Clomid/Femara Testers - TTC #1!

I'm 11 Dpo. More cramps today. The cramps started 10 Dpo.

TMI alert: I'm also having lots of watery cm, looks like lotion. I sometimes feel like I wet my panties.
Hi Niyoo

It's so frustrating how AF signs are pretty much the same as early PG symptoms! I hope its the latter for you - I've heard it can cuase lots of CM. Good luck - are you going to test or just waiting it out?

Smiler - thanks! My little nephew was kind to me and didnt cry too much, which was great as I was a little nervous. To be honest it just confirms even more how much I want a child, I had such a lovely evening and day today looking after him. I'm just really chuffed that my brother and sister in law trust me with him - I know a lot of girls would only trust people who were already parents (which I guess I can understand).

Have a good week ahead everyone, fingers crossed someone will get a BFP soon x
Hey Horsey,

I know the feeling of bieng mad that you are not pregnant!! I feel it EVERY day, probually doesnt help that my two best friends are PG, and Im almost ANGRY with them for it!! They are not married, and one of them already has 3 kids!! Its very hard for me and im pretty much over it!!

I break down in tears almost everyday, and im just so sick of it! THey tell you not be stressed out, but that is all I feel! ugh, I guess its just one of those days!!!

I hope someone gets a BFP soon, Im in need of good news, or a success!!!!
do you ladies opk once or twice a day?

CD 15 for me today starked opks CD 12 (took 100mg Clomid CD5-9) opks negative sofar.... BD CD8,9,11,13,14 used pre seed aswell
When will you be testing Niyoo?

moose - when I OPK, I usually only do it once a day in the afternoon, but have heard that twice a day is better if you can!

AFM - I am on CD21 today and still waiting to O. Went for another scan today and it showed a left folly at 18mm, so it is getting there!! I will be going for another scan on Wednesday and expect that the folly will be almost ready to go by then :) downside is that my DH came down with a really bad cold/sore throat last night so I don't think he is up for any I am hoping that clears up ASAP!!
Ah MrsElsie that sounds so lovely :) It's so nice to spend time with them and yeah, what a compliment they trusted you I'm not sure my sister would!!

Moose - I only did OPKs once a day and made sure I always did them around the same time. I find it hard to hold it in for 4 hours so to do it twice a day would surely lead to a UTI :D

Starlight - 18mm!!! That's amazing!!! My biggest follie was 17mm on the Friday, and I ovulated on the Tuesday. So hopefully there is time for DH to recover and get back in action. Tell him to man up, you've been waiting so long to O ;) You going to do OPKs to keep track?
Thanks Smiler! I am going to wait till my scan on Wednesday, then I will starting doing OPKs after that. Right before O, I usually get tender breasts, and that hasn't happened yet, so I think it is sitll a couple days away!

How many DPO are you now - I hope your TWW is flyingggg by!
OMG Starlight it has slowed to a crawl! I was so buoyed up by the excitement of ovulating in a normal time frame for once and at first I was feeling pretty confident but now I'm not. We def DTD at the right time but after so many bfns it's hard to imagine it! It;s a bit freaky as well actually because my last BFP was Nov 19th 2010, and I'm not planning on testing til about the same time this cycle...spooky eh!

Good luck for Wednesday, got fingers toes arms and legs crossed for you :)
Ahhh, oh no - I hope that things speed up! Waiting and waiting can be the worst, but a sticky BFP will make it worth the wait. I hope that this Nov is the one for you :) !!! About one week till testing?
awww, this thread cheered me up already though I am feeling a little better today. i threw fits all weekend, i can not deny. today, i'm wearing lots of makeup and my favorite shirt. and reading all your goings ons is nice :)

MrsElsie, that is so nice <3 I wish I was there to help! It must be bitter sweet, but i swear just the thought of taking care of a baby right now makes me feel warm and gushy inside.

LOL bad transition, and Niyoo, the lotiony cm - it's a classic prego sign, so things are definitely headed in the right direction so far :shy:

Smiler, I'm super excited for you too. We are ready for good news here :dance:

Starlight :thumbup: may the follie fearies grace your every moment with their might.

