Clomid Buddies - 18 BFPs!

Hi, I am new to the forum, am on Clomid cycle 6 and still nothing, but my periods have been strange since been on the tablet. Everyday its on my mind have been trying for 2 years, had hycosy and all clear. Am so tearful about it all. How do you all cope?

:hi: I just wanted to welcome you to the thread! I know people constantly tell those of us who have been TTC for several months that it just takes time and I know that I truly hate hearing this, however, I'm learning that it does. The way my doctor talked about Clomid, you would have thought that it was a miracle drug! Take this and voila, you get a baby. I think that every round gets harder and I don't know that anyone on here really has any coping techniques. I'm learning to put it to the back of my mind. I'm working out and trying to eat right (didn't do so hot last night during the Super Bowl). I've actually taken the stand point this month that I really don't care if it happens or not. My hubby said we will have a baby one day, wether it is our biological child or not. Frustrating yes, but for the first time last night I actually got on B&B and didn't feel anything. I usually get excited or stressed that it will never happen. I was on B&B for all of 5 minutes yesterday.

Sorry for my rant, all in all I don't have any coping techniques. I'm just trying to forget that we are even trying. NO OPKS and I have NEVER temped. I think this just adds stress. I'm on CD 12 and last night we had the best BD and I think it was because it wasn't considered a job. I hope this helps! I haven't been trying nearly as long as you but I'm taking small achievments. I didn't ovulate until November and both November and December's ovualtion was too low to actually have a viable pregnancy (according to my doctor). January was my first good, strong O since I quite taking BCP. Small steps!

Lots and Lots of :dust: to you!

Welcome, Chappers!

Chantel - I like your idea of not temping. I'd skip the OPKs too, except since seeing the RE last month, I feel kind of obligated. Temping was way stressful for me last cycle, since I got an "implantation dip" that got my hopes up a little.

Ovulation was a big deal for me too! I quit BCPs in October 2010, but didn't ovulate, at least with any regularity, until Clomid in December 2011. So I am trying to remind myself to be patient. Ha! Patience has always eluded me!
CD18 here and still no ovulation or positive opk. :-/

Had a darker, but not positive, OPK on Saturday afternoon and they've just lightened since then. Temp dipped today. Hoping these things mean today is O-day, but I think I'm grasping at straws.

I'm so disappointed. How do y'all stay positive? This is making me crazy.

(Took Clomid 50mg CD2-6)
I think it is near impossible to stay positive while TTC. Right now I'm setting myself little goals, like BD tonight thru friday, trying to catch that egg. I decided last month not to worry about OPKs or temping because it's too stressful. I figure if we BD enough the week I should be fertile, then we've given it our best shot. I've also decided that I'm not going to test early, I will wait until I'm due to start or maybe even in to March, if I start, I start, if I don't and I get a negative test I will call the doctor.

TTC in itself is very frustrating. I like to go home and watch my favorite movie or curl up with a good book if I've had an awful day thinking that I will never get preggers (which goes through my head a lot!)
Hi Girls,
I was put on clomid, 100mg ( I am diagnosed with DOR, or POA, with very low amh levels although I have regular cycles), from day 5-9, for a clomid challenge test. I was wondering when you would start OPK testing. I read that one should start 5 days after the last clomid. What's strange is that I was away on a meeting, and had this EWCM like stuff for a couple of days on day 11-13; I started testing for OPKs day 14, but it's all negative .... I am wondering if I missed the lh surge; it's disappointing because I may've missed the best opportunity for BD ....:(
Will try with clomid + donor sperm in March--I just like to assume it doesn't work and plan my next level.

I am the exact same way. Every month I am planning what I will do differently (or the same) the next time around. It helps me to not put too much "all or nothing" focus on the current month that might end with a BFN.
Hey ladies - I am going to make an official first post of who all is part of our Clomid Buddies, with screen names, real names to go along with it, how many rounds of clomid you have been on, and anything else you want us to know about you. I think it will make it easier for everyone to be able to keep track of everyone this way, and make it inviting for the new girls.

If you want to be on the official clomid buddies page, just leave a reply with your first name, rounds of clomid, and any other info you want shared.

Great idea!:thumbup:
Jay, age 27, 2 rounds Clomid 100 mg (incl. 1 round with IUI), TTC #1
Cross-posted from the IUI thread:

Hey everyone -- I've been away for the past couple weeks, but wanted to come back to give an update (a little long -- sorry!)

We had our first Clomid+IUI cycle in January. I was trying to relax/reduce stress, so I mostly lurked around B&B during the 2WW. I didn't take temps after the IUI, and mostly only charted symptoms (which I know from last month are mostly just side effects of the Clomid and/or progesterone). I think I did really well keeping my stress down. Unfortunately, this morning (14dpo), I got a :bfn:. (I really think all that stuff about stress causing you to not get pregnant is absolute BS, because this past month was the least stressed I'd been in a really long time.) I am disappointed, but I'm not surprised. I'm also not as sad as I thought I'd be today -- maybe because I also tested and got a BFN at 10dpo, so knew not to have my hopes up too high.

