4 under 4 here this summer, kinda makes me feel barran.......
Your LO will come cckarting!! you deserve to have that bfp and LO! But I totally understand, saw my DH's friend out tonight and his g/f is pg again...2nd in the last year. Kinda made me sad enough I had to walk away. Especially after the last week. but oh well, our time will come!
Took Tianna out tonight too, and yep! She's totally wiped! lol But of course she wasn't tired enough to not have a candy or two before bed, lol

Where abouts are you cckarting? I'm in Canada

Here's a picture of my beautiful Minnie Mouse!


  • tiannahalloween2011.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 2
Looking at that picture makes me feel blessed that I've been given the chance to at least have her. But of course, doesn't stop me from wanting that next one. Just so lucky to have my LO
awwwe to cute! i'm in south dakota, haha! it just kinda gets me because she didn't even want another baby, shes strict catholic and doesn't believe in birth control. she was using temping/rythem because she didn't want another baby, and low and behold she's pregnant again! someday i'll have another baby, and hopefully a girl, but i would love another boy just as much!

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