Clomid buddies?

Thanks Star. I am in the exact same boat as you with the inconsistency part. This will force me to have to become more confident in diagnosing CM etc and it helps using the OPK. Guess we can only keep temping and hope FF makes sense of it eventually.

How you been doing otherwise? And the other ladies?
aphy - fx for you! hopefully FF does get it right and glad you are finding other things like cm to be helpful. i think cm is pretty helpful too.

afm - i had my appointment today. i had 2x23mm, 2x21mm, 1x20mm, a couple of 19s, 18s and more in the 15-16s. i was surprised that they still want me to do an fsh dose tonight b/c some of my follies are pretty big already. she said they want me to do it b/c it will give the 15-16s some room to grow more. unfortunately, i am not going to get to trigger with ovidrel. i was disappointed. doc says she highly recommends just doing retrieval this cycle and doing an FET next cycle. what sucks about that is that i would have to pay 5K for an FET. i wish i could have just done an ovidrel, but my e2 was like 3600 and given that they are still having me stim one more day, its going to be even higher so its too risky. we asked if she recommended at least doing a transfer and she said again that she doesnt b/c lupron lowers the chances of pg. i told her that i have heard of people getting bfps with lupron in part b/c they did progesterone injections and took estrogen during the luteal phase. and she said she does not do progesterone injections b/c they are too painful and not clinically proven to increase chances (yet everything i have read says that they do - that lupron only lowers chances if this is not done). she told me she does not give estrogen supplements b/c its not proven to work. again, the things ive read say the opposite. maybe i'm just being paranoid, but part of me is thinking that they just want me to pay an extra 5K for FET and thats why they are saying not to do the transfer. and maybe thats why they dont give people the support they need. im not paranoid in other areas of my life, but this is one area where i am.

i also am generally not feeling well b/c i hate how weak i am with the doctor and the nurses. i dont really advocate for myself and make everything worse. for ex, this morning i thought my doctor was out for the day (turns out i was wrong) and so i was scheduled to see this other doctor. he was late and so i said i had to have the nurse scan me b/c i had already been waiting for 30 mins. nurse did the scan, but i felt disappointed that i hadn't seen a doctor. the other doc walked in as the scan finished and asked if i felt comfortable with the scan and i said well you could do the scan too if you think thats best and he was like no im sure nurse did it okay. after i left i felt annoyed with myself for not just having some strength to say yes i want you to do the scan. anyway, i went to work and was all stressed about this. couldnt even work. i thought to myself this is a big deal, and the nurse did the scan, not sure if she did it right, especially b/c she told the doc the lead follie was 21mm wherease she definitely told me it was 23mm. so i called the office back and asked if i could go again since i found out my doctor would be there today. they said okay and i went, but the nurse and doc seemed annoyed. it just doesnt feel good to be around people that seem annoyed with me. we also had more questions tonight and called doc and again she seemed annoyed. i just wish that i had the experience that others have at their clinics where its more supportive. i read an article today too about how there are a lot of people who are confident in other areas of their life but not with doctors. so it seems to be something others experience too. im always scared that they are annoyed with me and that takes up so much of my energy.

anyway - so trigger saturday, retreival monday, and then i have to decide whether to take their advice about transfer. we can either freeze all or if there are many of them, roll the dice and do a transfer even though doc says its lower chances.
Star,I am so sorry your doc is being so cold and unsupportive! Is there any chance of getting a second opinion or seeing a new doc all together who will actually care for you and your needs? Your current one does not sound supportive at all! This is a emotionally difficult thing you are going through and shouldn't have additional stress caused by your own doc!
Star e I would say go with your heart research on everything you have enough eggs there to do a transfer and freeze for FET so go with your heart hun FX for you and praying all goes well xx I know what you mean about being unsupported by your Dr mine isn't supportive at all was at the beginning but not now I feel like she can't be bothered speaking to me as she knows my case is hopeless now on clomid I'm still waiting for my phone call since Monday and now she will be on holiday for two weeks so useless xx

AFM got O pains yesterday so started OPKS and it was positive last night so possibly Od early hours this morning I know I have Od as Temps slightly raised had EWCM yesterday and even though cervix is still soft and high today my cm is more watery and slightly creamy FF will give me my CHS for today being O day but I'm out DH hasn't wanted BD at all so far this month tried other night but he couldn't perform then last night we went for a lovely meal and everything but get back he's not interested at all feel like crying actually I have cried my last month on clomid gone without an attempt and a DH knowing it's my fertile time not wanting to touch me and another friend has just announced there pregnancy I'm sat here crying as I type this I just feel so low right now xx
Star- personally if you have enough time to do a fet and fresh I would do the fresh this cycle.

