Clomid buddies?

You are doing a great job Angela!! You definitely have the perfect motivation to keep at it.
I think that's what's keeping me going if I want to be perfect for it then I need to be in tip top format one to give me the best possible chance of success and two to know they won't push me to the bottom of the list in order to get healthy/loose weight xx
you all are the best! after having a very long day, i can’t tell you how happy and grateful to have these posts to read. this thread has really been a lifesaver; it means so much to have your support. <3

I’ll be praying all weekend that the report on monday is good. FF has mistakenly given me crosshairs, but I’m too lazy to figure out how to change it. i’ll just let it think what it wants.

wifey - i am so so hoping that you get it with femara. this fertility stuff is so expensive its just crazy. its a medical condition that i wish was covered by insurance. kmfx! have a great weekend!

krissie - glad you are in with a chance. fx.

angela - i love your motivation. 5 times a week, that is amazing. you’re getting yourself prepped for your next cycle. when do you get assessed for the list?

aphy - how are you doing? any updates? fx for you!
Star,I am convinced that your report on Monday is going to be amazing! Try and have a relaxing weekend &#128521;

Angelala- I love how motivated you are and that you sound to be enjoying it as well!

As for me,still getting BFN every morning. Tmi- spotting became very thick brown (almost as if it's my lining) and volume increased a bit yesterday so I am concluding that AF will make herself known in the next few days
Star e I also think you will have great numbers not long to wait now for the results I'm praying all goes well xx

Aphy so sorry AF got you here's hoping next cycle is the one xx most people fall pregnant in the first three months so don't get disheartened the is cycle may have just been your body readjusting to the Meds FX for you xx

I am enjoying exercise again got more energy and can already see a change in my body shape I'm hoping that maybe relaxing and getting fit will bring on a natural BFP again xx I haven't heard anything at all back from my Dr so I'm waiting for AF then will be in touch for her to refer me to the women's to begin IVF and I will pester her everyday till I get there lol if that's what I've got to do xx
Star e I also think you will have great numbers not long to wait now for the results I'm praying all goes well xx

Aphy so sorry AF got you here's hoping next cycle is the one xx most people fall pregnant in the first three months so don't get disheartened the is cycle may have just been your body readjusting to the Meds FX for you xx

I am enjoying exercise again got more energy and can already see a change in my body shape I'm hoping that maybe relaxing and getting fit will bring on a natural BFP again xx I haven't heard anything at all back from my Dr so I'm waiting for AF then will be in touch for her to refer me to the women's to begin IVF and I will pester her everyday till I get there lol if that's what I've got to do xx

It's still at only spotting at the moment so AF still has to come full force &#128532; Wish it would just happen already so I can move on
Star, we are all so happy to be here for you. Wishing and praying this continues to work out well and give you a sticky BFP and happy healthy 9
Months and delivery. :) hope you're relaxing this weekend and feeling better!

Aphy, so sorry about AF. I know it's not easy. Hope next cycle is the one for you. :hugs:

Angela, sounds like you're doing well with the weight loss and have the right motivation to keep you going! I found keeping a food journal/calorie and carb count helps a lot. Of course, I need to start doing so again, but in the past it's made a huge difference.

AFM, 4dpo and just in the early TWW. Enjoying the weekend at home with hubby after a crazy first week back at work. It's been nice just being lazy in our pjs, watching Netflix and enjoying some fun intimacy without the TTC stress. Hoping this is my BFP cycle but not feeling one way or another honestly. I know it's too early but I always imagined I'd know right away.. I don't plan to test either but my cabinet is stocked with ICs and an FRER lol :winkwink: Not sure if I mentioned this here but RE scheduled me for a consult on August 30th to discuss what's next after femara. I hate to think ahead, this is just my first round; it actually makes me sick with stress to think about financially... But I understand we need a plan. TTC has just gone on long enough and I'm so ready to just be pregnant and move on. This LTTTC has been so hard emotionally.
I'm hearing you wiffbby LTTTC is difficult to cope with we'll be hitting the three year Mark in 3 months time we've even had the what if IVF doesn't work talk. Right now I'm prepping for the IVF but I still feel like a hopeless case like we can't have children I don't know I wish they could find what was wrong with us so we would know how to fix it as apparently unexplained infertility has the lowest chance of success which seems right to be fair as if you don't know to fix something then how can you fix it.

