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CD10 ..would love a buddy

p.s It may look like im on here CONSTANTLY lol, but I forget to log out on phone...holestly :rofl:
Honestly even, can only blame the keyboard for so long with all my spelling accidents!!
haha snd! my typing has been terrible lately! MOMMA i can't believe your will power! i can say i don't have any haha! I just hope i O, it's almost as good as getting a bfp, at least I know my body is semi working!
Haha, honestly I have been just so busy that I forget to pick up tests lol and the store by my work doesn't have the lines one I want!!

And I really do not want to get that bfn!! We only got to bd on the day right before I O'd so the chance was pretty slim.....
Hi ladies,

Momma - that sounds like a really good sign ...I remember feeling the cm like that during my last pg !! fingers X

SND011 - when u testing again ??

PS i do the same with forgetting to log out !!!

pps welcome hopetobmama !!!
Momma- your will power is AMAZING! lol I would have run out by now and gotten one! I have everything I can cross, crossed for you! Is it normal for you to be this late?

Snd- I wonder if my phone does the same?? I never log out of here. Usually just close the browser. Humm? lol And honestly, I forgot about the preseed!! lol But I think I may give it a try. What have you heard about it? anything bad? Or all good?

Welcome hope2bmama! The tww is the worst!! So nice to have found a great bunch of ladies to go through it all with!

cckarting, I know how you feel about the waiting, and about the pos opks! When I got my first it was as good as getting a BFP! lol I felt like such a geek but I didn't care! :rofl:

Well, I'm actually having a great day today! I'm feeling very hopeful about the next cycle, and any cycle I have from now til bfp actually. I'm okay with it taking as long as it needs to(within reason of course, lol)
I've been off work since the beginning of October(ruptured disc) I'm a care aid, and hurt it while at work. So that tww was a bit more stressful then normal because I had SOOO much time on my hands, lol
Today I'm going to make up a bunch of stuff and freeze it. Going to make beef stew for dinner, apple pies as well, and going to make some broccoli soup to freeze. So going to keep myself busy for the rest of the day!

Hope everyone else's day has been going great!
oooh cooking sounds fun, i'm exhausted today, need to figure out what were going to make for supper!
I don't think my will power is that great but thanks anyway ladies :)

TTCinBC - Before my mc it was pretty regular with a few days here and there. But after my mc it took me a couple of months. And then my af came and then skipped a month and then came and was here for 2 weeks (which is longer than usual) so I am just really trying not to get my hopes up lol.
If I am not pg though, I wonder what is wrong with me to have all of these symptoms/problems lol!!!!
try4kid3 - em 2mor @7am,3pm and most prob 10pm maybe a few inbetween :rofl: POAS addict yes that me!!

tccinbc - Ive read that its really really good, im going to give it a shot, why not...might as well go through it all lol...mmmm your cooking sounds good, post it over to scotland in exchange for a haggis!!! :)
LOL so not a fair trade!!! Where in scotland are you? My dads whole family, including him are from there. He moved here when he was younger. I have yet to go, had a few cancelled trips for poor grades when I was younger :blush:
Most of my family all live in Glasgow, so would love to visit them some day soon!

Well Momma, I will be anxiously awaiting the test results!!! I can't wait!!

Well stew is in the oven and I'm now making the soup. Need to get some shortening for the dough for the pie crust and have to wait until my DH is home to go get that. Actually, I think I will send him!! Need to get some tampons as well, and I've already gotten him to get them once before..wonder if he'd do it again?! :rofl:
Im about 3 hours north of glasgow, My grades were bad in school too, was never one for sitting still and mouth shut in school :)
Well I did really well in school. Until I hit grade 12..then I just didn't seem to care. Of course it was the year that really mattered when it comes to university, lol
how was your dinner ttc? i'm thinking i want to make an apple pie :)
Hi ladies,
i'm up early again !!!

SND011 - gl for all the testing today, i really really hope u get ur BFP !!!!

I thought i detected a Scottish accent when u were writing, I am right down on the South Coast ...have u got any snow yet ??!!!

Hope the other ladies on here are doing ok with their new cycles and momma gl for Saturday !!

AFM - have a raging sore throat and stuffy nose but everyone around me seems to have it so not counting it as symptom. My AF is due on Sunday ( but spotting usually starts Friday) thinking of just waiting as feel more PMS than pg !!

Well I managed to get the soup and stew done, but not enough time for the pie. I started to lack enough energy late this afternoon. My af is REALLY heavy this month. Haven't seen one like this in a looong time. So it's probably making me a bit anemic. But anyways, the stew and soup turned out awesome. They always like my stew, so thats good. And the cream of Broccoli coup was probably the best I've made. I haven't made any in a looong time! I made some years ago when DH and I first started dating and brought a big pot over to him. Well he had a bowl and the rest went bad. He wouldn't tell me until months later that it was horrible! lol I knew it wasn't my best. Bless him for being nice and eating it anyways! lol
He was VERY relieved when this batch turned out :rofl:
Anyways, will get to the apple pies tomorrow. But have to take my DD to the clinic tomorrow. She's had this fungus on her baby toe since she was about 6 months old and all the doctors just said she is too young to treat and she will probably grow out of it. Well it's been about 3 years and it's worse and tonight it's half ripped off(the toe nail) just me looking at it hurts her. She wrapped it up and will be taking her in. Not too sure what they will do for her. But they better do something or I'm going to freak out on them! Poor girl, it's no way for a toddler to have to live!

How was everyone else's day?
Hey ladies - I actually tested this morning at about 4:00 and got a BFN!!! :( :(

I am not sure what's going on.....I guess I will wait a week and then if af doesn't come then I will test again and call my dr.

By the way, my Mom was born in Glasgow and I still have family there! My mom and her family came over here when she was about 4. Small world eh? lol
glad to hear everything turned out good ttc! it sounds amazing, not sure what to make for supper tonight, maybe some beef stew?? nothing new to report on the baby making lol hoping I O a whole lot earlier than last month! sorry about your bfn momma! i still have my fx for you!
Well 6 DPO today..8 days left until testing begins if i miss. Been feeling odd lately. stomach is tingling and I had some random diarrhea the other day. Breasts are extremely sore, don't know if this is related to possibly being pregnant since it is so early, but they hurt like heck! Thanks for the support ladies, keep it coming.

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