Angela- :hugs: I'm so so sorry hun. That is horribly frustrating.
Hey star and Angela, I didn't want to read and run but don't have much time for a proper response. Hugs to both of you. Angela, I've had that happen too, of course on Clomid and I was an emotional mess. I've been there girl and it sucks.

Will respond better when I get a chance - thinking of you guys and good luck this weekend star!
Thanks guys for the support xx

Me and DH have had a heart to heart he broke down crying and believe me my DH does not cry so it was real emotion he told me that he gave up this up as he felt it was hopeless there was no point and he couldn't go through another month watching me doing all these tests then getting heartbroken at the end of the month he said the BD is no longer enjoyable it's forced and I agree with him with that one he said he wants to get back to us enjoying it again doing it because we want to not because we have to.

He also said it's getting him down we want a baby so badly and every month that it doesn't happen he gets upset and feels like a failure he feels it's his fault that he can't give me a baby and I told him I feel the same like I'm the failure xx I'm glad we've had the heart to heart as we both have been harbouring the same feelings we're both ready to move on to IVF and I'm stopping all temping and opks and whilst waiting for ivf we're just going to enjoy ourselves and if it happens it happens I think that's what we both need to forget about it for the time being till IVF and if we get pregnant in the meantime then it was meant to be xx I'll still keep you guys updated and chat here just because I'm also still interested to hear about your journeys xx
Sounds like you had a great chat Angela. I agree a break will be great for you guys.
aphy thanks for the support. can't really get a second opinion b/c there are only two docs there and they both pretty much have the same outlook. i really never know what to think. b/c when i research online there are so many mixed opinions about protocols, it all gets overwhelming. how are you doing?

wife and krissie - thank you for your feedback and support.

angela - sorry about your doc. did she at least ever give you any insight as to what's going on with your? why clomid was not working? i know you will learn more soon enough, but just curious if she offered an opinion on it. and i am so so sorry about the bad night you had. :hugs: ttc is very stressful and it just gets thicker and heavier as the cycles pile up (at least that has been my experience). but, i am very happy to hear that you two talked it out and shared the strain of it all! sometimes that alone is enough to lift the weight. and i totally hear you - it is difficult to BD all the time, it starts to feel like a chore for sure. this is such and emotional process and you have gone through a lot so far. I am praying that things are set right by IVF for you. im all for you rejuvenating by taking a break and just doing the positive things you have been doing to prep for the IVF. if its interesting and not stressful, learning more about ivf could be good too. take it in slow little bits makes it less overwhelming. kmfx for you.

afm - tonight is my lupron trigger. last shot for this cycle. thank goodness. as for frozen vs. fresh, going to keep on thinking about it. collect some more info after the cycle and talk with doc. procedure is monday.
Good luck star! I hope everything goes well and you get lots of good embryos.

Afm, I have a near positive opk. I randomly decided to test since I have some perfect ewcm. I suspect it will be positive tomorrow. :happydance: I can't believe it to be honest.
Good luck star! I hope everything goes well and you get lots of good embryos.

Afm, I have a near positive opk. I randomly decided to test since I have some perfect ewcm. I suspect it will be positive tomorrow. :happydance: I can't believe it to be honest.

Krissie that's great news!!!!:wohoo:

So glad you tested!!! Keep us updated :)
Thanks star e that was lovely to read thanks for all the support guys all of you xx

Krissie that's fantastic news I've Od as late as CD21 on clomid so I reckon you will O tomorrow I have absolutely everything crossed for you xx

Star e I can't believe you are nearly there to being implanted and how fast your follies have grown I've really got everything crossed for you and praying all your eggs are good and survive the procedure, how are you feeling are you scared excited xx I've got a good feeling about this for you xx can you believe we have both been on this site since January talking to each other it's crazy to look back and see how different but still how hard our journey has been and that goes for all of his guys ever one of us. How we are all coping just shows our determination and strength and I admire every single one of you for that keep up the fight as the results one day will be immense I know that for all of us xx

AFM me and DH did actually BD last night I Od yesterday and an egg can live up to 24 hrs before dying so I am in with a chance this month and my body kept hold of it if you get me sorry for the TMI but that showed I was still fertile but I'm not hopeful as it's not been successful so far I won't be doing any tests just wait till AF arrives and if she is late then I'll do one still not going to temp either I've taken the alarm off my phone to wake me up at my temp time xx
So.... I'm fairly certain I ovulated last night. I got an almost positive opk that afternoon and a slight temp jump at my normal temping time. 1.5 hours later tempted again and had a significant rise. Plus I'm having my post o hot flashes. :haha:

So while the doctor says it was a fail for the clomid at least it's not a wasted cycle. :happydance:

And if af arrives I can start femara next cycle as my fertile window will be the week before I go out of town. :happydance:
Star- almost implantation time! So exciting! Fx for you,you of all people deserve a BFP!

