Clomid buddies?

Krissie that is alot of money and Im not surprised your thinking of leaving it for a bit keep us updated what you end up doing xx

Kiacee I hope thats a good sign xx

Aphy I hope your nausea has gone now how are you feeling xx

Star e how are you doing xx

Transfer went well 5 developed one has been transferred and four have been frozen so its just a waiting game now xx
That is great news Angela!! I hope you can rest up this week and we get to see a bfp soon!!!

Thanks ladies. There is another fertility clinic that is a little further. I was going to give them a call in the next week or so and find out. Their website does not have any info so I am not sure. DH seems fine waiting until summer so who knows.

To further complicate things I am not sure I can even proceed yet. My blood pressure has been really high lately. I have had two dizzy spells and one I ended up fainting. I got my blood pressure checked and it was really high today. So I need to set up an appointment to discuss that with my GP. It actually has me freaked because of how unwell I get with the dizziness. Last night I had to lay down for over an hour. I don't know if it is blood pressure or not but I suspect it probably is.
Krissie,that doesn't sound good at all. I hope the GP can sort it out!

Thanks Angela and Star! My nausea has been quite good most days except for today which was bad again. Also the typical first trimester exhaustion seems to have hit me a bit later than expected cause often I feel so drained all I want to do is lie in bed. Have so much going on though currently with getting the new house fixed up so we can move in end of the month. Another thing to look forward to is our scan tomorrow morning...hopefully we find out gender!

Angela,I am so glad the transfer went well! You are officially in the tww now...I'm feeling the suspense already on your behalf!
Angela - so excited for you! Glad things went well and you have some frosties for later. Ftx!!!

Krissie - you fainted?! That's so scary. I hope you didn't hurt yourself. Glad you have an appointment coming up bc that can be dangerous - the fainting. So sorry that you are going through that. I hope it can get resolved soon. As for the other clinic, hope they have a better consultation fee. But first things first, get the blood pressure issue resolved. Keep us updated. Hope you are okay right now.

Aphy - my exhaustion came late too. It can be overwhelming. So I feel you. I hope you get the house set up soon as that will free up some time for relaxing. And good luck at your scan!

Afm - baby has been kicking away this week :) Lots of movement yesterday and a bit calmer today. I'm also creating a list of things I'll need to prepare for baby. It's a bit tedious so I'll be glad when it's done.
Star- yes it happened on Christmas eve. I woke that night and didn't feel well so I went to check my blood sugar. I tripped/fainted something in the hall. Smashed my face up when I fell into the mirror at the end of the hall. I'm so thankful my dh woke up and came out. I was scared I had low blood sugar and I was gonna die there. But that was actually perfectly fine.

Since I've never had anything like that happen I forgot about it. Until Monday when I got super dizzy and then the high blood pressure at the dentist. I've had some other high readings throughout the last time 6-7 months but nothing like yesterday.
Krissie its definitely worth getting your blood pressure sorted first sounds awful I hope its nothing serious and can be easily sorted xx

Star e and Aphy sounds like both your pregnancies are going well apart from the side effects exhaustion and sickness amazing your feeling the baby move around now Star e thats fantastic and Aphy I hope your scan goes well xx

Me I'm just taking it easy and chilling out I'm eager to test but know there is no point yet so just going to keep myself busy I think xx
Krissie - whenever I hear about someone fainting it often coincides with injury sometimes very bad injury. I'm sure your fall was painful. So sorry you had that happen. Fainting is scary. glad your DH was there when it happened and that a doctor will help you with it soon.

Angela - I'm sure the waiting is tough but you'll get through it. I tried to keep myself distracted and held off from testing as I was terrified I'd test too soon. it was hard though! stay warm and comfortable and just take care of yourself is all you can do. Fx!!!

afm - going through a pattern where I wake up early in the morning and am up a few hours then go back to sleep. I wish I'd just sleep through the night and early morning but I'm just uncomfortable bc I'm supposed to be sleeping on my sides and with the extra weight my shoulders really start to hurt. So I have to prop myself up with pillows so I can be on my back and take a break. My knees and back also hurt. I might get a pregnancy pillow. Maybe that will help but haven't ordered one yet.
Star e Ive heard them pregnancy pillows are amazing you should really get one everyone I know who got one said it was a godsend I hope the sleep gets better hun xx

Thats what Ive been doing trying to keep busy Im off to get my haircut today so that will keep my mood up xx
Great Angela. Just find things to do and take it easy. I should get a pillow! I'll research it soon.
AFM took a test today I know Im only really 10 DPO but it was stark white BFN I just really dont have a good feeling about this I dont think it's worked, my official testing date is 11th Feb next Saturday I have to take one then and call the hospital with the result I have put on ao much weight I feel awful all my clothes are so tight whilst on the medication I just couldn't stop eating. I hate the progesterone suppositories can't wait to stop taking them Ive started taking them vaginally now its a bit messy have to wear a pad but taken the other way I was so gassy and my stomach felt off all the time sorry for the TMI. Other than that Im just the same nothing to really write about at the mo I know its going to break me if this is a bust but I also know its out of my hands just a waiting game just wish the TTW would go quicker feels like its dragging xx
Angela I know it's nervewracking but I'd suggest holding off until at least 14 dpo. that's what I did (or I might have waited even longer don't remember exactly but it was a few days before they had me come in for the official test) bc I feared so much that it wouldnt be enough time to show up. I used an frer and one of those clear blues that tell you how far along you are expected to be. I pray that it shows positive soon.