We will all get there one way or another as we all want it badly enough whether that be clomid, femera, IVF, IUI or even adoption we will do it xx
I agree Angela. No matter what it takes we will all have a baby in our arms.

Wifey, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. I've found the last two weeks to be really hard. I know it will ease up as we get back into routine but until then it's just hardon't.

Afm, I haven't really been hopeful this cycle is the one. But today things just seem more like my past bfp cycles. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I will be 9 dpo Monday and plan to test.
Aphy - Sorry you are getting AF like symptoms. I hope the witch does not show her face. But if she does, I think Angela said it best. Could be your body adjusting to meds and also most people get pregnant in first 3 months so I'm hoping that your next cycle will be your bfp cycle. I totally understand wanting AF to show already if she is going to show. do you have to meet w doc at start of cycle or do u already have the meds?

wifey - I hope you get your bfp this cycle! Kmfx! If you have to try something else, then hopefully your doc will be supportive of trying another cycle w femara. If I'm not mistaken this is your first cycle with that specific medication. So it totally makes sense to try it again. I've read about success w that med and am praying you will be one of those sucess stories!!!

Angela - saying a prayer right now that you get a natural bfp. That would be so amazing. And so deserved. If you end up having to do IVF, I would think the chances are still favorable for unexplained also. There is a lot more they can do. maybe it's just sperm having trouble meeting egg. My Ftx that if you do have to do it that it's an straightforward fix and you get your sticky bean right away. Love your motivation w preparing for it and glad you are you are noticing changes in energy! So happy to hear that.

Krissie - sorry this cycle has been a difficult one. I'm holding onto hope that it works out for you this cycle! Ftx. If you have to do another did you say the plan was to go back to lower dose of clomid or are you going to talk with your doctor about femara? sending the warmest wishes for a bfp for you.

Afm - I hope tomorrow goes well. Anything can happen. I'd be devastated w a bad report. I did have a nice weekend though. managed to stay pretty focused on other things throughout the weekend except tonight.Going to try to stop thinking about it now as its time to go sleep soon but all I can think about is what the report will say. My fx.
Aphy - Sorry you are getting AF like symptoms. I hope the witch does not show her face. But if she does, I think Angela said it best. Could be your body adjusting to meds and also most people get pregnant in first 3 months so I'm hoping that your next cycle will be your bfp cycle. I totally understand wanting AF to show already if she is going to show. do you have to meet w doc at start of cycle or do u already have the meds?

wifey - I hope you get your bfp this cycle! Kmfx! If you have to try something else, then hopefully your doc will be supportive of trying another cycle w femara. If I'm not mistaken this is your first cycle with that specific medication. So it totally makes sense to try it again. I've read about success w that med and am praying you will be one of those sucess stories!!!

Angela - saying a prayer right now that you get a natural bfp. That would be so amazing. And so deserved. If you end up having to do IVF, I would think the chances are still favorable for unexplained also. There is a lot more they can do. maybe it's just sperm having trouble meeting egg. My Ftx that if you do have to do it that it's an straightforward fix and you get your sticky bean right away. Love your motivation w preparing for it and glad you are you are noticing changes in energy! So happy to hear that.

Krissie - sorry this cycle has been a difficult one. I'm holding onto hope that it works out for you this cycle! Ftx. If you have to do another did you say the plan was to go back to lower dose of clomid or are you going to talk with your doctor about femara? sending the warmest wishes for a bfp for you.

Afm - I hope tomorrow goes well. Anything can happen. I'd be devastated w a bad report. I did have a nice weekend though. managed to stay pretty focused on other things throughout the weekend except tonight.Going to try to stop thinking about it now as its time to go sleep soon but all I can think about is what the report will say. My fx.