Moose, I am out of opks and can't believe it! I've been doing twice a day average cause I really expected something by now. At this point, I'm wondering whether I'll o at all and whether af will come. Fertility friend says to expect her on friday i think... even my application is saying "enough is enough." I don;t think i'll do anything to bring af on for now though, just more waiting and opk-ing and maybe i'll cave and buy more right now.......... does anyone who gets the cheapy opks online have a favorite brand? I may get the green tipped ones this time but have been using the wonfros - the last bunch seemed to be lacking dye. I have found myself thinking in the last two weeks, "HEY IS THIS THING ON?!" i"ve been temping too though, so I know I haven't o-ed yet....

moose, do you chart? I love stalking ya'alls charts.........
do you ladies opk once or twice a day?

CD 15 for me today starked opks CD 12 (took 100mg Clomid CD5-9) opks negative sofar.... BD CD8,9,11,13,14 used pre seed aswell

Hi Moose, I was OPKing twice a day - if I'd only done it in the morning I would have missed the smiley face this time round as the positive was only there for less than 24 hours, although in the past it's usually stuck around for 2-3 days.

Horsey you sound a bit happier today :thumbup: your post made me chuckle. People can still get PG even if they're late to ovulate so keep doing the tests, we're rooting for you.

I'm waiting for AF to show, hopefully soon so I dont have it all week next week on hols (grrr!). Have been spotting for a week now so please can I just get it over with so I can start round 2!

It's bonfire night in the UK and rockets keep going off outside - one scared the dingdong whatsits out of me on the way home...
horsepants, glad you're feeling a bit better today! :)

Mrs Elsie, hope that AF comes soon so that you can go onto round 2. In the world of TTC, we all spend way too much time waiting!!
Yeah I know. I wouldnt mind waiting so much if I knew that one day it would be worth it - at least if you wait for a bus, at least you know that one is going to come eventually even if it takes a day! It's the not knowing that is the hardest.

Just wondering, how much have people told their friends/families about their journey? Are you keeping it private or do you find that telling other people helps?
Hey there Mrs. Elise,

I have kept alot of what my husband and I are goign through private. I feel when everyone knows EXACLTY waht you are going through it almost adds more pressure/stress. Our families know we are trying and are on fert. treatmetns, but they dont exaclty know how much or which ones.
As for my friends, they basically all have kids and just dont understand what I am going through and they seem to not feel interested.

Have you kept things pretty private?

Also, I use OPK' once a day while im supposed to be O'ing, is it better to test twice a day?
I kept things private for the first 2 years (except for Mum & sister in law) but have recently told a close friend and my husband has told his family. I feel OK my friend knowing - she's very good at saying the right things (or at least not saying the wrong things!) and even though she has a one year old I do feel she tries hard to understand what it is like. But I was pretty stressed at my husband telling his family - I think it's because I feel like I'm a failure in their eyes. Its stupid as he hasnt even told them who the problem is with. I'm definitely feeling the pressure from that side.

And the thing with my Mum knowing is that she is soooo upset for me, whenever I tell her that the treatment hasnt worked she starts bawling too (lol!) as she doesnt want her girl to be upset! She was brilliant though when she came to hosp with me when I had a hysteroscopy - I could hardly get a word in sideways she was nattering so much to keep my mind off it!
Oop I forgot to add - my thoughts on the OPK is if it one where you can see the lines then once a day is probably OK as you can see when the line is getting darker. I dont think it would suddenly go from no second line at all to a darker second line without it being a faint line first if you see what i mean. The one that I would have missed (as per above) was a digital one where you just get a yes or no, but cant see the line at all
For the first year, DH and I just kept it to ourselves, then after a year, ended up sharing it with my mom and a couple of very close friends. None of my friends have kids yet, so it is hard for them to relate and they don't know what to say, but they have been pretty supportive. We haven't told DH's family because we feel that they may worry too much and then also give us pressure without meaning to....I think that if we ended up doing IVF at some point, then we'll tell DH's family, I think.
Hey Horsey,

I know the feeling of bieng mad that you are not pregnant!! I feel it EVERY day.....

Sara, you said everything I have been feeling. The tears, the stress, everything. Thanks for reminding me I'm not a freak for being so sad. Based on how stoic my OH is, and what a peaceful sleeper he is, you would think I'm utterly psycho for having emotions. Especially these unpleasant pesky incovenient ones THAT DONT GO AWAY!!!!!!!! rwar. :) Thanks for making me feel better when I read that.

And thanks ladies, yeah, I'm feeling logically pissed off today instead of utterly weepypants.