DH and I are going to try a new doctor's office in March. We don't gel at all with the doctor or staff at the office we've been going to (the doctor AND nurses have the worst bed side manner and seem visibly annoyed when you ask questions; the doctor will tell you to do one thing and then the nurses will later tell you do something else; they don't monitor anything unless you specifically ask for it -- and then they want to know why you're asking for it, and then will spend several minutes trying to talk you out of it even though the other doctor in their practice does these things routinely!). I came across a list of red flags to look out for at an RE's office, and our office had like 7 or 8 of the 10 on the list! I thought it was high time I take the advice I know I've given other people, and find a new doctor. DH and I thought now seems as good a time as any to cut ties, especially before we get into doing anything heavier or more involved than Clomid+IUI, which I think is where we're headed.)

The funny thing is that our new RE is going to be a man. I deliberately choose female doctors for everything, especially anything gynocology related, and I assumed a female RE would be warmer/more understanding than a male doctor would be with this whole fertility thing. I don't know if that's true yet, but I know a male doctor couldn't possibly be any less warm than the one we've been seeing! Anyone else ever choose doctor's based on whether they're male or female, or am I the only one? Is your OBGYN / Fertility Specialist male or female? At this point, I don't care if the doctor is an alien from outer space -- I just want to get pregnant! (Just kidding ...mostly.)

I still think a few more IUIs are in our future, although I don't know if I will be using Clomid for the next one -- I'm getting some strong emotional side effects from it, and I feel crazy and just off when I'm taking Clomid -- the mood swings are unreal. I want to try at least a couple IUIs with Femara/Letrozole, and I definitely want to try a few with injections. More than anything, I think I really want to be monitored for any future IUIs -- even though I ovulate, not knowing if the Clomid caused any significant results was frustrating (and not knowing if it caused cysts, or if my lining is shrinking down to nothing was even more frustrating). I know there are a few people here and elsewhere on B&B who were being monitored on Clomid, so I don't think I'm totally crazy to have asked for it.

In the meantime, DH and I are taking a much-needed TTC break until our appointment in March -- never thought I'd be happy to stop TTC, but I am!

Good luck to everyone still waiting for a BFP :)
Lemon, sorry about the BFN :hugs: I also choose my doctors based on gender. I know its wrong, but I just feel like a man can't understand a woman's body like a woman can. I feel the same way about the lack of monitoring i'm getting at my doctor's, but at the same time I have never asked for any, so I guess I only have myself to blame. I made an appt to see an RE in March, so maybe I can get monitoring then.

Enjoy the stress free time of not TTC!
Lemon, sorry about the BFN :hugs: I also choose my doctors based on gender. I know its wrong, but I just feel like a man can't understand a woman's body like a woman can. I feel the same way about the lack of monitoring i'm getting at my doctor's, but at the same time I have never asked for any, so I guess I only have myself to blame. I made an appt to see an RE in March, so maybe I can get monitoring then.

Enjoy the stress free time of not TTC!

I choose Ob/Gyn on gender basis as well. :) That and word of mouth, but I definitely prefer female doctors.
I think it is near impossible to stay positive while TTC. Right now I'm setting myself little goals, like BD tonight thru friday, trying to catch that egg. I decided last month not to worry about OPKs or temping because it's too stressful. I figure if we BD enough the week I should be fertile, then we've given it our best shot. I've also decided that I'm not going to test early, I will wait until I'm due to start or maybe even in to March, if I start, I start, if I don't and I get a negative test I will call the doctor.

TTC in itself is very frustrating. I like to go home and watch my favorite movie or curl up with a good book if I've had an awful day thinking that I will never get preggers (which goes through my head a lot!)

i understand what you is near impossible to keep the bad thoughts out of my mind. i try to stay busy. it is nice to know i am not the only one who thinks that way...we are in that boat together :thumbup: we are pumped to be starting our 2nd round of clomid. apparently my body produced a cyst, but not large enough to stop treatment this month which is a good thing. :thumbup:
My doctor told me yesterday that I am going to be on Clomid until June if I don't get pregnant before then. If I don't get pregnant after the june cycle, he's going to refer us to a fertility specialist...that means way more money than we can afford to continue treatment.
(x post from one tubers)
hi ladies - I'm posting this here as well as on one tubers because I'm not sure if it's the one tube or the clomid. so I got my +opk last night but I didn't get a temp drop this morning. I'm wondering if I am ovulating from my non tube side and I wonder if it' s possible to get a +opk on clomid and not ovulate? do any of you get big dips with ovulation? I'm going to continue to do the opk's until I get a significant temp drop or Fertility Friend confirms ov- even though I just got a - opk tonight. I also have to start the progesterone at 3DPO so I don't know what to think... advice please!!
thank you :)
(x post from one tubers)
hi ladies - I'm posting this here as well as on one tubers because I'm not sure if it's the one tube or the clomid. so I got my +opk last night but I didn't get a temp drop this morning. I'm wondering if I am ovulating from my non tube side and I wonder if it' s possible to get a +opk on clomid and not ovulate? do any of you get big dips with ovulation? I'm going to continue to do the opk's until I get a significant temp drop or Fertility Friend confirms ov- even though I just got a - opk tonight. I also have to start the progesterone at 3DPO so I don't know what to think... advice please!!
thank you :)

