Charting group!

ok, I'm 8 dpo today... I want to test so badly, but I don't want to waste a first response, I only have two left. Friday I will be 12 dpo, so I'm going to try my hardest to wait until then... I wanted to show a progression of tests like some people do... if I am pregnant... but I'm scared to waste the tests, first response is not cheap, even with all the coupons I use.
ok, I'm 8 dpo today... I want to test so badly, but I don't want to waste a first response, I only have two left. Friday I will be 12 dpo, so I'm going to try my hardest to wait until then... I wanted to show a progression of tests like some people do... if I am pregnant... but I'm scared to waste the tests, first response is not cheap, even with all the coupons I use.

It's so tempting isnt it!? If you have 2 left, maybe do 1 at 10dpo and then 1 at 12 dpo? that breaks up the wait a little!

Ugh. My temperature dropped some the past two days.

Stay up, little temperature! Give me hope of a triphasic pattern!

I've been experiencing so much cramping and fatigue that if I'm not pregnant, I'm going to be rather annoyed. I can live with not being pregnant, but I shouldn't be getting all these cramps throughout my luteal phase.
Ugh. My temperature dropped some the past two days.

Stay up, little temperature! Give me hope of a triphasic pattern!

I've been experiencing so much cramping and fatigue that if I'm not pregnant, I'm going to be rather annoyed. I can live with not being pregnant, but I shouldn't be getting all these cramps throughout my luteal phase.

Your temp is still well above the cover line! Still looking good I think. Do you usually have cramping like this or is it a new symptom for you?
ok, I'm 8 dpo today... I want to test so badly, but I don't want to waste a first response, I only have two left. Friday I will be 12 dpo, so I'm going to try my hardest to wait until then... I wanted to show a progression of tests like some people do... if I am pregnant... but I'm scared to waste the tests, first response is not cheap, even with all the coupons I use.

Those tests really are expensive. I just ordered a bunch of Wandfo tests off Amazon so that if I ever actually ovulate I can pee on sticks to my heart's content without spending a zillion dollars.
Do you usually have cramping like this or is it a new symptom for you?
It's new. I had a Mirena from July 2009 - November 2012, and during that time I barely experienced any cramping at all. Prior to getting the Mirena, I would get cramps in my lower back for 1-2 days before my period, and then the first 1-2 days of bleeding. After having the Mirena removed, I experienced very light lower back cramps for two weeks afterwards, but I would usually only feel those a few times a day.

These cramps are dull but I'm experiencing them in the front in my abdomen, and they're here pretty constantly throughout the day. It's like a tightening, pinching sensation.

I'm cautiously hopeful.
Hey! I'm hoping to jump in with a question.
We are going to be TTC #3. I've always charted my months/days and has worked great for us. But after my daughter my cycles have gone wonky. I've been using opks for months now and never had a problem. I want to start temping this month. Today is cd7 and AF just ended last night. Tomorrow I planned on starting to temp. Right now we wake up at 7, but my sons school schedule may be changing and we might have to start waking up at 6. Would changing the time I wake up make a difference in my chart? Or since its just an hour it shouldn't make a difference?
I'm also not all too knowledgeable about temping. What kind of patterns should I looking for? I think I saw that it dips before O, and before AF. But stays high if pregnant?
Sorry for the questions :blush:
Hey! I'm hoping to jump in with a question.
We are going to be TTC #3. I've always charted my months/days and has worked great for us. But after my daughter my cycles have gone wonky. I've been using opks for months now and never had a problem. I want to start temping this month. Today is cd7 and AF just ended last night. Tomorrow I planned on starting to temp. Right now we wake up at 7, but my sons school schedule may be changing and we might have to start waking up at 6. Would changing the time I wake up make a difference in my chart? Or since its just an hour it shouldn't make a difference?
I'm also not all too knowledgeable about temping. What kind of patterns should I looking for? I think I saw that it dips before O, and before AF. But stays high if pregnant?
Sorry for the questions :blush:


If you wake up everyday at 6am then it wont make a difference, if it changes between 6-7 then I would imagine that might make a slight difference. I take mine between 6-7 though also. There is a temp adjuster on FF that lets you adjust your temp depending on what time you woke up. (For those odd occasions where you woke up late etc).