Krissie,that's excellent news! Fx for you!

Angela- fx for you this cycle! TWW here you come!

Nothing much to report my side. Impulsively tested yesterday and naturally got my bfn as expected. I don't believe this is our month. Even my temps make me think this isn't our cycle but I'm ok with that. At least I seem to have O'd on Clomid
angela - glad you still have a chance this cycle. :)

krissie - so so happy for you. seriously, you have a chance this cycle. fx.

aphy - it's not over till the :witch: shows. so my fx for you.

afm - so we have not decided whether or not we are doing the implantation part of it (which is the transfer part that usually occurs 3 to 5 days after egg retrieval). Tomorrow is the egg retrieval, where i am given general anesthesia and the eggs are collected. the next process is to see how many fertilize, then to see how many develop. ideally we want them to reach day 5 (they call them blastocysts, this means they have roughly 100 cells, and are considered good embryos with a good chance of implanting). sometimes if the embryos don't seem to be developing they will transfer at day 3 (but if they had stopped developing, there is less of a chance of implantation), and some clinics just have the practice of transferring at day 3 believing that the embryos have a better chance of making it inside the womb. depends on the clinic.

But, b/c we used a lupron trigger instead of an hcg trigger, the chances of getting pregnant are a lot lower. the lupron does not stay in the body for very long like the hcg does, which lowers the chance of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can be life-threatening, so that is the benefit of using lupron. but the downside is that in the process it does not create a suitable environment for implantation (the hormones needed to created a good environment are not present with this protocol). to counteract this, the clinic would need to put me on aggressive hormone therapy afterwards with progesterone and estrogen. and my doc does not seem to subscribe to this protocol and prefers to let the ovaries go back to normal and do a frozen transfer the next cycle. DH and I will only do a fresh transfer if she will do the aggressive hormone therapy. otherwise we are just wasting the embryo. either way its a lower chance, but we are only willing to gamble if the aggressive supplementation is used. we are hoping to talk with her tomorrow about all of this.

im disappointed that we may have to wait and even if we didn't that its a lower chance, but it is what it is.

the other issue that came up today is that i researched the lupron trigger and noticed that it does not induce ovulation for some people (its rare, but happens). whereas, with hcg it almost always works. anyway, to counteract this, many clinics have their patients go in for a blood test after trigger (which for me was last night at midnight) to check LH and progesterone levels. if the levels are not in the appropriate range, then they do another lupron trigger. but my clinic did not mention this to me, so its obviously not part of their protocol.

i was debating on whether or not to call the doc to ask her about this b/c i fear that we have already annoyed her this weekend. DH has called her twice to ask questions. as you all know i am terrified of asking questions b/c for some reason i become very weak with doctors. im just so scared of upseting them. anyway, i overcame my fear somewhat and left an message earlier today (still haven't heard back from her) inquiring about bloodwork post lupron trigger. i felt i needed to do this b/c i will be devastated if it does not work and could have been prevented by calling her and doing bloodwork. of course, its getting pretty late and i have not heard back from her so might be a moot point if i cant find a clinic open to do a blood test.
Krissie exciting news FX for you did you get some BD in in time xx

Star e maybe it would be better to do FET for instance if you have alot of good eggs to freeze then that would be cheaper using FET at a higher chance cycle than using some up at a cycle that is hit and miss but rule with your heart hun you know your body best do what is right for you FX for the extraction of the eggs hun hope it's amazing news xx

AFM yes I'm in TWW but still not going to temp or test just going to keep on with fitness and what will be will be me and DH seem closer now too since our talk I'm actually glad this cycle went the way it did as it made us open up and I now feel more connected to him than I have done in months xx
Angela really happy to hear that. It's so important to just get that quality time back. Ttc makes everything super stressful and chore like. Havimg this time and getting ready for the next step is going to be so good for you. We've been talking about our hopes and experiences w ttc since January and yea sometimes I can't believe it. so much has happened since then. It's such a tough journey and im so thankful that to have this thread that's filled w such supportive women. I pray that we all get our BFPs soon. We are all trying so hard. I feel like it's within reach for all of us. Like we are inching closer. Getting more information and inching our way. Sending everyone warm wishes. <3
Loving the good news with all the Oing going on! Woohoo!

Star I hope your ER goes well today. And that you get lots of 5 day blasts!
Good luck today Star!!

My temp did not go up today, in fact it dropped a bit. So hopefully tomorrow it goes up into post o temps. I am fairly certain I had an LH surge so just waiting for my temps to go up now. We were able to bd Sat and Sun so I feel like we have a shot.
Goodluck Star e hope everything goes well

FX Krissie your Temps go up xx

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