Re the weight. I know exactly what you are talking about. Even though I'm pg I am way bigger than I should be at this point and a good 10 pounds of it is bc of all the meds and ivf and stuff before getting pg. I'm much over the weight limit I should be and it makes me sad. It's also so freaking cold here that I don't move much. All I can say about the weight is it does suck and I'm sorry. Those mess made me super hungry and that hunger continued through first trimester.

This one that they inserted was it a blastocyst? And are the ones frozen blasts? Did they tell you any info about that? I have everything crossed for you and am so so hopeful it works. I know it's easier said than done but don't get down bc I think 10 dpo is too early to test.
I know what you mean Star e I just want to know now one way or another its been such a stressful journey I just dont think it will ever happen xx It was at blastocyst stage the one they transferred said it was really good quality the other where frozen at blastocyst stage too but didnt say what quality I should have asked more questions but being new to all this its so daunting xx

I'm 2 and half stone over my ideal weight and it makes me feel so uncomfortable right now if Im not pregnant and they want to hold out a few months till my cycles regulate again then Im definitely working out and dieting in that time xx

How are you anyway Star e xx
Angela I didn't ask about the rest of my frosties grade either. I knew the two we transferred were the highest grade but didn't ask about the others. I know they are blasts though. Also I really think it's too early to think it didn't work. I'd wait as long as you can but at least another five days. I've read so many stories of people who got bfn at 10 but bfp by 14 or 15. I'm praying that's the case.

As for me, everything is going well with the pg and that's wonderful.

Aside from that I'm just having a tough transition. I was coming from a place with cold winters so I was already annoyed with the cold there and it's even colder here. Of course I knew that before we moved but it's still hard. Feeling down and isolated. Lack of physical activity. No family here. And coming up with my baby registry list is def overwhelming. I also feel clueless about most baby related things and have not been able to focus on it bc the move and the things that come with it and the list take up alot of my time. I think things will settle with time. It's just tough right now.
Things will get easier Star e just give it time xx

Just cheapie one step ones theyre left over from my Clomid days Ive also got a store own brand one and two clearblue digital ones again all left over from Clomid days not using the digital ones till near test date and on test date xx
Okay good plan. Fx. I know the next few days it will be tough to get through but you can do it. Ftx.
I am sure your transition has been very difficult. When DH and I moved away from my hometown I struggled to adjust. It was about 6-9 months before I started to get comfortable and not feel so isolated. I hope you are able to meet some new people or at least get situated before baby. :hugs:

Angela- keeping my ftx for your bfp!!

Afm, af arrived today in full force. I think I will do the clomid this cycle. DH wants to do our fertility appointment this months so we will likely keep it. But we will be on a break either way for March/April. We talked more about not trying for another one this weekend. I think we are both kinda on the fence so I guess we will see what the consultation has to offer and go from there.
IVF's not worked digi clearblue not pregnant I'm absolutely heartbroken right now cant stop crying I'm a wreck why me what is wrong with me
Angela - I'm so sad for you right now. Seriously heart sunk when reading your post! There is nothing wrong with you. At all! My heart goes out to you. When is the official test date - the 11th? I'm still hesitant to think it did not work. I just want it to work so much. And if that's the case then let's def discuss next steps with the frosties, but I'm still holding out hope for OTD. Fx.

Krissie - thank you for the support. Moving is so tough and I hope that with time I feel settled as you eventually did too. Also I support you with whatever decision you and DH come to regarding trying. I'm interested in what the consult offers too so keep us updated. Did you say it's in late feb? Good luck with clomid this cycle.

Afm - tripped over a ledge in our doorway and fell down yesterday onto a carpeted floor. Not plush carpet but still carpet. The fall did not hurt at all. You know how when you fall sometimes you limp afterwards because it hurt so much. This was not like that. It didn't hurt at all. Fell onto knees and then onto wrists. So not stomach. Left a message on the docs voicemail because he wasn't there. But everything I've read online says I'll be fine. It takes a very serious injury/fall to harm the baby. Plus found his heartbeat on Doppler and have felt him move so pretty sure things are okay. Nonetheless I was initially very scared and wish it hadn't happened.
Angela- I am so sorry hun. Like Star said there is nothing wrong with you. But I know nothing we say will really help this emotional ride. I hope your fertility specialist can help you with the next steps.

Star- I am glad everything is okay. Like you read it takes a really major fall to harm the baby.

Yes, my appointment is Feb. 20th. So not too long now.

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