Patterns to look for are basically as you said, generally lower temps before OV/day of Ov and then high temps until AF is due. It should stay fairly high if preggers. Also something to look out for is an implantation dip, which can sometimes happen where temp dips really low if implantation is happening!

Hope my muddled reply helps somewhat!
Has anyone here taken soy isoflavones to aid ovulation and know how many mg of it you should take and what days are best to take it? Thanks
I think my chart might be showing a triphasic pattern??? Is this what triphasic looks like?
My Ovulation Chart

My Ovulation Chart
Hey! I'm hoping to jump in with a question.
We are going to be TTC #3. I've always charted my months/days and has worked great for us. But after my daughter my cycles have gone wonky. I've been using opks for months now and never had a problem. I want to start temping this month. Today is cd7 and AF just ended last night. Tomorrow I planned on starting to temp. Right now we wake up at 7, but my sons school schedule may be changing and we might have to start waking up at 6. Would changing the time I wake up make a difference in my chart? Or since its just an hour it shouldn't make a difference?
I'm also not all too knowledgeable about temping. What kind of patterns should I looking for? I think I saw that it dips before O, and before AF. But stays high if pregnant?
Sorry for the questions :blush:


If you wake up everyday at 6am then it wont make a difference, if it changes between 6-7 then I would imagine that might make a slight difference. I take mine between 6-7 though also. There is a temp adjuster on FF that lets you adjust your temp depending on what time you woke up. (For those odd occasions where you woke up late etc).

Patterns to look for are basically as you said, generally lower temps before OV/day of Ov and then high temps until AF is due. It should stay fairly high if preggers. Also something to look out for is an implantation dip, which can sometimes happen where temp dips really low if implantation is happening!

Hope my muddled reply helps somewhat!

Lol it helped, thanks! I read a little last night on countdowntopregnancy. It said that your temp changes by about .3 degrees every hour. I'm hoping my sons schedule doesn't change until next week and I can try to gradually change my temp time. I'll have to look for the adjuster or sign up for FF since everyone seems to use that site :thumbup:
Bad AF cramps all day yesterday... thought I might get a positive OPK today. And then I got an error message on my stupid smilie face stick this morning. So annoying!

I am going to bring it to work and pee on it again in four hours haha!
Temp took a dive again today. OPKs are still negative. I'm beginning to wish AF would just show up so that I can hit the reset button on this crazy cycle.

Lisk don't lose hope yet this cycle, the cycle when I conceived DD I ovulated on CD29!

Well that makes me feel better. All this waiting and uncertainty is making me absolutely insane. I am already a super impatient person and this nonsense with my chart is driving me batty!

My temp went down to about 96.8, where yours is now, right around ovulation. I think it's the rise in estrogen that proceeds the LH surge that causes the pre-o temp dip, but if you search charts on FF it's normal and really an advance warning system that your egg is on it's way!

Clandestine, how is this mornings test!?!?

Clandestine I just checked your chart and saw that AF got you. I'm sorry! :(

Sorry I didn't have a chance to update everyone yesterday. Really busy 1st day back at work after a month off! My belated witch finally showed up, but I'm not terribly upset. This was only our third cycle and I didn't use OPKs or temps until this one, so I'm not even sure I ovulated until this one. I was on Depo from Aug of 2003 to Jul of 2011 then Errin (Micronor/ Noriday) until mid-Oct of 2012 and had been without cycles or even spotting for nearly a decade. I used OPKs and temps to find out if I was even ovulating at all and at least now I KNOW everything is definitely working. And if it wasn't until CD 20, I still have a 10 day LP (also good news) and just need to make sure the husband and I keep that in mind. I also bought new OPKs, trying the generic Target ones instead of Wondfo and using them with FMU (per the instructions), so hoping I'll have a detectable surge this cycle, but if I don't I won't ascribe meaning to it, as my darkest ones last time (still negative) weren't really telling me anything! So, I'm happy to write off cycle 3 as a "learning experience"! Hopefully less than 18 days until our next chance at an egg!

Temp took a dive again today. OPKs are still negative. I'm beginning to wish AF would just show up so that I can hit the reset button on this crazy cycle.

Bad AF cramps all day yesterday... thought I might get a positive OPK today. And then I got an error message on my stupid smilie face stick this morning. So annoying!

I am going to bring it to work and pee on it again in four hours haha!

