Clomid buddies?

Vankiwi - can't believe how close you are. So hoping most of the house is done so you don't have too much left after your LO arrives. Fx it all goes well and that the discomfort gets better or at least does not get worse. So exciting you are almost there!

Krissie - fx for you this cycle. were you taking femara this cycle?

Kaicee - sounds awful about the heat and water. I so hope that's been fixed!

Angela - not long before you start! Ftx!!!
Angela I'm hoping she hangs on til the 30th! We don't really have anything organised for emergency childcare haha!

This pregnancy has just flown by, much faster than with DD. Life is busier these days I guess. We have managed to get the house a lot more organised the last few days which is great.
Star- I'm not doing femara. I'm taking lydia pinkham. Back in May I took it and o'd cd 12 and ended up having a chemical. I figured I'd give it another go.
so took clomid later this month an I ov'ed on cd14 instead of cd11 let hope it's my lucky month fx
FX Kiacee goodluck lets hope we get a BFP xx

Krissie FTX for you too lets hope it does the trick xx

Vankiwi I hope she does hold out for you and glad your more organised now xx
4dpo so happy I ov'ed on cd14 instead of 11 let's hope this is my belated Christmas gift.
I hope so kaicee! Good luckk!

And krissie hope the Lydia does the trick this cycle!!!!
hey everyone! how's it going?

lately all we've been doing over here is preparing for the move. and last night we were disgusted to find that in the storage space that we have located above our bathroom, that all of our stuff was covered in black mold! we had to throw everything out, except for some of the stuff that was in the storage space on the other side of the mold, but im tempted to throw it out too b/c it smells so bad. DH did not clean the moldy storage space b/c it would be too hard to do/ and it does not make sense for him to do it given how deep the space is. so he took everything out and threw it out and sealed the space with plastic and tape. still felt so sick b/c it smelled so bad. i had never noticed mold or smelled it until he went in there to move the stuff out.

we had told our landlord that we noticed a lot of condensation in the bathroom and that it was dripping from the sealing, but of course he said that just happens and its fine. we told him many times for several months but he refused to investigate it further. i honestly never thought it was damaging the storage area and for some reason did not think that all of that was most likely producing mold (pretty sure that behind the walls and floor of the bathroom there is prob a bunch of black mold as the condensation has caused the walls to sag - and drip from the ceiling).

i'm really concerned b/c im pg and not sure what the effect of mold exposure is. researched it and got mixed articles. some say its really bad, some say its probably not going to affect the baby. i have an appointment with doc on thursday so i'll ask, and mention this nasty cold that i still have to see if its related to the mold at all. we move out of this apt on saturday and are staying with sister from then till jan 4th when we leave for toronto. so its just a few more days. i could leave now and let DH finish everything else. but, unfortunately ive been exposed to it this entire time :( the dripping from the ceiling in the bathroom has been going on for months, so im sure the mold has too. uggggg. if doc suggests leaving asap, i absolutely will. otherwise its just until saturday.

i slept super poorly last night given that im so worried about whether this is/has affected my pg. ive been sneezing a lot more too since last night when we discovered the mold.

as for everything else, i have an appointment tomorrow, a scan at the hospital so hopefully that goes well. fx. fx. then the doc appointment on thursday.
How scary Star! Try not to worry until you talk to the doctor. I've discovered our bodies are designed to protect the little beans so it's most likely fine.

I'm so glad you guys will be out of there soon though.

Will you be finding out the gender? You are at the perfect gestation. Which I cannot believe you are already 16 weeks.

Afm, I'm ovulating today. Lydia pushed up my o day so I'm very excited. We've had great timing so just really hoping for a new year bfp. Af is due January 9th and I'm gonna work hard not to test before 11 dpo. The last few cycles have been too disappointing.
Krissie glad Lydia had a positive effect in pushing O date earlier :) My FTX!

We did a blood test to find out gender at the 10 week mark and it came back as boy. But the genetics counselor did tell me that if it came back as a boy there is still a chance that the results could be off because I inserted two embryos and not one and the one that did not take could still be in my blood. I believe the test will be accurate but if they can confirm it tomorrow I'd like to know. I just want a healthy baby. Fx for that! Can't wait to get out of the moldy apt.
Sorry Star I remember all that now. Boys are great. While I truly would be happy with any gender, part of me wants another boy.
So called docs office but called a bit too late so had to have call returned by the on call doc and she advised me not to go back to the apartment. I'll have to go back at least once to pack my bag for the next few days of stay at my sisters apt and my stuff for my flight next wed. It's just so sad and frustrating that the landlord never listened to me. We are moving in a week and DH is going to have a hard time doing everything plus still working his job.
I'm sorry to hear that Star. But it's definitely for the best not to go back.
Ah Star what a pain! Best to be cautious though, black mould is nothing to be sneezed at! Glad you're getting out of there.
Yea it's best not to be there. DH came by and dropped off a bag with some stuff to get me through the next few days. Of course I forgot to put some stuff I would have wanted on the list but I'll be fine. I'll head back just for an hour or so on Friday to pack my bag for the plane but other than that I won't be there.
Krissie FX you get a new year surprise xx

Star e thats awful but better to be safe than sorry and so glad everything is going well in your pregnancy not long till your move I hope that all goes well too xx

AFM nothing to really repirt to be honest start meds on 31st so just enjoyed xmas think Ive Od but due to alcohol late nights and different times takung temps my chart is all over the place xx
So here are my symptoms
Nauseous for 3 days now threw up once
Boobs a tiny bit sensitive
But I bet it's just my body screwing with me.
Quick update. Scan went well. Will update more later. Long day and lots of frustrations dealing w the landlord.
yesterday i had my early anatomy scan. and thankfully everything is going well. and it was confirmed that the baby is a boy - and wow has he grown since the last time i saw him. it was super cool this scan to be able to see bones and much more movement. so heart warming. also, we had a mold expert go to the apt today to test the mold. apparently he does not think it is mold, but he took many samples and is going to run tests. so we will find out what it is very soon.

how's everyone else doing?

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