AF did show in the end so at least its CD2 today. I have to see obgyn at beginning of cycle so have appointment to see him on Thursday but i already have prescription for the meds so not really sure why I need to go see him. Also, Thursday is CD5 which is when I should start the Clomid but I don't know if he is going to keep me at 50mg or up the dosage so now I don't know what to do since you should take it first thing in the morning and I am only seeing him the afternoon :shrug:

One good thing about AF coming 2 days earlier, at least I should then O just before I have to leave for that work trip so we will still have a chance this cycle :happydance: Now if only I can make sense of which days exactly DH and I should focus on...
Goodluck today Star e have absolutely everything I possibly can crossed for you that you get good numbers can't wait to hear your result xx

Aphy so sorry witch got you xx you can take clomid anytime of day I use to take it at night so I slept through any side effects hope that helps xx as you go through this you'll become more in tune with your body so will be able to tell when your most fertile time is like checking your cervix and you cervical mucus you will get the hang of it plus you will find a pattern in when you O mine is always between CD12 and 16 earlier one month then next later on always like that so keep going and learning and before you know it you'll be able to tell also look out for slight pain like twinges around O I get them too xx Goodluck xx

AFM DPO9 nothing really to report I've lost 7lb though on this healthy eating and fitness programme in two weeks so well happy about that here's to another half a stone before end of month xx

I don't think I'm pregnant at all so not even tempted to test I'm due on Sunday so I'm waiting for the witch to show also me and DH are decorating the house over next few months so I've got that to keep my mind occupied too I'm hoping focusing on other projects will help keep me sane during the wait for our transfer to women's hospital xx
Angela- great job these last two weeks. I am looking forward to all of your positive changes.

I plan to go to femara.

Fx for you Star. I'm hoping you have many frosties waiting for you.

Aphy- I'm so sorry af showed. Fx for this cycle hun.

Atm, I have I plan to test today. My temps have been nice lately and I've just been so crampy. Which is unusual in this part of my cycle.
Angela- great job these last two weeks. I am looking forward to all of your positive changes.

I plan to go to femara.

Fx for you Star. I'm hoping you have many frosties waiting for you.

Aphy- I'm so sorry af showed. Fx for this cycle hun.

Atm, I have I plan to test today. My temps have been nice lately and I've just been so crampy. Which is unusual in this part of my cycle.

Any update on the testing? Fx for you!!
Krissie fingers crossed!!

Angela great job on the weight loss!

Aphy I used to take clomid at night too. As long as you take it at the same time every day.

Star - can't wait to hear how today goes!!
Looks like bfn for today. Af is due on Thursday and to be honest I expect she will come.

I am still debating if I want to try femara next cycle or give myself a break.
Krissie it's still very early days that could change FX for you I know this time on Clomid has been awful for you so whatever you feel like doing we'll all be here for support for you xx

Vankiwi how's the pregnancy going xx
Angela it's good! Feeling lots of movement now which is lovely. Zoe and I fly to New Zealand tomorrow so hopefully that goes well.
angela - so impressed by everything you are doing. you've already made significant progress. that's absolutely fantastic. so you do cardio? how has your diet changed?

krissie - fingers crossed for you. this cycle was tough especially cause you didnt know if O came, then what day O really happened. im really sorry. we are all here for you, whatever you decide to do. i know you will get your bfp soon and am holding out hope for this cycle.

aphy - i also took clomid at night. clomid didnt work for me, but i took it at night. and i have found cm to be extremely useful so maybe that will be a helpful guide.

vankiwi- have a great time in new zealand! im so happy things are going well for you and that you feeling your LO move around :) soooo cute!!!

afm - things went very well! i have 12 frosties! 12 out of the 17 made it to day 5 blasts. it took all day to find this out. i called them a couple of times and they were too busy to talk to me. tons of procedures and they just never had the time and kept saying they would call me back, but they never did. so i was in agony the entire day. finally i got them to take a moment to speak to me. i am very very thankful. feeling very happy right now! next step is to wait for AF to show. I am taking prometrium to induce AF. I still have a few more doses left, then AF should show within 2-3 days after last dose. Then I call doc, they do a scan to check for cycsts. if no cysts, they will put me on estrogen to build up my lining for two weeks and then schedule the transfer. but if when they scan me when AF starts i have cysts, then i have to wait another month to let them shrink down. so we shall see.
Star! I'm so excited you had such great news. Fx you have no cysts when af starts. :happydance:

Afm, dh and I sat down and talked and agreed to keep trying next cycle. Both of us want this and figure we just need to keep trying because we will be successful. I feel much better now. I will definitely not be doing clomid though.

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