It is possible to get a positive opk and not ov....BUT your temps from yesterday and today are kind of low, so ov is probably on the way for you. I would bet yesterday or today is ov day, and start the prog Thursday or Friday. But wait and see what the next few days temps are.
(x post from one tubers)
hi ladies - I'm posting this here as well as on one tubers because I'm not sure if it's the one tube or the clomid. so I got my +opk last night but I didn't get a temp drop this morning. I'm wondering if I am ovulating from my non tube side and I wonder if it' s possible to get a +opk on clomid and not ovulate? do any of you get big dips with ovulation? I'm going to continue to do the opk's until I get a significant temp drop or Fertility Friend confirms ov- even though I just got a - opk tonight. I also have to start the progesterone at 3DPO so I don't know what to think... advice please!!
thank you :)

It is possible to get a positive opk and not ov....BUT your temps from yesterday and today are kind of low, so ov is probably on the way for you. I would bet yesterday or today is ov day, and start the prog Thursday or Friday. But wait and see what the next few days temps are.

thank you Lisa!!
jenny - I have the same problem. Both times on Clomid I have had a + OPK and never saw a corresponding temp increase. When I O my temp dips maybe 0.1 degF. After upping my dose this month i was sure the first time i saw that +OPK I would actually O, but its looking like based on my temps that I didn't. Keep temping and POAS to be sure so you dont take that progesterone prematurely. It is possible to get 2 surges and O on the second one. GL!
jenny - I have the same problem. Both times on Clomid I have had a + OPK and never saw a corresponding temp increase. When I O my temp dips maybe 0.1 degF. After upping my dose this month i was sure the first time i saw that +OPK I would actually O, but its looking like based on my temps that I didn't. Keep temping and POAS to be sure so you dont take that progesterone prematurely. It is possible to get 2 surges and O on the second one. GL!

thank you chloe- I def don't want to take the progesterone too soon. my temp was the same today as yesterday so now I'm second guessing if I pushed the thermometer button hard enough! guess I'll keep doing the opk's :)
Yeah, doesn't look like O is confirmed just yet. :) Hold off on the prog for a few more days. Good luck. :)
Chloe597: I definitely agree with you about the important of speaking up and asking for what you want! I did that, and even though it didn’t work, it did make me open my eyes to noticing how unresponsive the doctor was and how nonchalant and seemingly uncaring/unfriendly the staff was. I don’t know if the next doctor will be that much better, but it’s worth a shot to find out. Plus, the new clinic has a better IVF success rate than the one I was at before. I wasn’t thinking about IVF success rates when I made that first appointment with the old doctor, and I still think we’re a long way from having to think about IVF, but once I started comparing things, and looking for reviews on both clinics, it sealed the deal that even though I’ve always leaned toward female doctors, it would be dumb to do that if I had some evidence suggesting that the male doctor might be more effective at getting us pregnant (especially if we do end up having to do IVF, and haven’t moved to a bigger city with more REs to choose from by then.) I think I’ll always have a preference for female doctors, but if push comes to shove I’m at least open to both sexes now. Good luck when you go see your RE in March!

MrsJennyG: My understanding about OPKs is that a positive surge just tells you will ovulate sometime in the next 24 to 48 hours. It’s easy to miss the surge, since it’s usually only a short time frame that you’re surging – so you might get a positive in the early afternoon but a negative that night. And since it’s a 48 hour ovulation window, you probably can’t count yourself out until it’s been at least 48 since the positive OPK with no temp change. Do you usually see a temp change the very next morning after a positive OPK? I usually don’t see it until two mornings later, so for me, positive OPK on day 13ish, ovulate sometime on day 14ish, and see a temp rise on day 15ish, which lets me know I ovulated sometime between the positive OPK on day 13 and the high temp on day 15 (usually I feel some pinching around the ovaries sometime during the afternoon or evening of day 14 that leave me pretty sure I’m ovulating at that time).
thank you so much ladies for your advice. i just did an IC opk and it looked + to me but then I did a CBE Diggi and didn't get the smiley face. so... I guess it's a negative opk!? we'll BD tonight and we BD'd on Monday... we tried last night but DH was so tired it just didn't work... sigh. we won't be able to tomorrow because DH has grad school and isn't home until late. FX!!!

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