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CD10 ..would love a buddy

hi All

sorry I havent been on all day been soooo busy :(

Anyway just popped in to say Im out :wich: arrived today, im fine tho..looking farward to buying all my supplies for this cycle...and my preseed :)

Talk in a bit im just in the door

Snd - I am sorry that af showed up!! :( But hopefully next cycle you will get your bfp!! I want to know why mine hasn't showed up yet....

SND011 - i'm so sorry the witch got you, I think mine is just around the corner !! We can continue to support ready for new cycle !!

I did a test and BFN boo !! Not going to waste any more money buying tests

Momma - maybe you should go to Drs and find out why no AF ??

Here's to our new cycles and :dust::dust::dust::dust:to everyone
Sorry about af Snd, but hey at least we have good attitudes for the next cycle!! :hugs:

cckarting--did you end up making stew? lol Mine turned out great, and I think I'm going to have some of the Broccoli soup I made for lunch today.

Momma--sorry about the bfn, but that IS really odd that your af still hasn't showed up. I'd definitely be wondering myself too!

Trying4kid3, I really hope your af doesn't show up!! And I agree, definitely continuing all this wonderful support will be awesome!

Well, I've got to head to my Drs shortly here. Just a check up for my back. But my physio lady wants some x-rays done ,now that we know I'm not pregnant. Sooo I imagine I will have those done this week.

Don't know if any of you have had any readings done, but I've had 2 done. First one said October would be either my conceive, birth or the month I find out in and I would have a girl. The second I just got today said that I would conceive in mid-January and find out the end of January. So that would mean an October baby! lol She said a girl too. Darnit, I want a boy! lol Anywho, I posted the last reading in my journal if anyone wants to take a look. This last one really got me thinking. Sooo you guys may need to stick it out with me until then! :rofl:
sorry snd! hopefully this month will be it for all of us! ttc i don't think i'm going to do soup today i think i'm going to make chicken courdon blue, spinach artichoke dip, and grapes?
Ohh the spinach artichoke dip is probably my favorite dip...and now I want some :rofl: may have to take a detour on my way back from the doctors, hahaha
haha,i'm hoping it's good it's a tastefully simple one, and i've been wanting it forever! i've only had it at resturants and it's SOOOO good!
You guys talking about food really makes me hungry :)

I will wait until my af is a week late and then call my dr. my bb's are still sensitive and that doesn't happen before I my af comes......
Yea makes sense to wait, but boy you have will power! Would be driving me NUTS! lol

Ugh, so woke up this morning feeling like crap. And just getting worse. Really hope its gone soon. I havent been sick in sooo long and don't want to start now! Think I will just go lay in bed and read and let DH take care of DD, hehehe
Ugh...cant seem to get myself to sleep tonight! And i have a bunch of stuff to do in the morning. Sigh...

Anyone seen the movie The Time Machine? Its on tv and it seems like a strange movie lol
I have seen that movie and it is not that bad lol :) the animal/monster things it in are weird and the ending part where the main character kills that weird blue villian who controls the animal/monsters are really the weird parts LOL :D

I am a big movie buff by the way :)
Hi ya's

Hows everyone doing? Anymore tests done???

Its 3 were waiting on now is it? Gl to you all..we need a good BFP :)

Thats my mintor set back to cd1 and my chart..roll on the :witch: leaving
GL Everyone! ttc i hope your feeling better today!!!
Hi ladies

10dpo and negative with frer, said i would stop testing but couldn't resist last one !!

REALLY not going to test any more...AF due tom

How u ladies doing ?
soory you got a bfn try4! :( i'm doing alrgith just waiting to O, or trying to figure out when i'm going to O.........
Thanks! Feeling even crappier today. Yay! Af AND sick...im onnne lucky girl lol
Oh well, still functionable, so thats all thar matters.

Sorry about you bfn trying, well i still hope af doesnt show up for you!

Momma-- was an interesting movie. I used to watch a ton of movies and then wheb i had my dd, i couldnt stay awake for the thing! Lol funny part is, i used to bug my mom for doing that and now its me! Lol ive gotten better. So any movies you suggest?

I think im just gonna take it easy today and not do much.
sorry to hear your still feeling crappy! i hope you get to feeling better soon :(. hmh i dunno any good movies i've seen recently off the top of my head.......if i think of some i'll let you know.
TTC - What kind of movies do you like??

I have been feeling okay today. My throat is hurting still and I am extremely tired. I actually did not test today and I am really going to try not to for a few more days! GL to everyone with Oing and POASing!!!

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