I just looked at your chart and I really think you may not have ovulated after your positive OPK on the 15th! I'd keep at it, like you haven't ovulated yet, but I think it looks like you might be soon. I get cramping a day or two before ovulation, so FX for you!
Hey! I'm hoping to jump in with a question.
We are going to be TTC #3. I've always charted my months/days and has worked great for us. But after my daughter my cycles have gone wonky. I've been using opks for months now and never had a problem. I want to start temping this month. Today is cd7 and AF just ended last night. Tomorrow I planned on starting to temp. Right now we wake up at 7, but my sons school schedule may be changing and we might have to start waking up at 6. Would changing the time I wake up make a difference in my chart? Or since its just an hour it shouldn't make a difference?
I'm also not all too knowledgeable about temping. What kind of patterns should I looking for? I think I saw that it dips before O, and before AF. But stays high if pregnant?
Sorry for the questions :blush:


If you wake up everyday at 6am then it wont make a difference, if it changes between 6-7 then I would imagine that might make a slight difference. I take mine between 6-7 though also. There is a temp adjuster on FF that lets you adjust your temp depending on what time you woke up. (For those odd occasions where you woke up late etc).

Patterns to look for are basically as you said, generally lower temps before OV/day of Ov and then high temps until AF is due. It should stay fairly high if preggers. Also something to look out for is an implantation dip, which can sometimes happen where temp dips really low if implantation is happening!

Hope my muddled reply helps somewhat!

Lol it helped, thanks! I read a little last night on countdowntopregnancy. It said that your temp changes by about .3 degrees every hour. I'm hoping my sons schedule doesn't change until next week and I can try to gradually change my temp time. I'll have to look for the adjuster or sign up for FF since everyone seems to use that site :thumbup:

Just an FYI, some people have really varied temps based on time and so DO NOT. I am part of the latter. I can wake up 3 hours late and my basal temp is still just that. FF has an adjuster, but their FAQ's recommend not using them. I'd assume your's don't change unless you know they do (i.e. have temped repeatedly at different times). I would make sure that if you take your temp at an usual time, you enter the time accurately, so if there's a question about a particular temp in your chart, you can always go back and adjust it, if necessary. My most recent cycle, an off-timed temp changed my o-date by three days, but I didn't know the temp on CD 19 mattered until CD 28!
I just looked at your chart and I really think you may not have ovulated after your positive OPK on the 15th! I'd keep at it, like you haven't ovulated yet, but I think it looks like you might be soon. I get cramping a day or two before ovulation, so FX for you!

I just did some googling and discovered that you're not supposed to keep using the CB digital smilie face tester after you get a positive result, because it compares your LH levels to your previous levels, and only gives you a positive if it's higher than previous readings. Frustrating because I have a bunch of negatives that I'm now not sure are really negative. The good news is that I just got a new package so I'm going to start testing wtih that. But dang, these things are expensive. Let us know if the Target brand works well - I may switch to those next cycle.
I just looked at your chart and I really think you may not have ovulated after your positive OPK on the 15th! I'd keep at it, like you haven't ovulated yet, but I think it looks like you might be soon. I get cramping a day or two before ovulation, so FX for you!

I just did some googling and discovered that you're not supposed to keep using the CB digital smilie face tester after you get a positive result, because it compares your LH levels to your previous levels, and only gives you a positive if it's higher than previous readings. Frustrating because I have a bunch of negatives that I'm now not sure are really negative. The good news is that I just got a new package so I'm going to start testing wtih that. But dang, these things are expensive. Let us know if the Target brand works well - I may switch to those next cycle.

That sucks! I like the dip strip ones, only because you can tell relatively "how" positive it is or if the LH is starting to rise pre-surge. I'm hoping using FMU also helps me out - I really do drink a lot of liquids (usually water) and think I'm unlikely to get a positive at any other time of the day. So far, they seem to have better resolution (more contrast between the bands and the rest of the test area) and they weren't that much more, like 10.00 for 20 used once a day first in the morning versus 15.00 for 50 used twice a day in afternoon and evening.
Just an FYI, some people have really varied temps based on time and so DO NOT. I am part of the latter. I can wake up 3 hours late and my basal temp is still just that. FF has an adjuster, but their FAQ's recommend not using them. I'd assume your's don't change unless you know they do (i.e. have temped repeatedly at different times). I would make sure that if you take your temp at an usual time, you enter the time accurately, so if there's a question about a particular temp in your chart, you can always go back and adjust it, if necessary. My most recent cycle, an off-timed temp changed my o-date by three days, but I didn't know the temp on CD 19 mattered until CD 28!

