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CD10 ..would love a buddy

ok so i thought of one. bridesmaids is a funny movie! momma your killing me by not testing haha. GL when you do test, and keep us updated. everybody xf that i O early this cycle please :)
Tccinbc - hope you get better soon, nice hot bath and some new pampering products :)

Try4kid3 - sorry your getting bfn's some people take a longer to get + fx,d you get yours

Momma - I so wish I had willpower like you, it would save me a fortune lol

How's everyone else doing?

I'm not long back from dentist, got the rubber mouth syndrome!! 1st of 12 fillings :( damn tounge stud!! Least to say I've taken it out now

Cckarting have you seen I spit on your grave!! What a revenge story that is!!!
no, i wouldn't watch it after i watched last house on the left! it was horribly graphic, and i didn't like the 5 min rape scene, finished the movie but i'll never watch it again. i spit on your grave had the same feeling to last house on the left so i never did watch it!
Ye it is pretty horrid!!

Had a look at your chart, its looking a lot different than your last one, maybe you will Ov earlier :happydance: have you always had long cycles?
I am hoping your right, and yea there totally different from last months! NO i have NEVER had a cycle this long in my life. I usually range from 30-38 days. ususally more often 30-31 days, right on time. normal 5 day af. so i dunno what the world this one was about! i think its cuz my last two cycles before this one were 21 and 22 days and they were just evening themselves out lol. i and praying I O earlier this month between 14-17 would be perfect :) How you getting along snd, trying anything new this cycle?
It must have been very annoying!! I'm good ta considering af is here..2nd after mc was not very nice at all, this time it's not sore just heavy and 7days.. hopefully will just be the normal 4 days..I'm going to try preseed and lots more :sex: lol

OH said I was stressing him out last cycle so I'm not talking about it too much this time, I can see his point tho he felt a bit like a machine!!
haha. my dh is so excited were "trying" so much. it's kinda funny, he's more into bding than i am anymore! i'm so tired already tonight, thinking i'm going to be heading off to bed here soon......night all
Hi ladies
How are we all doing ?

I suppose we are now all waiting for O day...my AF is either due tom or Sat...just wish it would hurry up !!

Hope everyone is ok - Momma did you test again ??
morning ladies! hope you all have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!!!
Yes, I tested again this morning with the other test and it was another BFN :(

And now I feel like I my "symptoms" are less noticable....bout time I went to the dr. I suppose lol

GL to ALL and baby dust all around :) :)
i'm sorry momma, you sure you didn't just ovulate late???? if i wasn't temping this month i would have FLIPPED out! I o'd way late like after af was suppose to be here on cd 38 (normally a 30-37 cd) and didn't get af until cd48, i would have been dying to be 18 days late all bfn and no end in sight!
Well I though I ovulated around 10/15 after I took that OPK but maybe I didn't O then.....I had to have just ovulated late then.

Because now, I just had that really light brown discharge when I went to the bathroom...usually that means af but I don't have any cramps really and I ALWAYS get cramps right before the :witch: !!! I am just messed up I guess LOL
to funny! i'm sorry momma! hopefully it is IB, and you just O'd late......like i said i really would have went crazy last month if i hadn't been temping.i have my fx you get your bfp this month! opk's are great at determining lh surge for ovulation, but you can have a surge and not ovulate. when i started using opk's i got a pos opk on aug 4th, so guessing that i o'd the 5-6 give or take then got bloods drawn and they said i didn't ovulate, so opks are never full proof.....
That would be nice, but I will try and not get my hopes up. I will just chalk it up as a learning experience :) My next cycle I will start charting and using OPKs so I can try and stay on top of this craziness and get that BFP!!! I hope everyone gets their BFPs!!!
i'm so excited that your going to start charting! i was so excited to get my pos opk and see my temp rise and get my cross hares it was almost as good as a bfp!!
The problem is when that happens and it is time to bd, my DH isn't really involved with my charting and things like that. He knows that I am trying but HE really isn't and he doesn't want me to talk about it because then he won't feel like bding....he is such a girl! So I pretty much am just going to have to jump him when everything is lined up!!! LOL

But seriously, I think he is just afraid because I had that mc last time.....

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