My family totally doesnt understand. I told my mom and sis about the second mc and they sucked. lol my sister said it's a bad idea for me to have kids and so did my mom. I'm not married yet! But damnit I am almsot 35 and can't wait, especially now that I know it's not some automatic thing and i shouldnt have waited to begin with. -Totally not supportive reactions from the sis and mum. That's why I have you guys. lol I bet if i told my dad he'd be cool but blechk :)

i'm scared of OH telling his parents but i bet it will be a huge relief when it finally happens......

I have one friend who i grew up with who's married and who's been ttc for too long just like us. it's hard to really open up with her though. she tends to be pretty stoic too!

there really is a big part of me that's having a heard time with "WTF? God isnt going to make a baby pop out of my hoo ha all MAGIC cause of how IN LOVE we are?!?!?!?!?"

UK ladies: Bonfire night?! Sounds exciting at least! MrsElsie, tell me more <3
horseypants that sucks that your mom and sis don't support you regarless of what their own thoughts are if they know that you have made your decision they should support you but like you said we are all here for you and routing you on :hugs:

:wave: to all the other ladies

afm well after some confusion on my part when i saw my dr two weeks ago she told me about when to start the clomid i was so happy i didn't really pay much attention and couldn't remember if i was supposed to start when i began to spot or had an actual flow luckily i messaged my dr and she told me to count spotting as day one and so tom i start my clomid which am so happy i am keeping faith that God willing it will work so fx for us
Ahhh, oh no - I hope that things speed up! Waiting and waiting can be the worst, but a sticky BFP will make it worth the wait. I hope that this Nov is the one for you :) !!! About one week till testing?

Thanks Starlight :) This really does feel like the slowest 2WW ever and I thought it was going to be the quickest, lol. Yeah DH and I have decided that we'll wait til I'm definitely late before testing. AF should be here Weds or Thurs next week so if I can, I'm going to hold out til Monday 19th. Not because that's when I tested before, but because we're at my parents that weekend and I don't want to be testing when I'm not at home, and I want to keep it quiet til at least 12 weeks if I am pg. How are you? Scan tomorrow?

Just wondering, how much have people told their friends/families about their journey? Are you keeping it private or do you find that telling other people helps?

MrsElsie we are kind of keeping it private but it is hard. Before, we didn't tell anyone but because I had 2 miscarriages everyone knew then that we wanted a family. My last loss was almost 2 years ago and since then, it doesn't get talked about. To be honest if anyone asked me about TTC I would probably dodge the question, since I had so many hurtful things said to me after my losses I just don't want to talk to these people about it as I can't be sure they'll be supportive. Also I personally feel like if I knew that other people knew, I'd feel even more pressure as I would know they were just waiting for an announcement. My mum knows I'm on clomid and that's it. I'm quite a private person though so I do prefer to keep this stuff to myself.

Hey Horsey,

I know the feeling of bieng mad that you are not pregnant!! I feel it EVERY day.....

My family totally doesnt understand. I told my mom and sis about the second mc and they sucked. lol my sister said it's a bad idea for me to have kids and so did my mom. I'm not married yet! But damnit I am almsot 35 and can't wait, especially now that I know it's not some automatic thing and i shouldnt have waited to begin with. -Totally not supportive reactions from the sis and mum. That's why I have you guys. lol I bet if i told my dad he'd be cool but blechk :)

i'm scared of OH telling his parents but i bet it will be a huge relief when it finally happens......

I have one friend who i grew up with who's married and who's been ttc for too long just like us. it's hard to really open up with her though. she tends to be pretty stoic too!

there really is a big part of me that's having a heard time with "WTF? God isnt going to make a baby pop out of my hoo ha all MAGIC cause of how IN LOVE we are?!?!?!?!?"

UK ladies: Bonfire night?! Sounds exciting at least! MrsElsie, tell me more <3

Horseypants I'm so sorry you got that reaction from your mum and sister :hugs: That is so unsupportive. What the heck does it matter if you're married or not? Having a marriage certificate isn't going to get you pregnant, or prevent another mc! Has your sister got kids? It's so hurtful when you realise those closest to you can't understand you. I went through a hard time with my mum after my losses; she just couldn't talk about it and I really needed to. I can understand that it was hard for her to see me upset, but my sister went and had 2 kids as easy as you like, so she got all wrapped up in being a grandma. That's why I joined this board too :) Everyone here is amazing.

Bonfire Night - ready for a History lesson?! Back in 1605 a man called Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up the Houses of parliament in London, and kill King James I. The plan was foiled, Guy and his cronies were caught and sentenced to death for treason. So now, every 5th November we explode fireworks, build bonfires, make fake Guys and chuck them on the bonfires!

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