See, the timing thing is what has me nervous about temping. I wake up often during the night, and both my kids don't sleep through the night yet. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and I woke up at 6:30 then lied in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. I tried to not move so that it didn't affect my temp. Today is cd8 and my temp was 96.9, if tomorrow's is drastically different should today's temp be discarded already? Or do you not discard a wonky temp until a few days later? I'm not sure what a chart usually looks like the first week of a cycle (my cycles are normally 35days) :shrug:
Just an FYI, some people have really varied temps based on time and so DO NOT. I am part of the latter. I can wake up 3 hours late and my basal temp is still just that. FF has an adjuster, but their FAQ's recommend not using them. I'd assume your's don't change unless you know they do (i.e. have temped repeatedly at different times). I would make sure that if you take your temp at an usual time, you enter the time accurately, so if there's a question about a particular temp in your chart, you can always go back and adjust it, if necessary. My most recent cycle, an off-timed temp changed my o-date by three days, but I didn't know the temp on CD 19 mattered until CD 28!

See, the timing thing is what has me nervous about temping. I wake up often during the night, and both my kids don't sleep through the night yet. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and I woke up at 6:30 then lied in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. I tried to not move so that it didn't affect my temp. Today is cd8 and my temp was 96.9, if tomorrow's is drastically different should today's temp be discarded already? Or do you not discard a wonky temp until a few days later? I'm not sure what a chart usually looks like the first week of a cycle (my cycles are normally 35days) :shrug:

Temp when you first wake up, even if its early. You want to get the waking temperature, even if its not the exact same time every day.

I will say that when I first started temping it totally messed up my sleep because I was so anxious about doing it right, sleeping long enough, waking at the right time, etc. Eventually though it just becomes part of your routine.
Just an FYI, some people have really varied temps based on time and so DO NOT. I am part of the latter. I can wake up 3 hours late and my basal temp is still just that. FF has an adjuster, but their FAQ's recommend not using them. I'd assume your's don't change unless you know they do (i.e. have temped repeatedly at different times). I would make sure that if you take your temp at an usual time, you enter the time accurately, so if there's a question about a particular temp in your chart, you can always go back and adjust it, if necessary. My most recent cycle, an off-timed temp changed my o-date by three days, but I didn't know the temp on CD 19 mattered until CD 28!

See, the timing thing is what has me nervous about temping. I wake up often during the night, and both my kids don't sleep through the night yet. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and I woke up at 6:30 then lied in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. I tried to not move so that it didn't affect my temp. Today is cd8 and my temp was 96.9, if tomorrow's is drastically different should today's temp be discarded already? Or do you not discard a wonky temp until a few days later? I'm not sure what a chart usually looks like the first week of a cycle (my cycles are normally 35days) :shrug:

Temp when you first wake up, even if its early. You want to get the waking temperature, even if its not the exact same time every day.

I will say that when I first started temping it totally messed up my sleep because I was so anxious about doing it right, sleeping long enough, waking at the right time, etc. Eventually though it just becomes part of your routine.

I agree with LisK, temp whenever you wake up even if it's early. You want your "resting" temp. I think at the beginning everyone, including myself, puts too much weight into individual temperatures. You should really be concerned with trends over time. The beginning of your cycle should be somewhat even/ plateau-like and then you get a surge in estrogen that proceeds the LH surge that causes ovulation - this usually causes a slightly downward trend before/ during ovulation, and then the progesterone release from the corpus luteum after ovulation causes the LP rise. Sometimes there's a secondary estrogen surge mid-LP which causes a fallback rise or a dip during the LP. It's hard to get a good feel early on... even on mine current one, where there's only three data points so far, but try to remember it's about the trendlines and not the individual points.
Additional note: I do recommend recording the time you took your temperature accurately. So if your temping time is 6 am and you take it at 5 or 530, I'd make sure you are recording the time accurately when you enter your temperature onto your chart - in case you do have a wonky temperature (that you can only really identify about a week after the fact).

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