Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well!
I've been lurking, just not much time or energy to update. Going through a lot with finances and adjusting to my new job has been so very stressful and exhausting. I had a really bad day yesterday, so many tears. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have my DH though, he is amazing. Anyways, I'm 10dpo, thought to test this morning before getting out of bed, then forgot lol but I know it's best if I don't. I've been so emotional it's out of this world. A BFN is the last thing I need at this moment. And I think being this emotional is PMS, which makes me even more weepy.
Star, I'm so glad everything is going perfectly with IVF. It really does sound right on track. I'm so happy to see you succeeding and can't wait to see this BFP!

It's coming! Hope AF arrives this weekend to get it over with!
Krissie, I'm still holding on to hope for you! If this isn't your cycle though, I really hope you respond great to Femara (I'm sure you will!) and you get that sticky BFP.

The last days of a cycle are the worst.
Angela, I'll be stalking to see how acupuncture goes! I've heard a lot of good things about it. I hope next cycle is it for you too.
Aphy, that's great news you did O on Clomid! That's half the battle! Here's hoping you catch that egg next cycle!