Clomid buddies?

Krissie you will get it. <3 It's great you all are on same page and will be here to cheer you on. Kmftx!
Star, 12 frosties! Wow! That's fantastic! You must be relieved. Fx that there are no cysts and can go ahead with implanting!

Krissie, I am glad you are DH are on the same page and will keep trying. You will get your sticky bean!
Star e that's fantastic news so happy for you I hope you can start next cycle have you any pain like symptoms that come with having cysts? I reckon you will be okay and next cycle you will be all popped up ooohhh twins could be on the cards lol xx so happy for you xx

Krissie I hope femera gives you better chances and better quality eggs your journey on Clomid has been so rough to get that happy dance BFP then have it taken away more than once I can't imagine how much pain that would cause I'm glad you and DH are strong together and can talk and get through this whole TTC journey together you will get there and you will give your baby boy the perfect sibling I've got faith in that xx FX for xx
Angela I don't have cyst pains but I've spotted everyday since retrieval. So I need to tell clinic about that. Not sure if that's bad. Or what it means.

Thank you all for the kind words about fert report. Really means a lot.
Star e I hope the bleeding is nothing and just some kind of shedding of the lining like AF type bleeding and it's normal for it to happen let us know how you get on xx

AFM so I caved and took a test stark white BFN I knew it would be anyway AF due Sunday so will contact Dr's on Monday and see what they say see how this whole transfer to women's works x
Sorry about your bfn Angela. It was the same here. I am expecting af tomorrow so just waiting on that. So, after a lot of thought and consideration we have decided to start on Femara next cycle. We have had 4 months of breaks due to my losses and we just feel we need to keep pushing forward.
So sorry Angela. Really have everything crossed you get in quickly. And that you get your long deserved bfp. hope docs office is helpful on Monday. Let us know.

Krissie - glad you came to a decision. Have you already talked w doc about femara? Really hoping it works. Fx.

Afm - tonight will be last prometrium dose and then AF should start 2 to 3 days peter. So I'll be joining you two w AF soon. I already feel cramps. I'm also very tired. Today is my first acupuncture appointment too. Don't know if I told you all I'm starting that. Will do it once a week till transfer as I've heard good things about it. Never done acupuncture so don't know what to expect
Star- I have heard wonderful things about acupuncture so I hope its the edge you need for your ivf!

I have talked with my doctor about switching. I called his nurse so I am just waiting to for the prescription to be sent. CD 3 should be Saturday so I need to get that ordered soon.

I have been really crampy too. I was surprised my temp was high this morning as I was getting chills last night. That always happens before af shows and usually with my temp drop.
krissie - i guess we are on the same page b/c i was getting chills too last night. i need to update FF b/c i've been temping just not recording. i am so crampy. its like my body is just waiting for this last dose tonight so it can start AF.

btw did my first acupuncture appointment today. i must say it was really uncomfortable. especially the one placed in one of my feet. i was laying there just waiting for it to be taken out. when i rolled over and she did the back side, that was all fine, but my foot was still aching. it was a throbbing ache. i felt a bit sad b/c i felt hurt. she set my expectations before beginning though and made me aware that i might feel discomfort and when she saw my reaction to the foot one she said it might hurt for a while, even until tomorrow. fortunately its much better now. lets just say i did not find it relaxing at all. I&#8217;m going to keep doing it, if it will at all help with transfer. i just wish it wasn&#8217;t so uncomfortable. i thought the acupuncturist was very nice and well informed. she gave me some advice about dieting due to my pcos. at first, i wasn&#8217;t that receptive, but it sunk in a bit later. she recommended that i cut out dairy, sugar and gluten due to my pcos. many people have told me that, including my obgyn (she mostly said cut out sugar) but I&#8217;ve always thought that was impossible. for me at least. when she said it could affect implantation, i thought maybe its something i should try, to some extent. I&#8217;m not going to cut anything out b/c i can&#8217;t do that. i&#8217;ll just try to limit it some, mostly the sugar. i do eat quite a bit of it. i&#8217;ll try to eat more veggies, protein and fruit. dieting and exercise are extremely hard for me to do. so the most i can attempt to do is be more aware and try to limit some things.

