Clomid buddies?

Kami sorry this cycle was a bust I hear you about hoping to get pregnant before 35 Im fast approaching 34 and feel like it wont work I hope femera works or they up your clomid next cycle also ask for follicle tracking too xx

Kdaniely welcome I hope it works FX for you xx

Krissie I dont think I could ever cut all cords i.e. snip etc.. not until atleast in mid 40's just loosing that slight bit of hope I think would break me xx but getting off Clomid was the best thing ever for me it sent crazy.

Sorry Ive been MIA, yes we have two more goes of IVF, DH and I have already started looking at adoption if these two lots of IVF dont work then that will be our next step Ive already got the information pack and phone number with the agency to book an appointment we've even said as we want more than one child if IVF works we will adopt our second and if IVF doesnt we would consider taking on siblings xx

Sorry Ive been quiet this failed IVF really took it's toll on me my emotions are all over the place Ive requested counciling through the clinic too to help me cope with this LTTTC journey my next consultation is on 16th March so Im just chilling till then.

Also wierd thing happened last night sorry in advance for TMI but my AF happened last weekend yesterday a week later Ive started getting bad cramps and AF has started again which is strange I was having lots of EWCM over past few days as if I was going to O then this has happened its strange really heavy with clumps thinking about calling the Dr's about it x
Angela - good to hear from you. I totally understand how hard this has been and think the councilng is a great idea. Having a space to discuss it with a professional will be helpful in managing all the emotions that come with this process. I'm really glad you have two more rounds of IVF covered and am kmftx for you. Sending all the warmest thoughts and wishes for success in the next round. As far as AF staring again, I don't know. Def call doc. Maybe the injections and the progesterone support and all of that messed with the cycle a bit.
Angela- I think coulseing will be a great step for you. I hope it helps you with this process.

Yes, I known it's a drastic decision but I think if we don't get pregnant within the year then it's the right one for us. I've been blessed with one and if that's all we have then I believe I will find my peace with it.

But... I think I ovulated yesterday. I randomly took an opk on Sunday (cd14) because of how I was feeling and it was nearly positive. But I didn't think anymore of it. Then my sex drive was through the roof Sun/Monday. And this morning I woke up feverish with sore bbs. Which following previous cycles are all my typical o signs. I'm not sure about cm as I wasn't checking. I did take my temp this morning to see and it was in my typical post-o range as well.

So I'm fairly certian I did o yesterday on cd 15. Which would be just amazing since it's the earliest I've o'd since my chemical in May!

I'm gonna try not to go crazy with testing though. I don't want to be optimistic as the last few cycles have been crushing.
Krissie I hear you about wanting to keep your emotions in check given that this journery has been hard and long. I'm kmfx. The thing is you never know and sometimes it's when people stop trying that eventually a bfp comes. I will be hoping that for you each and every cycle with the greatest hope that it comes soon.
Thanks star. There's always that bit of hope. I'm excited I seem to have o'd which is the bulk of my issues.
Krissie I didn't realize that Oing was a big issue for you. I remember you saying you had pcos but since some people still O a lot with it I didn't realize. So for the past cycles youve has to take progesterone to O?

I only O once or twice a year so I had to take progesterone.
Star- yep that is the primary problem is the lack of o. I haven't had to take progesterone. But I've done multiple rounds of clomid and femara. I do o on both but it's been pretty late in my cycle.

However, dh also has low motility. And I believe I have a thin lining (possibly low esteogen). So multiple things going against us.

With ds I ovulated my first cycle of clomid and got pregnant right away. So it's been very confusing why it hasn't happened this time.
I think I may be getting confused. I would take progesterone to induce AF bc I don't get it on my own but then I took clomid to help me O but it never worked. When you are not on clomid does AF still come? Or does clomid induce O and thus AF for you?

Cant they give you estrogen to thicken the lining?
Yes, I have taken progesterone to bring on af. I would get af on my own 2-3 times a year. But they were super heavy so most likely a bleed from to much lining.