oh she also said its pretty common to have cysts after that many eggs being retrieved. i will not be surprised if i have cysts. i hope i dont, but i wont be surprised.
Krissie I really hope you get better luck on femera my FX for you xx

Star e I'm going to try acupuncture too my friends sister has unexplained infertility she was going to start IVF she did acupuncture with a Dr that worked along side the fertility clinic I'll be going to and also had her tubes flushed and got pregnant she's sent me the details so as of next month I'm booking in with them, this diet I'm on cuts all sugar and bad fat out of your diet including caffeine it's full of fruit veg and protein so I'm hoping that helps too xx

FX for you hun that you don't have any cysts xx
So frustrated! Obgyn appointment got cancelled so got no answers to my questions except that I did in fact O on the 50mg Clomid (level was 46 at CD21) so I stay on this dosage which I start tonight. Guess that's good news at least! So the waiting to O game starts again &#128528;
So sorry Aphy. Fx you get your bfp this cycle.

Angela- I hope the acupuncture helps you as well.

Afm, af is due today and she is still not here. Not even spotting. So I'm a little frustrated. I'm pretty crampy though so thinking she's just taking her time. Although, my temp was still high this morning.
Decided to test and it was a bfn. So hopefully that wasted test encourages her to show.
Here's hoping Krissie you taken anything to bring AF on this month xx

Aphy sorry your being messed about but atleast you found out you Od that amazing news FX your next cycle brings you a BFP xx
No, if I ovulate I've always got her at 12 dpo. So this is pretty weird to say the least. I definitely had a temp shift so now it's just a matter if the first slight increase was o or the larger rise 4 days later. If it's that one then af is due Monday.
That could be a possibility here's hoping AF comes soon then hun x
angela - let me know how acu goes for you, i hope you enjoy it.

aphy - its great news that you respond well to clomid! hopefully this next cycle is the one for you. fx!!!

krissie - i want AF to start for me too! i was sooooo cramps yesterday and now i am not. which is so annoying. i have been spotting every day since last monday b/c of the procedure. i just want the full fledged AF to show so i can find out if i have cyst. really hope AF starts for you krissie. i can totally empathize b/c I’m just sitting around waiting for her to show too. i hope we both get it this weekend.

in other news i tried eating healthy today. it was okay. i still ate my chocolate. i can’t cut things out of my diet. its just not something i can do. but i did try to limit some stuff today and thats the most i can do.
Haha Star e well atleast that's a start here's to attempting to be healthy xx I'm nearly a month into my healthy lifestyle thing part of me is enjoying it but another part isn't due to the dedication it takes but I'm hoping that once I start seeing actual changes in my body then I'll get more motivation back x here's hoping x even though my AF isn't due till Sunday I'm still in the same boat as you guys playing the waiting game till then xx
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well!

I've been lurking, just not much time or energy to update. Going through a lot with finances and adjusting to my new job has been so very stressful and exhausting. I had a really bad day yesterday, so many tears. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have my DH though, he is amazing. Anyways, I'm 10dpo, thought to test this morning before getting out of bed, then forgot lol but I know it's best if I don't. I've been so emotional it's out of this world. A BFN is the last thing I need at this moment. And I think being this emotional is PMS, which makes me even more weepy.

Star, I'm so glad everything is going perfectly with IVF. It really does sound right on track. I'm so happy to see you succeeding and can't wait to see this BFP! :) It's coming! Hope AF arrives this weekend to get it over with!

Krissie, I'm still holding on to hope for you! If this isn't your cycle though, I really hope you respond great to Femara (I'm sure you will!) and you get that sticky BFP. :hugs: The last days of a cycle are the worst.

Angela, I'll be stalking to see how acupuncture goes! I've heard a lot of good things about it. I hope next cycle is it for you too. :hugs:

Aphy, that's great news you did O on Clomid! That's half the battle! Here's hoping you catch that egg next cycle! :D

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