I asked for estrogen patches and to have my lining checked but was told no. I've been working on some natural ways to improve lining so maybe that will help.
I think I read bone broth is good for lining. I drank some during my tww but it was so gross I stopped. Too bad they won't give you estrogen and check your lining. I bet I would get af 2 times a year just bc my lining was thick too. Well I'm hoping that things work out for you. Keep me updated.
Krissie - I hope whatever you do works and you get the babe, I also read something about broth

Angela - If it worries you then you should call.

AFM - Day 4 of 5 of Clomid for this cycle and my gosh is it having a toll on my emotions, I hate side effects.
I'll have to look into bone broth and maybe make a soup with it. I hadn't heard that it could help with lining.
Kami my emotions were awful on Clomid like I was bipolar it was awful I hope it works for you FTX for you hun xx

Krissie so glad you have Od how are you feeling xx

Star e you settled in now hows the pregnancy going xx

Sorry I've been MIA not really much to report if Im honest our follow up appt is 16th March so I will know more then my councilling is also on the same day I havnt got a clue when I O this month due to having two AF cycles a week apart Im not taking OPKS or BBT AF is either due the 9th or the 16th so we will see xx
Angela- I hope they have a good plan on the 16th with how to proceed. :hugs:

Afm, I definitely did o. I am right around 8 dpo. I am not overly excited since we weren't trying I didn't both to wait after bding before getting up. AF is due Sunday and considering I want an entire pan of chocolate brownies for myself I am pretty sure she is gonna show. I am also insanely emotional and weepy. The only think odd about this tww is the fact I am crazy hot! But, just seems like a strong o with high progesterone more than anything.
Krissie I've still got everything crossed for you hun not long to wait xx

16th seems like such a long way away to be honest but at the same time I needed the break off all this TTC its been such a long emotional hard journey I'm feeling apprehensive about it all especially the counselling as never done it before but I know I need to do it x I've got two more goes at IVF but I dont feel hopeful at all we shall see though xx I've also looked at adoption we will be looking at it straight away at adoption to start the process quickly if both IVF fail xx
What kind of wait time do you have for adoption?

I wouldn't mind being able to adopt. But I am so overwhelmed by the entire process.
It can be around a year to 18 months from start to finish, we have adoption charities hear you choose one and they help you through the whole process including finding your child and help and support aftwards too, you call them up and they come out do an assessment and look at your house you then fill out a large application form send that off and attend counselling sessions with other couples in the same pisition. Your also assigned a social worker who works with you and also writes a report too and puts your case towards the governing body who accept or deny your application if your successful then your sent reports about children they think are suitable for you the younger the child the longer the process as everyone wants a young child it is also quicker when you want siblings too. You pick one but other couples may also be looking at the same child if thats the case then they look at all applicants and choose what they believe is the best fit if your not successful the whole process of searching starts again, if you are successful then the process of visits to the child starts then sty overs then eventually move in then within first 10 wks you go to court and make the adoption official its a long process but Id rather spend 5 to 6k and have a child than throw constant money at IVF and it never works xx

Whats the process like over there xx
It sounds pretty similar to over here. We have agencies that you would go through and they do the applications, home studies, ect. Then once those are all approved you are placed on a list and when an available child comes up then you can choose to pursue it or not. I am not terribly sure much past that. But I know it can be from 6 months-a couple years before placement. It really depends of you are picky on gender, age, ect.
It does sound like the same process but it would be so worth it not only will I have a child to love nuture and share my life with I'll be giving a child or children a life they deserve filled with love and happy memories, teach them right from wrong help them grow I may not have given birth to them but they will be me it will have memories made by me and DH take on our personalities and attitudes it will be us through and through and we will give it a life that it may never have had otherwise. We've even discussed that if we are lucky the IVF works then because I want more than one we will still adopt xx
Yes, I think adoption can be such an awesome thing! My DH has an adopted cousin (after her parents had a bio son) and to be honest she fits in so well. Aside from the fact she is from South Korea you would never know she wasn't their bio child. I definitely think love for a child whether bio or adopted doesn't change.

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